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Stromm 16-07-2003 02:03

Hi folks. (I guess this forum is where we put these things? :P)

I logged on earlier today and was told that 'a base', no one specified whos it was, almost went down until the attackers got pwned. The attack pretty much fell on its ass and I was told people were shooting omnis running around USEB, I went there with a team of 3 and took out quite a few omnis until I got a /tell from gunt and rewq, questioning my presence and bringing up the legion/sf agreement. I thought that they were saying I wasn't 'allowed' to attack legion at other people's bases. It wasn't until later in the conversation that I found out the base under attack was your very own - I am unfamiliar with USEB tower spots, it mustve been the 2nd or 3rd time i was there for a tower fight, but I truly didn't know that the base under attack was yours. I suspect that maybe the people in NWchat purposely left out the fact it was your base because they saw me in it, trying to get me to come anyway. I backed down right when I got informed.

As for 'other SF' i don't know really, the team i was in consisted of a storm member and a redemption member, to my knowledge no other SF members were at that base, if there was tell me and i'll speak to them.

Sorry for the trouble. I'm sure most of you - or atleast some of you - would trust that I out of all people know better than to do what I did intentionally.

Saletor 16-07-2003 02:23

NP Strommy we still <3 you.

*Disclaimer* I haven't spoken to anybody, and this post represents me, not legion, so if I said something bad, I don't get in trouble for messing legion :)

Trelf 16-07-2003 02:35

No UBT for J00 :p

Xenius 16-07-2003 04:33

Thats one drunk fish?

hmm.. u have alot of points there

DiabZ 19-07-2003 23:29

Everybody can do mistakes, I'm not with the AO department, but not everyone would come here write an apology. Nice done.

Def2K 20-07-2003 01:07


Originally posted by DiabZ
Everybody can do mistakes, I'm not with the AO department, but not everyone would come here write an apology. Nice done.
Talking about your girlfriend again, are we? :)

DiabZ 20-07-2003 01:19

yeah MR.nothingwrongwithskidmarksonpanties.

Def2K 20-07-2003 01:24

Touche. mr. mygirlfriendisarefridgeratoranddoesntwanttotouchmeatall.


DiabZ 20-07-2003 01:51

I hate refridgerator girls.


Def2K 20-07-2003 02:05


Originally posted by DiabZ
I hate refridgerator girls.


So do I, but thats not the point heh :D

DiabZ 20-07-2003 02:09

I'm still working on it heh, so relax. :D

Def2K 20-07-2003 02:26


Originally posted by DiabZ
I'm still working on it heh, so relax. :D
There will be a day that you storm the fortress heh :D

]x[ 20-07-2003 12:39


Originally posted by Def2K
There will be a day that you storm the fortress heh :D
So def how long is it for you that you had a steady relationship and *boinked* a nice hot woman, give or take the same time that DiabZ started seeing his ladeh aint it ?

Zhukov 20-07-2003 13:03

Didnt we agree def2k is ghey?? :P

razor 20-07-2003 13:35


Originally posted by Zhukov
Didnt we agree def2k is ghey?? :P
indeed, we all came to that conclusion ages ago

Def2K 20-07-2003 16:51


Originally posted by ]x[
So def how long is it for you that you had a steady relationship and *boinked* a nice hot woman, give or take the same time that DiabZ started seeing his ladeh aint it ?
Thats not the point heh. Its way to long ago :)

Point was that diabz had this good looking chick which he couldnt get in bed heh :)

]x[ 20-07-2003 17:39


Originally posted by Def2K
Thats not the point heh. Its way to long ago :)

Point was that diabz had this good looking chick which he couldnt get in bed heh :)

And you lately can't even get buttugleh woman into bed...... cause your innerself is restraining you. ;)

DiabZ 20-07-2003 17:55

Pretty women with their heads up their asses are fucking annoying :D

Tobler 20-07-2003 18:13

/me spanks Stormm

Don't do it again !

ramp 20-07-2003 18:17

this thread got highjacked bigtime heh.

Anunnak 20-07-2003 18:18

A person comes to appologize for attacking a legion base unknowingly and Def2k steals the thread.


streaz18 20-07-2003 18:21


elwooder 20-07-2003 18:22

ramp, make us a public ao forum, which def doesn't have access to :p

Def2K 20-07-2003 21:39


Originally posted by Rampage
this thread got highjacked bigtime heh.
I AM TEH INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!11122334 :D

DiabZ 20-07-2003 21:46


Originally posted by Def2K
I AM TEH INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!11122334 :D

damn hijacker

Def2K 20-07-2003 21:56


Originally posted by DiabZ
damn hijacker

its not like I made an opening screaming "ABUSE ME ABUSE ME"

Therefore I think you are really guilty diabz

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