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atolla 19-02-2003 07:34


Originally posted by Poppa
Is AO any good? Is it possible to try out without buying?
Allthough you must use VISA in order to use Anarchy Online , they give you a trial run for one week , if you cancel your pay account before 7 days , they won't charge you of money .
You can download the game from www.anarchy-online.com if you have a fast connection or order it from the same site . Keep in mind to register a character on Adelante server , cause thats where we hang out =) . You gonna like it , belive me , it's like a world in a world hehe .

Poppa 19-02-2003 13:09


Originally posted by Atolla
Allthough you must use VISA in order to use Anarchy Online , they give you a trial run for one week , if you cancel your pay account before 7 days , they won't charge you of money .
You can download the game from www.anarchy-online.com if you have a fast connection or order it from the same site . Keep in mind to register a character on Adelante server , cause thats where we hang out =) . You gonna like it , belive me , it's like a world in a world hehe .

Cool, Ill dl it and give it a try. I have tried most online games so far, but only UO and Planetarion had more than 1-2 months worth of content :)

Icewolf 19-02-2003 17:00

if you are familiar with UO, you will at least know the concept of MMORPGs (and AO has a lot to offer - i think Rampage. Thor etc. play it for over a year now).

cu starside

PS: tell us your charname when you play - and the server Atlantean i think (there are only three - Romir and a german one "Die verlorene Welt")

cu starside

SBS 19-02-2003 22:19


Originally posted by Poppa

You still owe me $5 for finishing higher than you in r4 ;)

:D hehe

if I by some miracle bump into you some time I'll give them to you ;)

Lantador 20-02-2003 14:24

Problem with AO was that it was so buggy at release (read: it was still a beta) that many people avoided it for that reason.

Maybe that was a shame if its cool now, but back early on when I tried it, I tought it sucked majorly.

Poppa 21-02-2003 05:41


Originally posted by Lantador
Problem with AO was that it was so buggy at release (read: it was still a beta) that many people avoided it for that reason.

Maybe that was a shame if its cool now, but back early on when I tried it, I tought it sucked majorly.

But then again you think all games suck majorly ;)

Lantador 21-02-2003 07:52

True! :)

fantasy 03-03-2003 14:22

is that Poppa?
as in big poppa?

lant and poppa back again

never thought that would happen

Ninja 03-03-2003 18:41

hehe, it was that big Pain planet :D

Quinn 04-03-2003 00:00


Originally posted by Ninja
hehe, it was that big Pain planet :D
20:9:1 - Maiden of Pain > 4||

Poppa 04-03-2003 05:43


Originally posted by fantasy
is that Poppa?
as in big poppa?

lant and poppa back again

never thought that would happen

We will always be in Legion :)

Icewolf 04-03-2003 10:32

i want warbat back aswell *g*

Zhukov 06-03-2003 23:51

/me imagines Poppa telling his kid(s) about what he did when he was "young"..

"When I was young, I used to play this online textbased database game, and I had a big planet with a mighty fleet, and everyone ph33rd me.."
"Daddy, sure you didnt just imagined that?"
"You dont trust you father?? Go to www.legionhq.org and ask the others, they will tell you daddy was 1337!"


Lantador 06-03-2003 23:54

Actually poppa's kid is to be named "Dread Lady Pain".

Mini 07-03-2003 00:14


Originally posted by Lantador
Actually poppa's kid is to be named "Dread Lady Pain".
Thought that was his wife :D

Quinn 07-03-2003 00:40


Originally posted by Lantador
Actually poppa's kid is to be named "Dread Lady Pain".
If it had been a boy I think they would have picked the name Gollum. It has a nice ring to it.

Bad pun intended. :P

Lantador 07-03-2003 00:56


Originally posted by Quinn
If it had been a boy I think they would have picked the name Gollum. It has a nice ring to it.

Bad pun intended. :P

I think Gollum would be a fitting name for their son. :D

Poppa 07-03-2003 05:55


Originally posted by Lantador
I think Gollum would be a fitting name for their son. :D
Its a girl, but Gollum still fits nicely...


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