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Tkz 26-05-2006 22:29


Originally Posted by Tasali
O snap, son, you are fucked, you've pissed off Watcher now.

im waiting =D

Rewq 26-05-2006 22:52

he is late , he said he will be there in 1 hour more :(

Waywatcher 26-05-2006 23:27


The watcher.

P.S.: Hahahahahahahahhahahaha!

Tkz 26-05-2006 23:29

waywatcher got mad i owned him :( call more people next time thou plz :p makes u look like more of a jew

Tkz 26-05-2006 23:29

omg that was sooo funnnnyyy, i own you 1v1 then danabis and shriies attempt to camp me after LOL, nt thou =D

Agamemnon 26-05-2006 23:31

Oh yeah, you so destroyed me. Tell me, how does it feel to be such a fucking horrible mage that you can't deadzone a hunter when YOU choose where and when to fight, and you get fucking meleed to death. You are actually the most pathetic mage I've ever had the pleasure of killing. The fact that you got me when I was riding out of CH wasn't so bad, though I'm amazed you managed to hit the right buttons to actually take off my last 1k of hp while I was mounted. To then see you get owned by the guards, before I oneshot you when you ressed back up.. Yeah, you really define the art of ownage. You should go hook up with Evergreen and form a team of superheroes!

Tkz 26-05-2006 23:35

hey buddy im the best mage on this server, =D fine one who can beat me plz, thx.. btw you got owned by blues.. Gg?

Tkz 26-05-2006 23:36

also, dont be mad you will never be able to beat me straight up :/ no melee class in this game can, same goes to your mages

Waywatcher 26-05-2006 23:38

Bahahaha, you're delusional. You failed to kill me a single time. But, hey, pro fleeing skills there when we were 1 v 1. Too bad you didn't invest in riding gear.

Seriously, I wonder what happened to Ace. They used to be a skilled group of good guys. You better be able to conjure like the best water on the server or something, because I don't see what else you're good for.

Tkz's Frostbolt hits you for 642. That's...just sad.

The watcher.

Tkz 26-05-2006 23:44

hmm says i killed you 2x want a screenshot? =D

Waywatcher 26-05-2006 23:51

Hearthed out so soon? I wanted to help you set a guinness record rez timer. =/

Ah well. Hope to see ya soon, scrub (honestly, I haven't PvPed much the past week- I could use the honor).

The watcher.

Waywatcher 26-05-2006 23:55

Hahaha...OK, that was funny. =x

The watcher.

Waywatcher 26-05-2006 23:56

God, you're such a pansy. Done wasting my time with you if you won't even 1v1 one time.

The watcher.

Tkz 26-05-2006 23:59

hmm i guess me droping you out side, doesn't count as a 1v1? :(

Waywatcher 27-05-2006 00:03

You're completely out of your gourd. You haven't fought me outside a single time since you and your shaman buddy got housed.

Let's go right now, west of CH, 1 v 1. No guards, no help.

The watcher.

Tkz 27-05-2006 00:06

57,36 lets go

Toxi 27-05-2006 00:11

Do i need to post the rest of the history or will you go away?

Waywatcher 27-05-2006 00:16

Guess you lost your stomach? Ah well.

Anywho, I think I made my point. Get the hell off these forums.

The watcher.

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