WoW Playing Overseas ...
Just wondering the following things about WoW
I set up a Europe account but will most likely be moving to Canada in a few months. Do I A) stop playing my Euro one or B) move and continue to play my Euro one.
I just got off the phone with them and they said it was fine as long as I updated my details, etc. So would there be loads of lag from Canada to the Euro server? Also if I got a US edition now would I be experiencing lag if I tried to play overseas from here to there.
or C) You meathead why are you not playing on the US servers stop being a dork and cancel your Euro one and purchase some US ones immediately!
The characters I would be losing a level 13 Priest, a level 20 hunter, and a level 20 warlock. I am playing everything until I find something I truely enjoy. Not a hard task to get those levels up again.
Last edited by GRiM; 15-01-2007 at 22:14.