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Leviathan 04-02-2004 11:47

- Lineage II -

Anybody Beta testing or have a Beta acount they dont want? hehe

Looks pretty damn nice to me, downloaded all the Movies Etc and the Gfx are Sexy as hell - Orcs look like the Hulk but better and it seems to have a lot of the base priciples of Shadowbane revamped. If they succeed in making a game in the shadowbane style but actually properly this will be my lil favorite in no time.

razor 04-02-2004 12:45

screenshots look neat to say the least

Xenius 04-02-2004 20:52

looks cooooool.. Guids will have like a kingdom :) sweet

Sandsnake 05-02-2004 22:05

They're taking beta apps but last I saw, it won't actually hit beta for a few months yet. (Release date of April, but lead developer said they're not going to discuss it until may?)

Tjattras 06-02-2004 07:57


Originally posted by Sandsnake
They're taking beta apps but last I saw, it won't actually hit beta for a few months yet. (Release date of April, but lead developer said they're not going to discuss it until may?)
You put to much emphasis on details... ;)

devildawg 06-02-2004 13:15

yea just went to sign up for it. i'de been following the progress of the game for a while, but then forgot about it cause it was takeing so long for the beta to come out.

and holy shit its about time a game came out with a good guild vs guild pvp system.


Clan War
-Only clans with skill level 3 or higher may declare war on another clan. Only clans with over five members may be challenged.
-Clan war cannot be declared on an allied clan. A clan that is currently involved in a clan war cannot declare war upon another clan until the first war has ended. However, the clan may accept war challenges from another clan.

-First, declare war on a desired opponent. The other clan leader must be in the game for war to be successfully declared. To declare war, use the Clan tab in the Action menu.
-The battle begins when the opposing clan accepts the challenge. If the opponent refuses, no battle occurs.

During a Clan War:
-The clan’s emblem appears above each character's head by default.
-You do not need to press the Ctrl key to attack an opposing clan member during war.
-Player killing (PK) is permissible between members of two different clans until the end of the war.
-Guards do not participate in wars between clans.
-Players killed in battle receive the same penalty as in a regular death.
-An individual may choose to surrender if placed in a dangerous situation in battle, even if the war itself has not ended. An individual that has chosen to surrender receives experience penalties equal to one death and does not have to go back to war. To surrender, use the Clan tab in the Action menu.
-A clan may not be dissolved during war.

Ending a War:
The war comes to an end when one of the following requirements is satisfied:

-The opposing clan leader is captured (death of the clan leader).
-The opposing clan surrenders (at least one or more members of the surrendering clan must be present in the game).
-One clan proposes a truce and the other accepts. The battle ends in a draw.
-All clan members, excluding the clan leader, have individually surrendered.
-Both sides fail to satisfy any of the victory conditions by midnight of the next day (in-game). The battle ends in a draw.

Regardless of the outcome, any clan that has declared war, or any clan that has accepted a declaration of war, cannot declare another war for five days.
If a clan surrenders, the clan leader receives experience penalties equal to one death.

]x[ 06-02-2004 15:37

Played the old free version, it was a nice freaking game but takes lots of time :p

And group fighting 0wned :)

For vieuwing that one remove the 2 in the url :p

Spitterman 06-02-2004 17:06

WoW will own this game hands down

Xenius 06-02-2004 21:54


Originally posted by Spitterman
WoW will own this game hands down

idd.. :) but then again.. dont underrestimate the wierd looking cool game :) it might be loads of fun

Spitterman 06-02-2004 22:02


Originally posted by Sc0rpi0
idd.. :) but then again.. dont underrestimate the wierd looking cool game :) it might be loads of fun

isn't this kinda like dissing it then not...well anyway WoW has no bad points beat that!;p

Xenius 06-02-2004 22:24


Originally posted by Spitterman
isn't this kinda like dissing it then not...well anyway WoW has no bad points beat that!;p

dont worrie.. when ppl start playing WOW:. they will find bad points :) ppl always do :)

SBS 07-02-2004 00:04

Signed up for the beta, even though it said North American beta... I guess it doesn't matter heh.

Looks cool though, with a nice touch to the gfx.

Shaitan 09-02-2004 20:00

looks kewl enuff, think my comps is tto sux0rish tho

Sandsnake 10-02-2004 04:06


Originally posted by Spitterman
isn't this kinda like dissing it then not...well anyway WoW has no bad points beat that!;p
how would you know? :P WoW hasn't hit beta either....don't make me reference EVERY SINGLE MMORPG TO EVER HIT SHELVES as an example of what can go horribly wrong with a great idea. :P

Spitterman 10-02-2004 04:23


Leviathan 23-02-2004 04:12

Ok so far me, Axis_WLF, razor and Xriz are on the beta7 server for the japanese Beta. Soon Whaam will be to. Seems quite nice so far, typical grind start to get yourself going is a lil boring but its the same in any mmorpg Ive played. Lookslike the upper lvl game will be quite fun.

razor 23-02-2004 07:56

yea the grinding at the beginning didnt convince me yet of this game's challenges

at this point i have the following remarks:
- chars look all too much alike
- they run all funny like retards
- i dont like japanese so i dunno wot all the dialogs r telling me haha

im looking forward to some group hunt thingy or something
also have no idea how big this world is. only been around the noob spawn killing foxes who make gnort sounds heh

Leviathan 23-02-2004 08:48

Chars are beta, full release I think prompts a few extra faces etc. Cant expect th same as swg.. it was the most customisable char creation ive ever seen.

Japanese is only cos its japanese beta and newbie killing is tandard in all games.

oh ye and only elfs run like retards

Spitterman 23-02-2004 16:07


oh ye and only elfs run like retards
your an elf?

Leviathan 23-02-2004 22:46

I have an Orc Fighter, Dark Elf Mage and a Human Fighter.

Spitterman 23-02-2004 23:12

is there an open beta or something?

Leviathan 24-02-2004 00:52

Japanese is now Open Beta yes. But im not walking anyone else through the registration... took way to long to tell ppl whats what.

Spitterman 24-02-2004 02:29

thats fine i don't want to test a game i can't understand;p

Leviathan 24-02-2004 03:01

Thing is this is what Ive been waiting for, for some time now. PvP is allowed anywhere and so far the Japanese arent bad ppl lol.. Only seen one retard running around killing n00b's who was swiftly handed a beating... Thing is if you dont want dead you dont go randomly attacking people. But the game mechanics allow for mass battles or group fights anywhere anytime which just rocks as far as im concerned.

It will be a more "Serious" type of war based mmorpg opposed to what there is around now... seen as Legion isnt showing much interest in it I will probably be playing with some friends from guild whom were one fo the 2 most dominant guilds in Shadowbane on their server. Gaffler is a good leader and funny bloke so while playing Lineage2 unless Legion shows any interest ill be part of their conquest heh.

Also the fact that its Japanese atm isnt so bad... im onyl really learning all the basics and where things are.. testing other races and classes skills etc. So far its looking like ill go for a Human Fighter as a start off onto Warrior at lvl 20 and onto Gladiator at 40+ I think. They can dual weild swords etc.. Cant wait for the full release as the throne will be mine :D :D oh yea and a dragon muaahah.

Spitterman 24-02-2004 03:19

sounds like a grief fest once it goes live (just read WoW forums to see how retarded people can be)

but i supose only real pvpers would want to play a game like that....it does sound fun but i'm not the greatest PVPer, i'm kinda like a lazy gamer, i let pets do my work...as you noticed in AO i'm sure;p

Leviathan 24-02-2004 03:38

WoW chars look like carebears in suits tbh hehe.. a lil to cartoony even though I would still like to give it a shot no doubt. Blizzard usually come through with somthing good so worth a look. For now though it will be Lineage 2 for meh :)

Spitterman 24-02-2004 03:41

you saw still pictures or maybe leaked alpha....i'm not saying they won't look like the pictures but i believe they will be made "realistic" with the movements and such

Summer 03-03-2004 10:08

I just wanted to tease u some more with this:

BETA TESTER! nerr nerrr!

Spitterman 03-03-2004 15:05


Originally posted by Summer
I just wanted to tease u some more with this:

BETA TESTER! nerr nerrr!

your full of shit beta isn't out yet

devildawg 03-03-2004 20:03

its out. NA closed beta, and theres a Taiwan and Japan open beta.


theres a japan guide too but i don't couldn't find it

Leviathan 03-03-2004 20:40


Summer 03-03-2004 20:59

NA closed beta.. I just wanted to tease Lev - coz I already told him :P

AND GOD - that application form was so painful! Shows how obsessed a gamer is when they go to such lengths to play a computer game :P

Spitterman 03-03-2004 22:38

lol i forgot what thread i was in, i thought u were talking bout WoW...lol sorry;p

Leviathan 03-03-2004 22:53


Originally posted by Summer
NA closed beta.. I just wanted to tease Lev - coz I already told him :P

AND GOD - that application form was so painful! Shows how obsessed a gamer is when they go to such lengths to play a computer game :P

Bitch :p - They have already said they are looking at opening US Beta at the end of march so its not that far off... although in a month I could do alot... Summer your damn acount!!! :mad: :D

Summer 04-03-2004 04:00

*smiles sweetly*

Tanis 10-03-2004 08:59

I might take a look when US beta opens up. The whole pvp thing rarely gets out of hand as long as there is appropriate penalties for becoming a pk. UO never had a problem really. The only thing that comes with open pvp is a steep learning curve.

Leviathan 10-03-2004 09:12

You pvp your names turn purple. This shows people youve either just been fighting some1 for either good or bad reasons and you shouldnt be judged. You go around and bash the crap outa people all the time and your name is red... then ppl know your an avid PKer and you get a bit of hassle. Id say by lvl 50+ Ill be red all the time :D

Tanis 10-03-2004 09:21

Pretty much the same as UO... except when you became uber red you could only ressurect yourself from dead at EBUL shrines and everytime you died you suffered a small stat loss which was easy enuff to regain but it meant that ppl couldnt spend their entire lives pking and had to have some downtime smashing monsters between to give the little people a rest.

I used to enjoy immensley breaking into ppls houses in uo with a friend and murdering ppl when they logged in... then stealing all their stuff while they ran around in ghost form going OOOooOoOooo OO OooooooOOoOoOo at us. Then rezzing them and laughing as the air turned blue with insults.

Hey if your gonna play a game where pvpis on all the time and its possible to burgle peoples houses you really should chill out a bit when it happens hehe.

Leviathan 10-03-2004 09:36

Ya but in Lineage 2 if your red your will 95% of the time drop a random item from your inventory and slightly less chance but can drop from what your wearing... this is the downfall of pvping to much then getting an ass kicking.

Tanis 10-03-2004 11:24

In uo when you died whoever killed you was able to loot ALL your clothing. But that applied to everyone not just pk`s. Also if you died you only had a certain amount of time until your corpse turned into a skeleton making it open to be looted by everyone. And picked dry. And that was wether you died by pk or npc. Very harsh way of living in uo.

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