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Grendel 14-04-2003 15:34

To RS with all our love
Dear RS,

we just want you to know that all the legionnaires and your friends are thinking of and praying for you. Perhaps our love for a friend will support you in these most difficult of times.

Lots of love and get well soon!!

Molotov 14-04-2003 15:42

RS i know you can pull through this mate, we're all thinking of you at this time. Hopefully our prayers will be answered.

Johnny Rico 14-04-2003 16:05

Get well RS!!!



Zither 14-04-2003 16:08

Suspects can never be beaten, so u WILL get better.

DeEvil 14-04-2003 16:34

Even tho i donīt know you RS, i will pray for you to get well and for your family to have strength to get thrue this. And i believe in the support you get from your friends in here.
You have the best support someone can get.

All my best wishes to you,

Xeracy 14-04-2003 16:36

Hope you pull through this one mate..

all the best

We will all wait for u to get back on irc

CrAzYsPoOn 14-04-2003 16:58

You know how to fight, you will make it!

Riflez 14-04-2003 17:02

Havent really spoken to you much mate but my thoughts are with you and your family

Ronin 14-04-2003 18:59

best wishes dear RS, get better..

killerbee 14-04-2003 20:18

whats happened????

whatever it is RS get betta/get net access or whatever

i respect u man

Zak 14-04-2003 20:28

I can't believe how shocked I was to hear what happened..... You're one of us RS - we're all rooting for you.

My thoughts are with your family and friends - and your 2nd family here at legion - I hope to god you come out of this one 100% mate, get back to us soon.

p.s Killerbee....read the front page of the legion web-site...or the thread in cantina

Axis_WLF 14-04-2003 20:48

What has happend is a travestie and a shock! However he is a Legionaire and thus he will recover and be back with us! I am praying for ya RS come back to your family in Legion well soon!

Gatewayy 14-04-2003 21:52

Even though I do not know you my thoughts go out to you. I hope that you recover return to your many friends. Get well soon!

SBS 14-04-2003 22:57

Hope you make it RS ;(

Nexus 14-04-2003 23:34

Hang in there RS!
U'r strong and u will be victorious like Legion always is!


WE LOVE U !!!!!!! i'll say a prayer for you tonite b4 i go to bed!

greyfox 15-04-2003 00:19

oh god... i became so sad when i heard the news
we love you and respect you
i wish you all the best
get well soon mate

truily yours

Telmar 15-04-2003 00:41


RS is still under heavy sedation, and with a respirator breathing for him. He currently has two chest catheters in to drain fluid from his chest cavity caused partly de to the massive blood transfusion he has had to have and paritally becus there was no time to match bloods so his lungs are effectively filtering out all the crap generic type blood as his body creates more.

He is currently stable and we are just waiting till 2mrw morning when they will lower his sedation and try and get him off the ventilator.

Thank you for all your support, it has helped me cope immensley and in turned has helped me and harsh (a fellow suspect and schoolmate of RS) try to support his parents.

All we can do now is wait :(

and a link to the news story... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/somerset/2945635.stm

Maverick 15-04-2003 00:50

That is horrible someone would do that, I wish you all the best mate, I hope that you get better, and all the best to your family and friend's going through this awful time.

Peace, Mav.

Sexiness 15-04-2003 01:08

Good luck and hope you get better :no:

Kyrealean 15-04-2003 03:30

my thoughts go out to RS and his family. may he have the strength needed to come through this terrible time.

Moby-Dick 15-04-2003 03:57

hope you pull through mate.

Maddix 15-04-2003 04:28

Hope you make swift and good recovery mate, will be good to see you back here again soon :)

Marvok 15-04-2003 05:17

Best of luck RS, hope all goes well. My thoughts go out to his family and those that know him. My grandfather just underwent and emergency surgery last week so this type of critical care stuff hits close. Best wishes and hoping for a speedy recovery.

Tjattras 15-04-2003 07:26

I hope you have a speedy recovery RS.

Torjus 15-04-2003 08:58

good recovery m8 =)
hope u stands on ur feets :)

Icewolf 15-04-2003 09:29

hope to see you around soon :-(
best wishes for you RS

cu starside

B|2bb3r 15-04-2003 09:48

What happend was horrible, tough as a Legioneer he has the courage and strenght to make it back. Get well soon brother, you are in my prayers.

patsz 15-04-2003 11:20

keep faith in ure recovery!! we need u back RS m8

chemical 15-04-2003 13:04

Wish you all the best RS, hope you recover fast.

See you around soon.

Good luck.

pistool 15-04-2003 14:43

I wish you all the best RS, I don't know you that well, but nobody deserves this.

Good luck and get better soon.

Soly 15-04-2003 15:04

Hope you get better dude

Corinthian 15-04-2003 15:17

I was just checking in as I'm on my easter holiday when I saw this tragic news. I don't know RS, but I do feel a sadness that this happens to someone in my favourite online community. You hang in there RS, and I'll be looking forward to get to know you when you get back!

Fear 15-04-2003 17:55

Stabbing in the back man, that's just horrible. I hope you get better man, a legionaire deserves better. You even made me dig up my old pass/login stuff.

Good luck RS

Woppert 15-04-2003 18:59

My prayers are with you mate.


LORD-NIKO 15-04-2003 21:48

Very sad... ;(

hope u will fight and get back in here RS.

and may the guy that did this burn in hell for eternity.

Nexus 16-04-2003 00:07

Get well soon m8!

love ya!

HobbieRogue4 16-04-2003 01:55

Terrible news to come to. :( My best wishes to you RS, your friends, and loved ones. Legion awaits your swift return.

jornx 16-04-2003 14:31

omfg RS m8y!!
Hope you will pull through this

Golin 16-04-2003 15:16


DeEvil 17-04-2003 18:39

anymore updates on how RS recoveries ?
would be appreciated to know how he is doing...
i am still sad about what happened... ;(

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