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Gravitas 13-04-2006 22:15

Legion: Nazi Symbolism
This is a serious query.

I've been browsing for new Manno guilds and VtS is on my list, however, upon seeing the eagle symbol on your site, along with your official name of Legion (which has its SS connotations), I wanted to know if the guild or any of its members subscribe to what the Nazis stood for.

I realize this post, if my notion is untrue, will invariably be construed as insulting, and if it is untrue I can only offer my apology. I simply must know, however, if it at all occurred to you that this (http://www.pzg.biz/eagle_party_plaque.jpg) is very identifiable with the appearance of your guild symbol.


Rids 13-04-2006 22:31

Our logo is based on the eagle of the Roman Legions, the eagle that was the standard carried by every single legion into battle for hundreds of years. Our motto's, Strength and Honour, and Victuri te Salutant, are also derived from Roman origins.

Relifex 13-04-2006 22:35

Quite honestly, I don't know how to respond to such stupidity.

Tiddy 13-04-2006 22:37

heh... wow

Might want to let this thread disapear before you post your app ;)


Gaijin 13-04-2006 22:37

its a roman empire thing

Tobler 13-04-2006 22:40

Most entertaining thread for awhile lol

Tiddy 13-04-2006 22:44

Well you see, Rome is part of Italy, which was part of the Axis forces. That means Legion isnt a Nazi guild, but just likes to hang out with them and drink all their beer.

Bociwen 13-04-2006 22:44


Originally Posted by Gravitas
This is a serious query.

I've been browsing for new Manno guilds and VtS is on my list, however, upon seeing the eagle symbol on your site, along with your official name of Legion (which has its SS connotations), I wanted to know if the guild or any of its members subscribe to what the Nazis stood for.

I realize this post, if my notion is untrue, will invariably be construed as insulting, and if it is untrue I can only offer my apology. I simply must know, however, if it at all occurred to you that this (http://www.pzg.biz/eagle_party_plaque.jpg) is very identifiable with the appearance of your guild symbol.


You know, this is gonna come off as extremely...something, but here it is:

Do you seriously fucking believe that this guild would even exist in the games it does if it supported this ideal?

Are you seriously that fucking dense? Since you are all into looking up history, go a little bit further with your in depth research and you will in fact realize that our motto is Latin, that the eagle was used in the Roman symbolism, and that Legion was their term for their armies. (as rids has pointed out)

I know this is a little difficult to see what with your blinding rightousness and all, but if you can take long enough to dredge up the few facts you have busted out to justify this display of ignorance, you can take a few minutes more to look at facts and realize you are wrong.

(and btw, based on my readings, no part of the German Army during hitlers rule was termed a legion, i may be wrong though)

Bugger off and have a nice day.

Gravitas 13-04-2006 22:46


Originally Posted by Relifex
Quite honestly, I don't know how to respond to such stupidity.

Far from stupid.

Consider my point of view: I know nothing about your guild. I come to this site, and instantly identify that symbol with its most current usage, as many others would. I had a strong reaction to it, and rather than be quiet and remain in interpretative limbo simply so I don't ask a "wrong question," I proceed to determine the truth. I was unaware the Roman Empire adopted that symbol as well, and now it's clarified, but my interpretation remains far from invalid.

It's also quite likely that the Nazis borrowed this aspect of Roman symbolism, as the comparisons between the two empires are mulitple and apt.

I can only wonder if this was at all considered when the guild was being created.

Tiddy 13-04-2006 22:48

I dont know what's more shocking, the first post in this thread... or the fact that Bociwen dropped more F-bombs than Rids.

Rids must have gotten laid last night... waaaaaaaaay too nice.

Venethor 13-04-2006 22:50

Confusions do happen. No, we are not Nazi's, and in no way support their ideology. No need for a flame war.

Gravitas 13-04-2006 22:53


Originally Posted by Bociwen
Do you seriously fucking believe that this guild would even exist in the games it does if it supported this ideal?

Beliefs can remain covert, while symbols allude. It's like giving a nod in a direction rather than outright acknowledgement. It's certainly possible.


Are you seriously that fucking dense? Since you are all into looking up history, go a little bit further with your in depth research and you will in fact realize that our motto is Latin, that the eagle was used in the Roman symbolism, and that Legion was their term for their armies. (as rids has pointed out)
There's no need for all the expletives my unhappy friend. I know your motto and I've been fascinated by it for some time, but simply because it's Latin doesn't imply a direct link to the Romans. As for the term Legion, it has an authoritarian connotation, which was enough for me.


I know this is a little difficult to see what with your blinding rightousness and all, but if you can take long enough to dredge up the few facts you have busted out to justify this display of ignorance, you can take a few minutes more to look at facts and realize you are wrong.
A question is not a display of ignorance. And an apology for "my notion being wrong" was offered beforehand. Sorry it's a little difficult for YOU to see beyond your blinding righteousness, hypocrite.

icarus 13-04-2006 22:55

Hi, and welcome to our boards

Anunnak 13-04-2006 22:55

I can recall 1 Legion... Condor Legion.. but those were German Volunteers that fought during the Spanish Civil War on Franco's side..Fighter planes Bf 109!!! YELLOW NOSED GOBLINS

No we're not Nazi's

We do have Germans in Legion.. That must really make you think we're filled with Nazi's to the brim... doesnt it?

Zjozz 13-04-2006 22:56

Im from the Netherlands, nuff said.

(queue clog comment etc..)

Tobler 13-04-2006 22:56

Think the name of this very forum might of given away the roman theme rather than the nazi one.

Gravitas 13-04-2006 22:56


Originally Posted by Tiddy
heh... wow

Might want to let this thread disapear before you post your app ;)


I realize that an implication of asking my question was to never be accepted into the guild. I accepted that outcome beforehand :P

sike 13-04-2006 22:57

Once you pass our tests you'll find out who we really are.. only once you reach the inner circle of the legion.

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