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Molotov 04-03-2003 13:04


Originally posted by Grendel
PA is the devil
Couldn't have summed up PA any clearer than that. PA truly is the devil.

devildawg 04-03-2003 20:00


Originally posted by Grendel
PA is the devil
nonono, AO is the devil

Zak 05-03-2003 11:09


Originally posted by devildawg
nonono, AO is the devil
AO is your friend :) PA is satan!

PA was a life sucking monster - it made thousands upon thousands of people stay up until, 2,3...4 am and later every night chatting on irc and refreshing web pages, waiting till 2 minutes before the game 'ticked' to send off huge attacks at all kinds of un-godly hours....and equally waiting....waiting...waiting for that attack to come that you just KNOW is going to be launched at your galaxy 3 minutes after you give up and go to bed.

People getting text messages and phone calls at ANY time of the day, dropping what their doing and rushing off - reminicent of a doctor on call.

The game was pure evil....nothing compares - ao makes you want to play it...you get the urge, you play.....but pa stole your life if you weren't careful.

*** comments in this post are over-dramticised for affect, and any reference to people not having lives/allowing pa to take over the lives is NOT referring to the author of the post in any way.

Ninja 05-03-2003 12:18


Originally posted by devildawg
nonono, AO is the devil
devildawg is the devil

you nick says it all :D

only kidding :)

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