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Xenius 16-01-2004 12:54

What is your opinion. will WoW be better then SWG.. Or do you think it will be lame.. lets hear what you have to say

Icewolf 16-01-2004 13:20

will both be great - i hope :)

Shaitan 16-01-2004 13:35

I don't like Star Wars, so go figure ;)

montie 16-01-2004 14:40

in that sorta game i would assume its not all to do with the game.. if you have loadsa friends playing with you .. either game be as good as the other.
wow looks visually stunning and i like wc3 and such.. so imo wow would be more the game for me, but as its another life sapper it is strictly off limits ;)

Def2K 16-01-2004 16:37

stolen from other thread:


As SWG sucks



and monkey cocks.

Besides that, the whole StarWars saga story sounds about as much like fun like sticking glowing spikes of bamboo under your toenails.

The endless grinding and the option to finish a char (get the highest) lvl in 2-3 days if you have the right stuff available isnt much to be proud of either.

The only reason people keep playing is doing DUMB SHITTY REPETETIVE CHEAT SHIT ACTIONS to get a jedi char.

so, yes, WoW will rock hard.
I dont know much about SWG but everything I hear about it isnt somethign that appeals to me.

1 character = teh suq and just a method to keep people busy as its possible to reach highest rank in under a week. But then you need something else and you can get on the grinding train again to do so instead of, conveniently, logging on another char.

StarWars universe: There is this Inmense universe. With cool stuff. AND THEN YOU ARE HUNTING LIZARDS AND STUFF FOR MATERIALS.

Where are teh huge, epic battles? I mean, rebel/ emperials dont seem THAT hostile to me.

The whole Jedi Issue: Total Bullshit. A drag. To keep people playing. Its utter nonsense. The fact that your char can die permanently makes it so that you can only play with people you trust (and know of that they can handle themselves). GO GO socialize.

WoW on the other hand I know jack shit about. Frankly, thats much better then SWG heh.

Besides, Orcs, TAuren and thinghies ROCK. GO GO MAGIC UBERHAMMER.

And I trust blizzard to make it own.

Spitterman 16-01-2004 17:43

WoW will own all

need i say more?;p

razor 17-01-2004 10:39

I play SWG because its the main game of legion. We have lotsa players in it and in the end that makes it fun to play it. I have my ups and downs with the game itself. Tbh when there aint a hunt and im on my own im bored as shit but when there is a hunt with ppl u know i have lotsa lotsa fun.

This is my first MMORPG so i have no single idea about other games of this type. Perhaps WoW is more my kinda game alltho when it takes ages and ages to build yer char with the time i am able to play the game, any game, i think i might get bored rather quickly too

Tanis 17-01-2004 10:49

Silly to compare them at this stage... not to mention the levelling and general focus of the 2 games is so disparate.

Spitterman 17-01-2004 15:41

WoW is designed with one thing in mind mainly...fun

the developers have said while building the game thats what they keep asking themselves, and if its not fun they make it so;p

i 90% guarentee WoW will own all mmorpg:o

Bullseye 17-01-2004 15:53

Looking forward to WoW, only heard about SWG when browsing this board ... go figure ;)

montie 17-01-2004 17:05

CT.. you see many of the old 144:20 crew? trying to get hold of em.. but not much luck

Xenius 18-01-2004 22:41

The way i see it: WoW will prolly be better then SWG.. mainly cuz i love all Blizzard games.. Go Orc :)

prolly going to be playing both games to

steam 19-01-2004 10:15

theres basically 1 simple formula i have experienced over a long time playing games now.

Theres always one company in one game category rocking all other companies hard and then there is Blizzard rocking all companies in every game category they chose to set their foot in.

So basically blizzard will take its time to generate the best and most rounded mmorpg on the market by the time of the release and prolly for a long time in the future.
This is partly from what i believe the major cash reserves they have ( e.g from selling more than 5 million WC3 copies *doh*) and then also from the insane reputation they have meanwhile.
A publisher wont push the development crew to an early release ( as it happened to SWG and Shadowlands for example ) and thus by release WoW will at least be playable they way its intended to be played ( again in contrast to SWG and SL ).

And yes i will definitly play it :)

Trys 19-01-2004 12:57

Looking at recent departures inside Blizzard I'm not so sure Blizzard will be able to put out best possible game like they did most of the time.

Though, most of staff that left Blizzard wasn't much active on development of WoW (different development team) looks like they are on a downhill lately. :-|

Leviathan 19-01-2004 13:09

The thread should be called WoW > Swg

That is all.

Tiddy 19-01-2004 13:15


Originally posted by Spitterman
WoW is designed with one thing in mind mainly...fun

the developers have said while building the game thats what they keep asking themselves, and if its not fun they make it so;p

Errr, every dev from every game EVER made has said that crap. They are trying to sell their product, ofcourse they are going to say shit we wanna hear. If devs always told the truth then ShadowBane would be the best game of ALL TIME, but its not.

I'll take a wait and see on this game as with most games made these days, simply because most MMORPG's have sucked as of late. Anyways, the game could be good, even great, but I dont think I'd put much into what the dev team says.

Leviathan 19-01-2004 13:19

I fear for one thing and one thing only - bunches of nansy fags running around in WoW cos there is no PvP which is the single one thing that will really get up my back, without pvp there is no game to me - Fighting other player characters is what its all about imho (but only mine dont get me wrong) - Bring forth the ultimate mmorpg pvp bloodfest game plz sometime soon ty.

Spitterman 19-01-2004 15:47


Originally posted by Leviathonss
I fear for one thing and one thing only - bunches of nansy fags running around in WoW cos there is no PvP which is the single one thing that will really get up my back, without pvp there is no game to me - Fighting other player characters is what its all about imho (but only mine dont get me wrong) - Bring forth the ultimate mmorpg pvp bloodfest game plz sometime soon ty.

where did you hear there is no pvp?;p

about 10% of the game world is going to be pvp...suposidly its quite big:D

To Tiddy....go read the gamespy article on it;p

Trys 19-01-2004 16:13


Originally posted by Leviathonss
[B]I fear for one thing and one thing only - bunches of nansy fags running around in WoW cos there is no PvP

What type of PvP will you offer?
We know that the player vs. player (PvP) option is very important to many gamers. Therefore, we plan to incorporate a form of player conflict into the World of Warcraft. However, players who do not wish to be participate in PvP combat will not be required to do so. Announcements regarding PvP options in the World of Warcraft will be announced in the months ahead.

Was there any other news that I missed considering PvP?

Bullseye 19-01-2004 19:14


Originally posted by montie
CT.. you see many of the old 144:20 crew? trying to get hold of em.. but not much luck
Actually, I haven't seen anyone except for jung (on ICQ and 90% idle :D) for a long time, but there might still be a few hanging around somewhere on IRC or even on PA boards, I'd dare trying a "hello 144:20 of r4" thread if I could be arsed to go there... :D

Leviathan 19-01-2004 23:13

Last time I had looked it wasnt going to be pvp heh - so atleast they have looked into it - but even by the sounds of those sentences its not going to be very vast.

Xenius 22-01-2004 13:59


Originally posted by Leviathonss
Last time I had looked it wasnt going to be pvp heh - so atleast they have looked into it - but even by the sounds of those sentences its not going to be very vast.
There are pvp in zone`z i think.. and Epic battles where u choose side.. like SWG? well it looks good thats for sure..

/me is going to be a Orc 8)

Valhalla 23-01-2004 11:42

I doubt it will have the complexity of SWG.
I also doubt blizzard will make a bad game.

I'm pretty sure it all comes down to what you like.

If you prefer to kill red dragons with your purple axe wearing your green armor and be a dwarf, then WOW is the way to go.
If you hate jar jar binks and wanna kill all his relatives then i suggest SWG is the way hehe..

Personally i like it both and i'll have to try and play both for a period of time before i make up my mind on how they are.

Xenius 23-01-2004 12:46


Originally posted by Valhalla
I doubt it will have the complexity of SWG.
I also doubt blizzard will make a bad game.

I'm pretty sure it all comes down to what you like.

If you prefer to kill red dragons with your purple axe wearing your green armor and be a dwarf, then WOW is the way to go.
If you hate jar jar binks and wanna kill all his relatives then i suggest SWG is the way hehe..

Personally i like it both and i'll have to try and play both for a period of time before i make up my mind on how they are.

I think ill play both games to... but with a main focus on SWG.. .cuz as u say.. jar jar binks and his kind suck ass..

Spitterman 23-01-2004 15:53


If you prefer to kill red dragons with your purple axe wearing your green armor and be a dwarf, then WOW is the way to go.

that line makes me ...sad....i know you don't truely mean it but just reading it made me want to cry:o

the whole basis of WARCraft is alliance vs horse....i'm pretty sure they will put some cool stuff in pvp wise

Xenius 24-01-2004 18:39

im pretty sure Blizzard wont dissapoint.. they never dissapoint their fan`s.. so im 100% that WOW will own in all Aspects :)

Tenaglia 25-01-2004 00:21

*cough* It's clearly that EVE-Online owns them both ..

nuff said :)

Spitterman 25-01-2004 00:32

no comment

Icewolf 25-01-2004 08:22


Originally posted by Tenaglia
*cough* It's clearly that EVE-Online owns them both ..

nuff said :)

nice to have dreams, but don't believe into them too much *g*

Xenius 25-01-2004 19:29


Originally posted by Tenaglia
*cough* It's clearly that EVE-Online owns them both ..

nuff said :)

EVE online :) right
:=) Aint that the fishy game.. where u fly for hours without any action?

Spitterman 25-01-2004 20:04

yea and when you get action its a bunch of suped up "space pirates"...that you'll never see cause they kill you that fast....i think thats how it goes;p

Xenius 25-01-2004 20:09


Originally posted by Spitterman
yea and when you get action its a bunch of suped up "space pirates"...that you'll never see cause they kill you that fast....i think thats how it goes;p

LoL that sounds like a game worth playing :)

Spitterman 25-01-2004 21:10

yea for like one day(my playtime on EVE;p

Xenius 27-01-2004 07:43

back to WoW
Can u have player cities on WoW?
or player housing?

Spitterman 27-01-2004 17:07

not for release, probly an expansion

Xenius 27-01-2004 20:17


Originally posted by Spitterman
not for release, probly an expansion

gameworld dont look so big.. is it big in size.. can u walk for hours just for walkings sake? or is it like.. walk 10 mins from town to town.. guess anyone dont have that answer for me yet..

Tenaglia 28-01-2004 10:00


Originally posted by Spitterman
yea and when you get action its a bunch of suped up "space pirates"...that you'll never see cause they kill you that fast....i think thats how it goes;p
that's because you roam around in a crappy Velator or something, without a corporation to team up with, and because you stay in galaxies that has a too low security level.

beeing a n00b in game doesn't mean the game is crap, just you :P

Spitterman 28-01-2004 15:33

no its the game, GAMES you should be able to solo if you want its suposed to be fun....either that or the corp. should be automatic...

Xenius 29-01-2004 13:08


Originally posted by Tenaglia
that's because you roam around in a crappy Velator or something, without a corporation to team up with, and because you stay in galaxies that has a too low security level.

beeing a n00b in game doesn't mean the game is crap, just you :P

some ppl have good taste in games.. some have bad taste in games :)

We can`t all just like the good games.. someone must like bad games too.. so stick to your game.. we can`t only like good game you know....

maybe EVE was good once.. but now its obsolete :)

Spitterman 29-01-2004 15:09


Originally posted by Sc0rpi0
some ppl have good taste in games.. some have bad taste in games :)

We can`t all just like the good games.. someone must like bad games too.. so stick to your game.. we can`t only like good game you know....

maybe EVE was good once.. but now its obsolete :)


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