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razor 16-05-2008 14:18


Originally Posted by Necra (Post 291691)
Hey guys, just popping in to say hi and hoping to join the same server as you guys soon.

Nobody will know me except "the razor"
My mental coach and chat buddy for 10 years now *plz save me ! :wink:*

Hope to meet more off you soon ingame, seem like a very nice bunch off peeps :biggrin:


]x[ 16-05-2008 21:52

OMG razor is getting his sex slaves to play aswel. Cover your eyes quickly !!

Necra 17-05-2008 12:10

Cover blown already !

Is it printed on my forehead or what :eek:

Beti 17-05-2008 23:25

thought I'd pop in and say "boo"

I have been watching the progress of AoC with interest and am still in touch with Hawk, so makes sense to join the right server :smile:

I won't be levelling quickly though, even more of a casual than I ever was.

Hope to see some familiar names though :smile:

Hawkbane 17-05-2008 23:35

hurray, some1 more gimp than me :)

Tobler 18-05-2008 01:48

Hi B and Andy :p

fixjetli 18-05-2008 21:33

Hello peepz,

been a long while since i visited legion HQ and i am sorry for that had some good fun in AO with you guyz. Legion and Georg where my MMORPG mentors so to speak :).
After AO played wow alot but on EU thats why me got out of touch with legion, SWG was not to my liking.

Now i have heared you guyz gonna play aoc which i tried on beta and seems its gonna be awesome with a good guild and alot of teamwork needed so that why was wondering if you guyz gonna start up again if i could get a trial if possible ;)

My exp is AO and alot of wow PVE , been raidleader and guildleader(top guild horde side on 2 servers ) in wow so i know how to play mmorpg well i think i do .

So will hear from you guyz and hopefully if not in same guild in our travels.

Seeing al these old shool names on forums brings back good memories :)

Jetli/Pietoz out

Tobler 18-05-2008 21:49

hello fix !!

Don't see why you can't join us but I'm not the offical word on it, so will have to nag ppl like georg.

Is fre, jez and rest gonna play aswell?

ramp 18-05-2008 21:51

omg jet! jez beti , all these old faces :D

fixjetli 18-05-2008 21:53

not sure about jez he is playing wow still with very good guild doing sunwell and i am telling fre every weekend at his place he should buy it too , so far without any luck ;) maybe if he sees how much fun it is again with you guyz he will .

But like i said will be asking him every time don`t know how long it will take before he kicks me out in the weekends lol.

Nice to see and talk with ya Tob

fixjetli 18-05-2008 21:53

hia Georg ya been too long i know soz mate :)

Keldrys 18-05-2008 23:09

Come hither old friends...back...back into the comforting bosom of Legion....

Molotov 19-05-2008 06:13

so many old frendz :o

Chaosengine 22-05-2008 14:54

0.o - so many old wrinkly faces!!

Delinquent 22-05-2008 15:16


Originally Posted by ]x[ (Post 291755)
OMG razor is getting his sex slaves to play aswel. Cover your eyes quickly !!

I thought I was the only one.... *Cries*

Delinquent 22-05-2008 15:18


Originally Posted by ramp (Post 292089)
omg jet! jez beti , all these old faces :D

You know and I'm not making this up to troll the boards but I honestly read that as faeces... I've got something on my mind...

Tobler 22-05-2008 18:40


Originally Posted by Chaosengine (Post 292446)
0.o - so many old wrinkly faces!!

Stop looking in the mirror CE before u brake it! :p

Talking of old farts happy birthday CE lol

Imsdal 22-05-2008 23:06

So CE, when are you comming back to play with us?!!

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