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LilMissSweden 12-10-2003 18:32

Re: Re: but... eeeh....

Originally posted by Def2K
'maybe' a boy :) heh.. i've killed for less insulting comments :D
*Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off*

I was trying to be suttle hehe:=)

Zhukov 12-10-2003 20:16

How the feck you know Im not Shy????

/me suspets Athena for telling

LilMissSweden 12-10-2003 20:38


Originally posted by Zhukov
How the feck you know Im not Shy????

/me suspets Athena for telling

Athena had nothing to do with it :rolleyes: You gave yourself away on that one :=)

Besides... shy people dont cuss - and you do :p

Zhukov 12-10-2003 22:09


Okey, I will go for "Nice young man" instead then :-|

Leviathan 12-10-2003 23:49

My stars are my own - I get hugs from elsewhere :D

LilMissSweden 13-10-2003 07:32


Originally posted by Leviathonss
My stars are my own - I get hugs from elsewhere :D

awwwww... well i get my hugs elsewhere too hehe... i'll just work on my stars multiplying somehow :yes:

Hope everything is okay with you all

Leviathan 13-10-2003 07:35

o im fine cos im not going downhill :=) and I figured out how much D2 sucked along .... longggg... LONG time ago :p

LilMissSweden 13-10-2003 09:52

I'm just a bit curious... whats the general age of people on here?

I'm 29... i know DeEvil is 29 too... what about the rest of you all on here? Dare to tell me how old you are and feel? ;-p

Leviathan 13-10-2003 09:54

19 :-| , 20 in 2 weeks :-|

Valhalla 13-10-2003 09:57

Too old to trade stars for hugs...don't have time left to get them back.

razor 13-10-2003 11:30

25 8-O

Emohawk 13-10-2003 11:57

actual age: 24
physical age: 35
mental age: 12


Zhukov 13-10-2003 15:35

When I was 20, people belived I was 23 or 25.
Now Im 23, and some think Im 26!
Somethings wrong :D

montie 13-10-2003 16:44

im 23.. but most ppl who meet me think im 27+ and most ppl who know me on the net think im about 18 .. so :p

Def2K 13-10-2003 18:32

22.. Look way older.. act way younger.. :)

LilMissSweden 14-10-2003 08:04

Okay... personally i feel like 75 at times... :-|
In reality i am 29
but normally i act like 19 or even 5 at times :=)

Thank you guys so much for letting me know some of the ages :)

May i know where most of you are from? And maybe also where your going? :yes:


Leviathan 14-10-2003 09:27

Im from a land down under :p and going nowhere fast hehe

p.s 5 stars muahahaha!

Valhalla 14-10-2003 09:33

Live in Oslo...and sadly i was going to the office.
That's my 15 minute walk every day. Getting so fking cold here i can barely hold my cofee while walking down here.

Every morning i do the regular thinking "Hmm..maybe it's time for a week off from work and relax" but i never do it. In fact..it's been almost 10 years since i had a relaxed vacation.

I work as a CAD Operator for the government and i have about 45,000 draftings waiting for me at all times. So if anybody care to help me out, please give a yell.

That's my rant for the day.....i'm tired and exhausted and i wanna go sleep.

*The neverending tired Val*

PS: Levi...invite me down there for a week ffs...i wanna hump snakes and pet koalas

Leviathan 14-10-2003 09:43


Originally posted by Valhalla
PS: Levi...invite me down there for a week ffs...i wanna hump snakes and pet koalas
Sure dude, maybe you'll find out what REAL BEER is when you come over :D

BBQ's + Beer = Uber Personified pwnage

Valhalla 14-10-2003 09:45

i'll bring you real beer :=)

Leviathan 14-10-2003 09:46

Bar the exception of Speights from New Zealand there is no better beer than Aussie beer :D

You would find me hard to impress hehe

Valhalla 14-10-2003 10:19

Btw...this is a thread hijack.

European Beer > all

Ringnes for the people :D

razor 14-10-2003 10:34

Im from belgium and work in our capital: Brussels
Doing IT stuff (network admin/engineer & bit of system dev)
Also reading legion board is one of my daily tasks :)

European beer indeed rox - especially belgian beer hehe
Also fries and chocolate we are good in

LilMissSweden 14-10-2003 12:22

hmmm beer
Heineken with a squeeze of lemon.... yummy :p

Have to say ive never tried aussie beer... or to hump a koala LOL

maybe the beer could be sent to me for a tryout... pls do not send a koala :=) unless its a teddybear kind of koala hehe:rolleyes:

Is someone trying to highjack my thread? 8-O SHAME on YOU :=)

*hugs ya'll*

Zhukov 14-10-2003 12:30

Im from Norway, living in Bergen.

NORWAY > Sweden :)

Ogami 14-10-2003 13:28


Originally posted by razor

European beer indeed rox - especially belgian beer hehe
Also fries and chocolate we are good in

Stella Artois and dovel > *

but Mack's Haakon is maybe the best beer there is :)

Leviathan 14-10-2003 14:18


Def2K 14-10-2003 16:24

Heineken is ace aswell :) Standard beer in dutchieland :)

All those tits complaining about it should just shut up and drop dead :p

LilMissSweden 14-10-2003 20:29

Okay so now we have the age thing figured out...
the beer thing...
the country thing...
the sex thing...

...so do you guys do any sports? (that you actually leave your house to do) ?

I am into archery (bow and arrow), horseback riding and race-cars.


Def2K 14-10-2003 20:34


Originally posted by Valhalla


PS: Levi...invite me down there for a week ffs...i wanna hump snakes and pet koalas

Invite me over heh. I wanna climb a frozen waterfall.. and generally freeze to death in the nordic woodlands :)

/me is planning to go to nordkapp etc.. sometime... hopefully pretty soon.. etc :D

LORD-NIKO 14-10-2003 21:16


gotta love em

LilMissSweden 14-10-2003 22:36

Re: hmm

Originally posted by LORD-NIKO

gotta love em

do i really HAVE TO ? ;(

i know i am one myself but do i have to love them too?


i just love one of them (and its not myself) (DeEvil hint hint hint)

Valhalla 14-10-2003 22:49

Heineken is piss with vodka in it...

razor 15-10-2003 10:40

Heineken is piss without vodka :)

Stella Artois all the way

Def2K 15-10-2003 13:38

Allmost all beer = good

The rest is a matter of taste, which is highly personal :D

]x[ 15-10-2003 14:29


Originally posted by Def2K
Allmost all beer = good

The rest is a matter of taste, which is highly personal :D

Ahh so it will be 'cumm' for you ;)

Def2K 15-10-2003 19:04

If it gets me drunk, I drink it heh :D

DeEvil 16-10-2003 00:53


Originally posted by Def2K
If it gets me drunk, I drink it heh :D
hmm well.... hmm 8-O

all i have to say is this...

Originally posted by Def2K
A mint for a blowjob?

Ok, before Im like whored out here, heh. I aint giving no blowjobs I prefer to be on the receiving and of the sucking, not of the semen. eeeep

Well, with that settled, im off to idle around again

so i guess for that drinkin part.. eeww Def2K i didnīt think you where swinged that way... hehe
and if you think i just typed it myself... hereīs the link for it...

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: ;-p :yes: :yes:


LilMissSweden 16-10-2003 19:38

i dont get it
How is it possible that my thread has turned into a "blowjob-beer drinking" forum with breathmints being served at the door? 8-O :=)

Some answer my questions and some just float off in some sort of Nirvana ;)

Are my thoughts correct if think that if i say "hamburger" that what you guys will reply with is "hurricane" or "two girls or guys doing one girl or guy" ? :p

I must say... its VERY intresting checking what ya'll will say to what ever i post ;-p

so... looking forward to read the next few reply's to this thread :yes: hehe

And what i will say in this post is: LIGHTBULB ! ! !


Def2K 16-10-2003 20:03

Re: i dont get it

Originally posted by LilMissSweden
How is it possible that my thread has turned into a "blowjob-beer drinking" forum with breathmints being served at the door? 8-O :=)

I am innocent.. somehow people always drag me in when things evolve around sex :(

Some answer my questions and some just float off in some sort of Nirvana ;)
Well.. no.. It didnt include the 999 cock-hungry lesbians so its not even close to Nirvana.

Are my thoughts correct if think that if i say "hamburger" that what you guys will reply with is "hurricane" or "two girls or guys doing one girl or guy" ? :p
Hamburger... sandwhich.. sex.. This seems pretty logical.. However my mind makes a quick jump to the topic 'food' and stays there.

From 'food' to "lesbians" it is, however a small step.

I must say... its VERY intresting checking what ya'll will say to what ever i post ;-p

so... looking forward to read the next few reply's to this thread :yes: hehe

And what i will say in this post is: LIGHTBULB ! ! !

Red light district

heheh :D

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