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Xenius 24-07-2003 02:38

oki :no:

patsz 24-07-2003 12:22

Re: .

Originally posted by Sc0rpi0
oki :no:
just upgrade ure inet connection and start playing more fun games and then join us :D

were always open to ppl that are willing to make some effort on getting to know ppl :D

AllFather 24-07-2003 13:56

define fun games.
i got 4mb/1mb, and a nice fast computer but i personaly find games like AO etc gay. They are less games,and more a anternative reality for wierd people.

Castor 25-07-2003 10:36

Sc0rpi0 you're always welcome to join me in Triad (DoM) :D

we're having a good time and just killed LDK/OA last round, my coords and 9:3:8 if you wanna contact me.

PS: Triad won the round and 9:3 finished rank #1 8)

Athena 25-07-2003 16:25

Legion as an alliance will not play PA anymore
That time has past we have now new things to
bite into....

But i agree LEGION ROCKED IN PA !!!!

(Legion since rnd 2)


AllFather 26-07-2003 09:01

ATHENA SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Eureka 27-07-2003 08:12

good...i know i'm sick and tired of pa nowadays :-|

Zak 27-07-2003 11:53

Re: hmmm

Originally posted by Sc0rpi0
So play really good games like SWG and things like that wont work with Modem..

If you are REALLY stuck on 56k, and broadband isn't available - then buy a really good EXTERNAL hardware modem - find an isp thats known for good speeds and you CAN play swg - i know.....i played Anarchy Online with 56k for months....and i was on AOL (very reliable, reasonably priced, no cut-off time - But not the fastest)

If your on 56k it is annoying - but you can play a lot of games if you make the effort and are prepared for a bit of lag.

I used to play Quake 2 on my 36k modem :p and i still owned all the LPB's.

:p Thats around the time i bought my first Serious piece of computer hardware

a 12Mb Voodoo II graphics card which set me back £125.00

Def2K 28-07-2003 11:15

Aye, ping should be good enough with 56 K modems. It wont be fantastic, but it shouldnt be that high either.

Most games are adapted to 56K aswell. They run. Wont be fantastic, but as said before, it will be playable. Thats for sure.

Castor 28-07-2003 11:35

I have 56k but the issue for me is that it will cost to much to play those games. As a player g33k you can just sit for hours and play fun games, that would ruin my economy so I will wait til I get broadband or until World of WarCraft gets out. Then I don't care :D

So for now I will stick to the boring tick/turn based games or games like this ;-p

try it out :P

Def2K 28-07-2003 12:36

Cant you get a flatfee provider? I know I can get one here easily.

Only pay a monthly connection fee and for the rest its free. Even the phone costs are non existant.

Valhalla 29-07-2003 10:39


Originally posted by AllFather
planetarion is dull as fk, god knows why im idling in my 10th round of it.

Its just like smoking, a bad habbit its hard to cut out i suppose

I don't need god to answer that Allfather..that's cause you're a retard :)

Lo btw...long time no see :P

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