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-   -   Happy 12th birthday Legion! (http://www.legionhq.org/showthread.php?t=27800)

B|2bb3r 02-05-2012 13:42

Happy Bday Legion :)

Empress 14-05-2012 02:05

12?!@#! christ we're old. :/

Niktorius 14-05-2012 09:38


Originally Posted by Empress (Post 324202)
12?!@#! christ we're old. :/

Speak for yourself! I'm only 18 (with an extra 22 years of experience :frown:)

Fred 16-05-2012 20:49

It was fun and very emotive. I remember from round 2 having a series of books on most of the active universe showing login times of planets and when best to attack. Funniest thing I remember from then is when Sid was in a room with me and told his Fury buddies when I was going off for the afternoon. I got a call from England (yes I am a mad Aussie) and most of Legion in C4E sent ships to defend me and the 2 Fury dudes polled out as I said I would rather fight than give them easy roids. I was and am a cranky old man but gee I loved Legion, and still do :D

Tiddy 07-06-2012 02:21

10:15pm- Arrive home from work
10:15:05 - Check PA and see nothing but red on gal status
10:20 - Clean the shit out of my pants
10:25 - After doing the burp.wav at Val on IRC for 5 solid minutes, I start trying to get def all by myself
11:00 - 50% of gal covered, all Lego members covered... time to hit up parallel (yeah, that round)
12:00 - Everyone's covered but one planet
1:00am - All incoming recalls, cept for the one planet that wasnt covered
1:15am - Gal members log on, and wonder wtf happened? There's red but no incoming? The lazy twats...
1:30am - Uncovered planet finally logs in and whines and cries because he didnt get defense...

Why the hell did I play this game again??

elwooder 10-06-2012 13:52

Very late happy bday I guess :)

I loved those old webistes, they were a bit more than just a forum, and in particular I liked how they had a history section, and some general information about Legion.
That's something I think the newer websites have been missing, and which I think people coming to our site would find useful and interesting.

ramp 15-07-2012 10:56

I see someone who's willing to create some content for me \o/ Go woo!

Delinquent 09-10-2012 00:04

That's a long time ago and I can't believe that I've been a member of The Legion for so long. Made some awesome friends over the years and keep going. Even though currently not gaming :)


^sFw^ 09-10-2012 06:40

yay!! :O)

Sue 10-10-2012 14:48

maybe some day late but:


Fred 16-08-2016 10:47

Lol. I still play games and it's mostly on ps4. I actually thought of playing PA again if it was around but I still hate spinner and all he stood for. I never should have underestimated Sid and his influence.

I had fun but even better I made good friends.

Btw Grendel..... I still feel bad about round 3 but it livened up what was becoming boring towards the end ;). Got to love variety in a game.

Who in Australia would be wanting defence?? Lol

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