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atolla 25-02-2003 09:10

Best assault rifle in the world
Just though about a small change of topic here in Colosseum =) .
Best assault rifle in the wolrd ... wich is it ? You have a big ammount to choose from BUT , elements like price , rate of fire , penetration capability and cost should be considered . You don't have to use the exact data if you don't bother to .
Please enlighten me with your thoughts !

Link 25-02-2003 09:19

[edit] didn't find info anyways :( [/edit]

razor 25-02-2003 10:23

u wanna kill someone Atolla ?

going after Sadam yerself ?

atolla 25-02-2003 11:18


Originally posted by razor
u wanna kill someone Atolla ?

going after Sadam yerself ?

Kill ? Nah make love not war ! hehe . Just want o see how well other people are enlightened about this =)
I do want to kill some people in my office though hehe

steam 25-02-2003 11:30


Originally posted by Atolla
I do want to kill some people in my office though hehe
Alert !

Do NOT hand out any price information about any weapons to this guy , post was recently reported to FBI central office for further investigation , maybe hes a sleeper .

You are now tagged as KNOWN TERRORIST at the CIA and FBI

Congrats Atolla.

All hail to the mighty US investigation department

</end sarcasm>

atolla 25-02-2003 11:55


Originally posted by steam
Alert !

Do NOT hand out any price information about any weapons to this guy , post was recently reported to FBI central office for further investigation , maybe hes a sleeper .

You are now tagged as KNOWN TERRORIST at the CIA and FBI

Congrats Atolla.

All hail to the mighty US investigation department

</end sarcasm>

Muhahaha , luckely for me i live in Norway so FBI won't get me here hehe :D , i can flee to Russia and buy weapons there :yes:
AK-101(Assault Rifle) a close combat version of it wich is used by FSB ( Federal Security Bureau/Department ) and Alpha team wich is Russian anti terrorist squad . Firing 600 rounds per minute and with adition of teflon bullets , it can penetrate any body armor out there . Range of effective sighted fire is 1000 meters :D . If you add laser sighting to it ehehe It becomes one of the most lethal assault rifles out there . It is also very very very cheap :D
I am a madman !

Quinn 25-02-2003 11:55

I'd say the HK OICW. If for nothing else then at least for the quasi-futuristic value of it...


razor 25-02-2003 12:01


Originally posted by Atolla
I am a madman !
u certainly are ;)

[M7] 25-02-2003 12:29

I got the right thing for you....

12 shot magazine, effective range about 8 meters...

looky here

atolla 25-02-2003 12:30

OOO !!! 8-O I want this peace of machinery !!!

Quinn 25-02-2003 12:36


Originally posted by [M7]
I got the right thing for you....

12 shot magazine, effective range about 8 meters...

looky here

That's the one Spetznaz use :)

atolla 25-02-2003 12:46


Originally posted by Quinn
That's the one Spetznaz use :)
as a side arm hehe

steam 25-02-2003 12:55

if you really want some kickass gun ,

check out thisone :


Comes with :

Tunigbarrel, Frontbottleconnector with Antiliquidsystem, Bottomline, Vertikalfeed, Volumizer, Doublefingertrigger , Antidoublefeed,Rearcocking System, Dropforward with Regulator and Manometer

Effective range is about 50 metres at 300 bpi

Shot frequency around 60/minute

Great gun , i use it aswell and killed literally hundreds of persons with it :)

atolla 25-02-2003 13:03

ei , paintball ! always wanted to try it hehe

Quinn 25-02-2003 13:04


Originally posted by steam
Great gun , i use it aswell and killed literally hundreds of persons with it :)
Sounds like you are pretty sick :)

Hardly an assault rifle, though

Def2K 25-02-2003 14:44

According to the numbers, the AK-47 is the most used combat weapon ever.

It's a simple mechanic, and it works evidentially ;)

atolla 25-02-2003 16:02

correct , and it's cheaper then AK-101 though it's capabilities are also largerly reduced

Def2K 25-02-2003 16:33

IF I recall correctly, the build order the russians gave to the engineer is something along the lines of:

"We need a weapon we can burry for 10 years, dig up, assemble and use. Also every idiot must be capable of using/maintaining it".

The rifle is quite simple, has no "extra's" and is amazingly accurate for a weapon of its size and usage.

If its the best gun, I don't know. But it surely is a good gun for a lot of purposes.

Mini 25-02-2003 16:36

Speaking of futuristic weapons... check this out www.metalstorm.com

• 100% electronic, no mechanical moving parts
• unique 100% solid state system
• electronically variable rate of fire confirmed to one million rounds per minute
• application across a broad range of defence and commercial end uses

ROF 1 milion rounds/ minute <---- OMFG!!!

Don't think it fits the catagory of an assault rifle though :)

steam 25-02-2003 16:44


Originally posted by Mini
Speaking of futuristic weapons... check this out www.metalstorm.com

• 100% electronic, no mechanical moving parts
• unique 100% solid state system
• electronically variable rate of fire confirmed to one million rounds per minute
• application across a broad range of defence and commercial end uses

ROF 1 milion rounds/ minute <---- OMFG!!!

Don't think it fits the catagory of an assault rifle though :)

yeah and in the middle of the battle you run out of battery ... amazing weapon indeed .)

atolla 25-02-2003 16:55

I think future weapons will be aimed at high precition long range weapons . Things like smart guided bullets and rockets . Imagine how much ammo and power you will need to keep these high fire rate weapons firing for 1-3 minitues ?

Johnny Rico 25-02-2003 16:56

Being a U.S. citizen, whose residence is very much under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I think it may be best to stay out of this debate entirely.

Big Brother is watching (and I'm not talking about the T.V. show)


Lantador 25-02-2003 16:58

The danish version of the Colt Commando rifle upgraded with optical aiming scope and new barrel is by far the best weapon I tried in the army.

We call it a "Colt M95/M96", the M96 is the same weapon but with a shorter barrel (and thus slightly more inaccurate) and foldable end piece, for use by tank personnel and special forces. There also exist a sniper version with a very long barrel and a light machine gun version of this weapon. For the light machine gun version the techies had to actually move the front support legs back since else the weapon was too accurate for a light machine gun, where you do want the projectiles to spread out a bit. :D

The reason I see the Colt M95 as the best weapon, is mainly its stability. You can litterally pour as much mud and debris into this rifle as you wish, and still it will continue firing. Furthermore it has next to no recoil at all, makes little noise, and is extremely accurate, both at short ranges and longer ranges.

In training while I was in le army I saw both danish and american navy Sea-Air-Land (SEAL) teams use versions of this weapon, and since these units are very picky when it comes to weapons, it speaks of the high quality of this particular piece.

Ive also tried rifles and small arms from a few other companies, but really Colt beats everythng, even legendary H&K. So, if I was to choose a single rifle to take with me into whatever situation, this would be the one.


Lantador 25-02-2003 17:04

The only weapon I can imagine coming close to the Colt would be the AK-47, it has the power and the reliability, but it lacks accuracy.

Also the AK-47 uses 7.62MM and thus will propbably kill a man with a hit anywhere in the upper body, whereas the Colt uses 5.56MM (NATO Standard), which will mostly only severely injure an enemy, which is overall smarter in war. (A severely injured soldier is bad for morale since he will scream, will require people to transport away, and at least one medic/doc to attend to. A dead solider doesn't scream, and can just be left at the spot, thus he won't strain the enemy's logistics.)

If you do want a guy dead, the Colt is accurate enough for you to decide to shoot in the upper chest or head, which will instantly kill.

]x[ 25-02-2003 17:07

AK47 offcourse, atleast if you don't fire it in to long periods. The heating of the barrel makes is less reliable then :S

Lantador 25-02-2003 17:11

One shot at a time is the way to go anyway with rifles, even with light machine guns you always try to keep your firing at 3-5 projectiles pr. burst maximum, and always at 3 if you're a good shooter, else you get both low accuracy, and a quickly overheated barrel.

atolla 25-02-2003 17:16


Originally posted by Lantador
The only weapon I can imagine coming close to the Colt would be the AK-47, it has the power and the reliability, but it lacks accuracy.

Also the AK-47 uses 7.62MM and thus will propbably kill a man with a hit anywhere in the upper body, whereas the Colt uses 5.56MM (NATO Standard), which will mostly only severely injure an enemy, which is overall smarter in war. (A severely injured soldier is bad for morale since he will scream, will require people to transport away, and at least one medic/doc to attend to. A dead solider doesn't scream, and can just be left at the spot, thus he won't strain the enemy's logistics.)

If you do want a guy dead, the Colt is accurate enough for you to decide to shoot in the upper chest or head, which will instantly kill.

There is also a bad side to this as an injured soldier still can shoot =) I think a mix of both weapons would be lethal thou

Zhukov 25-02-2003 17:55

with a 7.62mm gun, you dont need to bother if the enemy has kevlar, or hides behind a tree :)

I shot with the Norwegian AG3 (based upon the German HK G-3), and its basicly a hand cannon.

what you really want is some sort of sniper rifle, Dragonov or the exelent Barret one.

Anunnak 25-02-2003 20:35

In my opinion the AK-47 is one of the best Assault rifles. It is the most widely used assault rifle. The Russian is better than the Chinese version due to the simple fact that the Russian model can be converted to a fully automatic rifle alot easier. Its cheap to produce and easy to sell just look at Nations of Africa and the Middle east. They mostly use AK-47.

Theres been many improvements on the AK like a small scoop placed under the barrel to prevent the recoil that plagued its Rate of Fire and accuracy.



Lantador 25-02-2003 20:54

If u want a hand cannon try the Browning 12.7 MM Heavy Machine Gun (Infantry Version). It's used in the danish infantry groups, cuz they like to carry 50 kilo tripod mounted guns around (heh). Its also used mounted on APC's and many types of tanks.

Anyway, it pwns anything from personel to APC's, and its mad fun to shoot (I've tried it). :D

Lantador 25-02-2003 20:56


Originally posted by Zhukov
with a 7.62mm gun, you dont need to bother if the enemy has kevlar, or hides behind a tree :)

I shot with the Norwegian AG3 (based upon the German HK G-3), and its basicly a hand cannon.

what you really want is some sort of sniper rifle, Dragonov or the exelent Barret one.

The Dragonov or the Barret 0.50 (12.7MM) can hardly be called assault rifles, they're more like moveable tank barrels really, cuz omg they shoot fucking hard. I've seen the barret demonstrated to shoot tank mines from 600 meters away. :D

Link 26-02-2003 09:20


Originally posted by Atolla
I think future weapons will be aimed at high precition long range weapons . Things like smart guided bullets and rockets .
but those can be stop by a <I-forget-what-it-is-called>(some sort of radio interferance thing.)


Zhukov 27-02-2003 03:43


Originally posted by Lantador
The Dragonov or the Barret 0.50 (12.7MM) can hardly be called assault rifles, they're more like moveable tank barrels really, cuz omg they shoot fucking hard. I've seen the barret demonstrated to shoot tank mines from 600 meters away. :D
The Barret can hit targets at 1500 meters.. thats pretty nice :)
Also with a 12.7mm multipurpose bullet (with norway makes, and is "kinda" forbidden to use against people), your sure to kill any human beeing if you just hit somewhere in the chest

atolla 27-02-2003 10:38


Originally posted by Zhukov
The Barret can hit targets at 1500 meters.. thats pretty nice :)
Also with a 12.7mm multipurpose bullet (with norway makes, and is "kinda" forbidden to use against people), your sure to kill any human beeing if you just hit somewhere in the chest

Indeed you can kill , but i think each bullet adds an exstra cost wich doesn't make this weapon widely used in big operations

Quinn 27-02-2003 10:48


Originally posted by Zhukov
The Barret can hit targets at 1500 meters.. thats pretty nice :)
Also with a 12.7mm multipurpose bullet (with norway makes, and is "kinda" forbidden to use against people), your sure to kill any human beeing if you just hit somewhere in the chest

Actually you just have to hit near a person to cause serious damage with it :)

atolla 27-02-2003 11:01


Originally posted by Quinn
Actually you just have to hit near a person to cause serious damage with it :)
Imagine a weapon like this armed with a new smart self guided bullet , you can easely terrorize any armored vinicle out there shooting at the leading link (commander) inside the tank for exampel . They have small holes for visual u see .

Lantador 27-02-2003 11:03

Yea... from what we were told, supposedly if you hit someone in the arm, it would potentially be capable of ripping off the entire arm... Don't know if thats true or not, but it is a very impressive piece of weaponry.

razor 27-02-2003 12:38

New .50 Magnum can kill a bear

AP - Smith & Wesson has introduced its biggest handgun ever, a .50-calibre Magnum that can kill a bear.

The five-shot revolver with an 8 1/2 inch (23cm) barrel weighs about 4 1/2 pounds (2kg) - roughly a pound (450g) more than the big black .44 Magnum wielded by Clint Eastwood in the Dirty Harry movies.

It fires a new .50-calibre cartridge that the company said produces nearly three times the muzzle energy of the .44 - or enough stopping power to bring down a charging bear.

"The primary market for it is hunting big game," spokesman Ken Jorgensen said.

Steve Comus, publications director of the Safari Club International, said he expects Smith & Wesson to sell several thousand of the weapons to sportsmen interested in hunting with handguns.

Some questioned the wisdom of producing a more powerful handgun.

"It boggles the mind," said Tom Ortiz, executive director of the Violence Policy Centre. He predicted the new Magnum would create "a new order of threat to law enforcement."

Smith & Wesson first brought out the .44 Magnum in the 1950s.

The new gun, which sells for $US989 ($A1,660), is one of nine models Smith & Wesson introduced this week at a trade show in Orlando, Florida.

President Roy C. Cuny said it was the largest number of new introductions in recent years.

The introduction of the big gun marks a sharp departure for the 150-year-old company, which for the past five years has concentrated on the development of lightweight revolvers using alloys of rare metals.

Among the other new guns being introduced by Smith & Wesson is the industry's lightest ever: a .44 Magnum that has a 4-inch (10cm) barrel, scandium frame and titanium cylinder, and weighs in at 1 pound, 10 1/2 ounces (750g).

"We see this as an opportunity for backpackers," Cuny said. "A light firearm of this caliber, in fact, provides protection against bears and other big things."

Despite a spike following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon, handgun sales have long been on the decline in the United States, and Smith & Wesson has struggled along with other gunmakers.

But Smith & Wesson, long the industry leader, also lost business in recent years after striking a deal with the Clinton administration in 2000 to install safety locks on all its guns and change its marketing practices.

Other gunmakers decided not to follow Smith & Wesson's lead, and gun advocates accused the company of selling out.

In 2001, the ailing gunmaker was sold by its British owner to an Arizona startup company that all but abandoned the agreement with the government and adopted an aggressive and unapologetic marketing stance.

Quinn 27-02-2003 13:48

How does that one stack up against the Desert Eagle .50?

razor 27-02-2003 13:52


Originally posted by Quinn
How does that one stack up against the Desert Eagle .50?
dunno how u can stack em up ;)

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