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.few_BLiTZ 20-06-2004 20:23

My sigs: which you like best?
Here are some sigs I was working on. They all follow a basic template I made up, but there background images are different. Just as side note: all of the images are of clone troopers [Star Wars].

Sig 1:
Sig 2:
Sig 3:
Sig 4:

So which should I use?

.few_BLiTZ 20-06-2004 20:37

test post

just a test

.few_BLiTZ 20-06-2004 20:38

hmm... test failed...

Xenius 20-06-2004 23:01

i suggest that you use one of them... they all look alike :) but to be on the safe side.. take nr 2

.few_BLiTZ 20-06-2004 23:33

Yes'em they were all built off the same template I made. They are all clone troopers too hehe.

.few_BLiTZ 21-06-2004 02:43

Um ok- well I have my sig, but I cant seem to get it to work.


:no: No workie :no:

That is the url... could it be because you have http://www. as the default when placing in a sig url?

The message reads: The uploaded file is not a valid GIF or JPG file. Please ensure that it is and try again.

But the image (above) is a jpg. And the image follows the rules below. My image is 425x100 and only about 50k-70k

Note: the maximum size of your custom image is 425 by 425 pixels or 102400 bytes (whichever is smaller).

{eZZa} 21-06-2004 02:56

Have you read this yet? http://www.legionhq.org/forum/showth...s=&threadid=64

I like the 2nd one aswell would have liked the white one if the left side was more clearer, not sure what I am looking at =)

Link 21-06-2004 06:33

nr. 2 was a little better than nr. 3

Leviathan 21-06-2004 06:37

I think 3 was the better of the 4 but only because I could actually see it. They are all to blurry dude, clarify and they will look better.

]x[ 21-06-2004 10:55

few blitz save the file to your comp and then use that methodto upload it. And use a short name. sig.jpg or something. I sometimes have the same problem.

They are all to vague like levi said, for the rest they are fine :)

.few_BLiTZ 22-06-2004 18:11

They are ment to be that way:p Hehe
No but really: I can see what you mean when you say they are blury (especially number 1) But those are all just demo siggy (im a newb in making em). I actually thought my n3 was the best of the batch, and n4 (which is a clone trooper to the right holding a blaster rifle in his hand) was 2nd.

Also- I made this siggy here:

The soldiers in the background are ww2 para troops... But what I really wanted to stand out was the -=|.few|=- image I made.

patsz 23-06-2004 11:03

like the image mate, stick with the final one. It looks most like a sig :) some of the others are sort of banner like and not very siggy like. but that may be just me :D

razor 23-06-2004 20:48

Its okish imo :)
Too military for my likes but hey - we all have diff tastes

.few_BLiTZ 24-06-2004 14:57

Hehe- well thanks for the feedback. Now I just have to get it to work. :p

snoopeh 25-06-2004 11:44

i'd have to say ur final is far best :)

Saybel 25-06-2004 15:46

it's nice :D

Ananke 25-06-2004 21:34

Liked #3 the most...

Xenius 26-06-2004 01:22

me got new siggy to.. but my photoshop skillz are kinda n00bish yet :S

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