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Icewolf 17-09-2003 09:40

back on topic - the IA boards seem kinda dead atm?

cu starside

LordLiberty 17-09-2003 09:55

They are not. We have a LOT of posts, 5-7 posts each day. But you can't see them because they all take place in the private, leaders-only area. We have two events planned for this weekend.

Icewolf 17-09-2003 09:57

imho you need private boards for members too, not only leaders (i wouldn't be able to see those anyway - yet *g*)

cu starside

LordLiberty 17-09-2003 10:00

Ask Geglash , he is the webmaster.

Icewolf 17-09-2003 10:14

will ask if we join :)
And as said, we woul dbe able to host IRC channels etc. as well - nothing new for us *g*

cu starside

Leviathan 17-09-2003 12:32

an #ImperialAlliance Channel for all memebers of the alliance would surely help no doubt. Still yet to see what others have to say so far, only time will tell.

]x[ 17-09-2003 15:41

Time is irrelevant

Xenius 17-09-2003 17:51

master is irrelevant... #ImperialAlliance .. going to be public? or Private..?

Icewolf 17-09-2003 21:26

private for sure (we don't want rebels in there *g*)

Xenius 17-09-2003 21:28

im not going to be a rebel when i get the game in 10 months :rolleyes:

I will have my own little one house Village with a PA HQ for my OneManClan.. and i will be Imperial :D

Die Rebel scum!

Icewolf 18-09-2003 13:00

i wonder how long it takes to activate accounts on that Imperial Alliance boards...

Tjattras 18-09-2003 13:14

what's the use to register when only leaders can read anything...

LordLiberty 18-09-2003 14:21

Please be patient, this takes some time. Your leader has just been given access, you will be posting soon. Sorry for the dealy.

Leviathan 18-09-2003 14:29

What is this "Patience" thing everyone keeps talking about... and more to the pont let us read!


Slayer 20-09-2003 10:53

[QUOTE]Originally posted by LordLiberty
[B]Thanks :)

I have already sent a mail to Grendelus. Thanks for the help.

If you have any questions, the imperial allied PAs are the following:




Some dead links u know

LordLiberty 20-09-2003 11:44

They are not dead links, although they might not work at some times of the day. I visit and post on all of the websites daily.

Icewolf 21-09-2003 22:39

still not able to log in on those boards...

Rids 21-09-2003 23:13

Has Grendelus spoken to you about this yet, or do I need to give the fishing belgian a good kick in the ass?

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