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AllFather 07-07-2004 01:37

The darkside

Molotov 07-07-2004 01:57

lol evul

montie 07-07-2004 07:20

tis from a scenario paintball match in the uk where you dress up and run round woods with your paintball guns. as well as starwars they do lord of the rings too

razor 07-07-2004 12:22


Originally posted by montie
tis from a scenario paintball match in the uk where you dress up and run round woods with your paintball guns. as well as starwars they do lord of the rings too
in fact, its montie :D

patsz 07-07-2004 13:58

neh, same as always, DEF!!!!

Saybel 07-07-2004 16:34

lol :o

Xenius 07-07-2004 22:40

nice one idd

razor 08-07-2004 14:53


Originally posted by patsz
neh, same as always, DEF!!!!
untrue - he wont fit in there

Leviathan 09-07-2004 06:41

lol nice one allfather :D

Icewolf 09-07-2004 08:56

AllFather: you're playing PlanetiSide? What server?

AllFather 09-07-2004 15:44

Started again a few days ago, havent played for 8-9 months.
Werner server.

Valhalla 09-07-2004 16:41

Allfather is a raging homosexual

AllFather 09-07-2004 17:04

Stop dreaming Val, you know you cant have me. ;-p

Ninja 09-07-2004 20:48

cool stuff :D

razor 10-07-2004 16:12


Icewolf 10-07-2004 18:18

AllFather: come IRC #planetside, Shev, Grendel and me are playing on Werner (NC) as well.

cu starside

Link 11-07-2004 10:01

funny :D

AllFather 11-07-2004 11:57


Originally posted by Icewolf
AllFather: come IRC #planetside, Shev, Grendel and me are playing on Werner (NC) as well.

cu starside

Havent played more then 30minutes since that time, but I will drag my ass to #planetside when I get back into town on tuesday :)

Icewolf 11-07-2004 18:36

you're welcome, we are using TeamSpeak as well and could use some more ppl for Grendels tree hugging action *g*

cu starside

AllFather 11-07-2004 20:14

Hehe :)
Im going to change sides from TR then, and see if the char i had 7 months still excists.

I dont know how it works, as I deleted the game, when I had a char on werner called allfather. When i tried to "remake" the char as TR i got told the name was taken.

Hopefully by me :)

Leviathan 12-07-2004 02:15

Your siggy is nice dude but I think im gonna have an epileptic fit :p

Icewolf 12-07-2004 08:55


Originally posted by AllFather
Hehe :)
Im going to change sides from TR then, and see if the char i had 7 months still excists.

I dont know how it works, as I deleted the game, when I had a char on werner called allfather. When i tried to "remake" the char as TR i got told the name was taken.

Hopefully by me :)


You can create chars on 2 empires per server afaik, so you don't need to delete him.
And BR4 is done within 30-60mins, just doing training anyway *g*

cu starside

AllFather 12-07-2004 10:29

Hehe, well aparently AllFather nick was deleted, and I can use it now. (its the one i reregisterd with).

And "Omnipotent" nick is still mine and reserved on the other two servers :)

Leviathan: Got bored, needed something to kill 15mins in photoshop :p

Icewolf 12-07-2004 11:52

Ok, so no more excuses, get a mic, join the TS Server and #planetside on IRC - i need more ppl for our squad so i can raise my CR :p

cu starside

AllFather 12-07-2004 12:38

Im not athome ffs :p
Will be back tuesday, and I will see if i have a mic around somewhere. If you dont mind someone talking Arnold English with a dark dark voice that is :p

(TS is free i hope :p )

Niktorius 12-07-2004 14:20


Originally posted by AllFather
(TS is free i hope :p )

Icewolf 12-07-2004 14:30

AllFather: are you from austria? Or why do you sound like Arnold? *g*

AllFather 12-07-2004 14:42

Cause Im norwegian, and for some reason (unknown to me) i speak english like germans do :p.

"Like Arnold" because my voice in general is dark, and the way i talk english ;)

Icewolf 12-07-2004 15:32

ah ok, i asked because i am german, and yes - afaik does those two languages have the same origin and a lot of words in common.

cu starside

Niktorius 12-07-2004 15:37


Originally posted by AllFather
Cause Im norwegian, and for some reason (unknown to me) i speak english like germans do :p.

"Like Arnold" because my voice in general is dark, and the way i talk english ;)

hmm norwegians speak far better english than germans...we just type like shit :p

Link 31-07-2004 19:16

there are exceptions, but I like to believe that most norwegians when not typing 1337-language type ok english

Valhalla 01-08-2004 01:50

Norwegian people on the internet should log off and go back to school if they can't "speak" english hehe :p

Ogami 01-08-2004 02:19

I type semi english :/

Leviathan 02-08-2004 02:30


Originally posted by Ogami
I type semi english :/
liez, your just a penguin.

Niktorius 02-08-2004 14:55


Originally posted by Leviathan
liez, your just a penguin.
well we joke about everyone that lives in northern norway have "icebears" in the streets (its not true unless your really high/drunk) but penguins........?

Link 06-08-2004 17:02

"icebears" (=

B|2bb3r 12-08-2004 05:40

Re: The darkside

Originally posted by AllFather
Fear the dark side

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