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Precursors 31-10-2006 11:54


Originally Posted by icarus (Post 254504)
Took me one night to complete :o

Also got stuck waiting for some pirates that never showed up.. but they came eventually

u gotta use the acceleration gates

DeEvil 31-10-2006 14:31


Originally Posted by Savahl (Post 254505)
i got stuck cos my ship, for some reason, started to spin and i couldnt get it to stop. So I did what I always do in these situations....

Uninstall the game and never look at it again! (normally i hide them...i hid techu on the ps2 for a good 6 months before i actually played it properly :<)


i had a few troubles myself in the tutorial.. i couldnt control my ship and it started to go full speed ahead. i tried to stop it but it didnt wanna do what i wanted it too...
i was disconnected and when i came back i was somewhere between Nowhere and Nothing, and as it was my first time i didnt get it how i was to get back to now the hell i was be4 my ship went on like a raging bull...

so i deleted my char, and did another try...

same thing, ofcourse... KKAaaAABLAaaamm full throttle away from the safe tutorial start... what happens next ?? Disconnected..

i log in again.. i ended up in the outer space trying to get somewhere i thought i was safe.. i gave up after 3 hours...

My experience from the game?

hmm what was it i was thinking of that can compare it to this game??

oh thats right... the movie... "Lost in Space"

so i did as u Sav, removed it from the puter...

maybe ill pick it up again, dunno.

ps. its a beatiful game =)

vattav 14-12-2006 06:30

This game is.... I dont know. I can't do anything. I'm either too stupid, or too old to get it, I'm *hoping* the latter, cause I cant do anything here. And that tutorial... Sweet lord, Ive been trying, but please.. what are we talking here 10 hours?

Aaanywho.. its purty at least!

Bociwen 14-12-2006 12:22


Originally Posted by vattav (Post 259504)
This game is.... I dont know. I can't do anything. I'm either too stupid, or too old to get it, I'm *hoping* the latter, cause I cant do anything here. And that tutorial... Sweet lord, Ive been trying, but please.. what are we talking here 10 hours?

Aaanywho.. its purty at least!

Heh, yea the tutorial is loooooong, but at least they dont leave anything out :P

Xenius 14-12-2006 15:02

yup one of the worst best toturials i have ever tried.!

Muteki 18-12-2006 20:23

legion promo video!

and uh dunno about the tutorial, im sure they've changed it when i first did it

TAZ 20-01-2007 22:44

Hey all, Ive just downloaded the client, and will be jumping in right now to give it a try.


Ive tried opening the file, and it comes up to the page to put login info, but every thing is very hazy, i cant read any of it, and cant see the setup to change the res for it or something....

Anyone able to help me ??

Molotov 21-01-2007 02:21

no idea personally, hope you sort it out though and gl with EVE

Precursors 21-01-2007 07:00


Originally Posted by TAZ (Post 264631)
Hey all, Ive just downloaded the client, and will be jumping in right now to give it a try.


Ive tried opening the file, and it comes up to the page to put login info, but every thing is very hazy, i cant read any of it, and cant see the setup to change the res for it or something....

Anyone able to help me ??

that login screen is just a window, setup screen can be reached after you login and launch the game. If that window is not readable i doubt it has anything to do with resolution or any display setting. I would only recommend re-installing the game. If it still gives the messed up login screen then it'd suggest that the files are corrupt, then you should dowload the game again.

TAZ 21-01-2007 08:25

Hecian suggested it might be my gfx card on this computer, im buying my new gfx card tomorrow, so should have it tuesday. (tomorrow is monday for me)

And then ill give it a test

Precursors 21-01-2007 13:03

can't have anything to do with the gfx card
the login screen is a simple window, it's not 3D or anything
if that login window looks corrupted then installation must have gone wrong

xeni 22-01-2007 09:00

Latest interview about the new expansion


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