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-   -   Planetarion as if you ever would play it again (http://www.legionhq.org/showthread.php?t=24725)

BlueArmy 29-04-2008 08:33

the legion is still the big evil in planetarion... though they are now named The Jehovas...

Fedaykin 29-04-2008 11:35

Thing is, i very much doubt any of us have the dedication that we did 'back in the day' I know that if i get up at 3 in the morning nowadays i'm going to be rough as a badger the next day for work.

I think i'll just stick to playing WoW till 3am instead ;)

sigrid 18-05-2008 19:12

dear god, is PA STILL going on?
i am sooo tempted....
then again ill be sorry after a week etc.

Burkey 29-09-2008 10:25

Round 28 was good
Just finished round 28 (a week premeture due to working away from this evening for the week) and it was quite a good round

New options like construction is now buildings and research is all different in stages for needing to mine roids, cov-ops abosutely suck though but to get roids you don't need asteroid scans you just initiate

The ships are much better too and it's more tactical how you build your fleet


TAZ 29-09-2008 13:02

Reading the first couple of posts from round 26 seems to be quite a few of the old players there that I remember playing with :)

But dont think i have the time at this point to play PA again :/ ill think on it for rnd 29

Del 05-10-2008 19:29

When did I quit with the other vets? Round fiveish?
omg... Am a bit tempted to open that URL.

sigrid 07-10-2008 13:03

fk i looked

DeEvil 27-10-2008 21:02

I did not have sexual relations with that Planetarion!

Vladel 19-11-2008 20:20

Still going tbh

Fred 25-11-2008 06:18

Some things are better as memories and PA is one.

Just wish that I could see Spinner in rl to get revenge for him being a Fury lacky

Willzzz 14-12-2008 17:08

Round 29 is finishing this week. I wont be playing PA due to they closed me for cheating apparently this round lol Anyway, if you do go onto irc.netgamers.org Idle with the rest of us in #legion. Nice to see this thread is still alive... lo fred :p

Btw just to let everyone know PA is once again free :p

Horus 14-12-2008 21:22

go away willzzz

Willzzz 14-12-2008 21:56


Originally Posted by Horus (Post 300400)
go away willzzz

im not telling you to play noob as im not. But i did enjoy my time playing.
PS your a noob.

Horus 15-12-2008 06:19


Originally Posted by Willzzz (Post 300402)
im not telling you to play noob as im not. But i did enjoy my time playing.
PS your a noob.

go away willzzz :p

your name has become a synonym for playing PA :p

so its free again? ogami, thor, bobby... lets get it going :eek:

Radium 17-12-2008 04:18

Who didn't cheat in PA ? ;)

because i certainly fucking did :P

Willzzz 21-12-2008 15:56

Well round 29 just ended. Round 30 starts in january. If you do at all feel like playing im sure i could find you an alliance for you. try irc.netgamers.org and #legion is where youll find most of us idling. Take care etc.

Zhukov 13-01-2009 01:01


Originally Posted by Horus (Post 300404)
go away willzzz :p

your name has become a synonym for playing PA :p

so its free again? ogami, thor, bobby... lets get it going :eek:


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