Legion Forums

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Icewolf 15-04-2007 09:37

IIRC #cantina was our channel where legion members and alliance friends could idle in, I think most legion member only joined because it was mandatory :)
Cantina is our internal global forum :)

Hope you'll get a better connection soon!

cu starside

DeEvil 16-04-2007 12:59


Originally Posted by Icewolf (Post 272635)
IIRC #cantina was our channel where legion members and alliance friends could idle in, I think most legion member only joined because it was mandatory :)
Cantina is our internal global forum :)

Hope you'll get a better connection soon!

cu starside

Oh k. That channel was more fun the the open one, cause ppl really talked there.. =)

I remember someone called/named Borric? and he and i talked all nights sometimes, about everything and nothing.. but that was long ago.. maybe 4-5 years ago...?

Yeah, i see that Cantina on the forum, but dont have access to it.
But as Sc0rpi0 mentioned, i do have access to SWG on the forums, cause it was easier for me to play the game as i lived in the Legion City and hunted and gather stuff for Legion and defended alot..
I also had access to 1 of Legions storage-houses, so i could put things i have gathered in it.
Thnx Gren, for the trust! =)

I dont play SWG anymore, but i think it is fun to read about whats going on with Legion in the game. I thought it was a really nice game, even with the flaws it had.

Eve... i dont like it that very much, cause i only get lost in the game and dont know how to get back to the trial-area...
But if i was to really learn the game i would prolly like it.
If it better then Freelancer = Defently i would like it... =)

I miss WoW thou ( have both US and EU accounts, paid each month ) but aint playing right now.
Havent tried BC yet thou, except at a friends house...

I really do hope to get my connection back REAL soon!

edit: my ISPN has promised me 3 weeks for delivering 24mbit. ill be back into WoW, board and mIRC then! =)

DeEvil 14-07-2007 23:59


Yup, got my connection installed yesterday, but went on a trip..
but havent gotten the modem yet from the "delivery-company", but next week u guys will see me ALOT on IRC and in WoW as well..

Was even gonna try out Eve once more... but thats NOT a promise heh as u could see in the last post.. =)

^sFw^ 18-07-2007 22:50

no worries..we're all slackers these days.. irc is pretty much dead, im leeching net trough wireless from a neighbour and it sux so much i can't really do much more than read webpages....and ofc still waiting for AOC...

DeEvil 19-07-2007 18:13


Originally Posted by ^sFw^ (Post 279790)
no worries..we're all slackers these days.. irc is pretty much dead, im leeching net trough wireless from a neighbour and it sux so much i can't really do much more than read webpages....and ofc still waiting for AOC...

hey =)
glad to hear from you
so i noticed, not many at all on irc, wow is almost empty on the EU servers, havent tried the US yet tho.

AOC = age of conan?
im thinkin of lay down wow when it hits the stores, the more i read about it, the more i would like to try it out=)

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