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Accura 14-12-2002 15:33

i vouch for scan.co.uk i have spent over £1000 on PC parts with them, they are great :) BTW dont by IBM HDDs they suck. www.dabs.com are also pretty good.

Zak 15-12-2002 12:14

Do any of these sites take monthly payments though? :p

I hate saving up, it takes me ages, If i have £100 I spend it, if i have £1000 i spend it, if i have £10,000 i'll spend it.....i just can't stop.

Accura 15-12-2002 13:04

lol scan.co.uk does but you have to spend over £500 i think

frank 21-12-2002 17:48

I upgraded from a tnt2 ultra to the GF4 TI4600. I have noticed a nice improvement on my box (gaming box) Its a IBM x335 dual 2.4 GHZ Xeon with 4GB of ddr ram.

Def2K 04-01-2003 09:19


Originally posted by frank
I upgraded from a tnt2 ultra to the GF4 TI4600. I have noticed a nice improvement on my box (gaming box) Its a IBM x335 dual 2.4 GHZ Xeon with 4GB of ddr ram.
So, you are saying you ran a dual 2.5GHZ/4GB ram machine with an TNT2 ULTRA?

Somehow I think you set your upgrading priorities wrong :)

Accura 05-01-2003 20:51

lol i have to agree

Vimeous 06-01-2003 01:16

I know this may seem like a stupid question but is has to asked...

Exactly how many games use that second processor?

Or does the term "Gaming Box" cover all things server, CAD, and arms-race control master commander. All at once of course.

montie 06-01-2003 12:39

2 cpu's are only really usefull in gaming when you run a server, but you also need at least 1meg connection to make this worthwhile

Def2K 07-01-2003 00:20

some games actually are capable of using "multithreading" (2 procs) but the supply is uberly limited.

its usually something for geeks.

Some servers also use it. But then again, you'd need a very though line to actually make it worthwhile.

razor 07-01-2003 06:54


Originally posted by Def2K
some games actually are capable of using "multithreading" (2 procs) but the supply is uberly limited.

its usually something for geeks.

Some servers also use it. But then again, you'd need a very though line to actually make it worthwhile.

DB servers use it a lot. they need to perform lots of calculations etc :yes: for normal usage its not worth it as not all programs use the second processor. Dunno if windows 2 proc version performs load balancing automatically for all progs

anyways to get back on topic: Geforce FX here i come :)

Precursors 07-01-2003 13:23


Originally posted by razor

anyways to get back on topic: Geforce FX here i come :)

"Geforce FX come to me!" I'd prefer hehe :p

razor 07-01-2003 13:42


Originally posted by Precursors
"Geforce FX come to me!" I'd prefer hehe :p
i want one for my birthday :)

montie 07-01-2003 15:55

spoilt brat :p

Precursors 07-01-2003 17:27


Originally posted by razor
i want one for my birthday :)
who doesn't?!?!?!? :D

razor 08-01-2003 07:19


Originally posted by montie
spoilt brat :p
i didnt even get a descent pressie for xmass you know
i said save all yer money for my birthday in january and with my help we can all put it together and buy one at wholesale prices hehe so im saving still a lot

montie 08-01-2003 15:10

heh.. i got a dvd box set :p .. FX coming out in jan then?

razor 09-01-2003 06:54


Originally posted by montie
heh.. i got a dvd box set :p .. FX coming out in jan then?
i think at the end of january we can expect a version of creative in US

wonder how long it takes till its available here tho

Def2K 09-01-2003 13:58

It will probably be available here pretty quickly. Unlike software, hardware tends to come a lot quicker to europe aswell.

Thats my experience about it, at least :)

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