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Dinoman 22-12-2005 08:16

- A few xmases ago - (the old school)
Those where the days... remmember waking up, it was xmas season, checking my acount.. And there it was... HUJJJE red numbers..
It was back in the Fury Legion days, round 3 of planetarion, and mr chief excutive of Fury, sid, had desided to take a 9 ticks retail attack on me, (offcourse with a hujje amount of his own pods in), for attacking tiny fury gallaxies with no tag. (offcourse on purpose)

Well, they had spent a few hours on preparing the attack, and within 10 mins it ticked, we had 1.5 X defence for the first tick, and toatay outnumbered them for the next. Atleast enough defence for Sid to choose a Diplomatic sollution.

Legion rocked, meaning the players and friends in legion rocked.

I miss those days, and sadly they never will come back.

But sallute too you all, those who play this new all time taking game with graphics, and those who not..(anyone got a email list for some or many of the players in round 2 and 3??? Tig, grendel, Are, Decoy, Fred, Rampage, mr.Wattson ect ect ect please email it to me at Sindre.standal@adsl.no or just email me at all:D)


Dino tvinner piggtråd rundt en lyktestolpe og stikker den sidelengs opp YOUR rompe

Dinoman 22-12-2005 08:30

yea... I met carpeias girlfriend out back then, and i asked how much time carpeia played planetarion... She answeard:
"he never comes to bed. when he finaly comes, he checks his acount before, after and sometimes in the middle of having sex... he getts up at nigth, and early in the morning to check that damn acount... its driving me crazzzzzyyy"

Icewolf 22-12-2005 08:30

Hey Dino! :)


Originally Posted by Dinoman
Legion rocked, meaning the players and friends in legion rocked.

Legion still rocks ofc! :)


Originally Posted by Dinoman
I miss those days, and sadly they never will come back.

Those days were fun, but missing? not really, and thanks god they will never come back, it ruined too many lifes back then :p

Gren, Ramp and Watson are still around, prolly use board pm to contact them.
I think last time i saw Are was in SWG, but can't remember for sure - and decoy was hanging around on the boards a bit ago as well, not sure if he still checks in sometimes.

cu starside

Carpeia 22-12-2005 08:35

such times...

fcked over my exams alot... that evil game of planetarion... and all the partys up in ur appartment dino heh..

Ogami 22-12-2005 09:13

dino suxs :D

Dinoman 23-12-2005 21:46


Originally Posted by Ogami
dino suxs :D

I licked Ogamis mother, liked it and proud about it...

razor 24-12-2005 09:03

Hi dino, im also still around. r2, r3 so long ago...

Merry Xmas to you

Ive never gave into the extreme timeframes of planetarion. Maybe 1 round i really did :D But i remember checking my planet constantly where they had an inet connection. Started working for a new company and as soon as a guy left his PC i was on his inet checking my planet heheh

Relifex 29-12-2005 16:49

dino =) long time no seen =)

Dinoman 29-12-2005 22:43


Originally Posted by Relifex
dino =) long time no seen =)



got 2 kids now, and a moody wife... = minimum gaming ect

Relifex 30-12-2005 15:49

hehem glad to hear your doing ok dino =).

Train the kids as grinders, you can reap the benefits :P

Willzzz 05-01-2006 21:13

oi lo Dino :)

jung 06-01-2006 00:31

Looking back its quite sad I actually met Spinner, when he was in the UK one time.

Also Sid and a few other furbys who I really cant remeber now.

razor 06-01-2006 13:25


Originally Posted by jung
Looking back its quite sad I actually met Spinner, when he was in the UK one time.

Also Sid and a few other furbys who I really cant remeber now.

things so far pushed back in your mind only hyptonics can bring back up again :D

Willzzz 06-01-2006 20:58

I remember meeting a few furbies in London one time, Sid, Cryptic, and erm Wolfbabe? I'm pretty sure it was the same time as jung but we didn't meet properly.

Only other person I remember meeting was Jenny whose alliance was launching a mass attack on me that night, luckily the server went down heh. Good old PA servers.

jung 07-01-2006 01:58


Originally Posted by razor
things so far pushed back in your mind only hyptonics can bring back up again :D

Mentally scared for life :)

jung 07-01-2006 01:59


Originally Posted by Willzzz
I remember meeting a few furbies in London one time, Sid, Cryptic, and erm Wolfbabe? I'm pretty sure it was the same time as jung but we didn't meet properly.

Only other person I remember meeting was Penny whose alliance was launching a mass attack on me that night, luckily the server went down heh. Good old PA servers.

Must of met ViaraiX then, he was the guy who dragged me along to the gathering of weridos.

I can remeber launching on Spinner while I was there and loggin into the vts rooms with the guys next to us in awe.....oh dear lets go stick my nob in a blender

GuardDog 13-01-2006 14:36

I still got bags under the bags of my eyes but with a big smile
Sid ran from my planet and let the other baboon choose to die or do the same (Runnn) and i burried his vice commander on my planet cuz he told me afterwards that it was a nice day to die.
Tig and Carpeia had not that wish so they chose to stay alive for a few days more hehe
Dino, Cheers 2006 and charish those moments:)) keep that tongue moving and in this case ur fingers

Carpeia 13-01-2006 16:38


Originally Posted by GuardDog
I still got bags under the bags of my eyes but with a big smile
Sid ran from my planet and let the other baboon choose to die or do the same (Runnn) and i burried his vice commander on my planet cuz he told me afterwards that it was a nice day to die.
Tig and Carpeia had not that wish so they chose to stay alive for a few days more hehe
Dino, Cheers 2006 and charish those moments:)) keep that tongue moving and in this case ur fingers

I sent my fleet before sid did... so i was there alone for 1 or 2 tick... :)

GuardDog 13-01-2006 21:55

omg so tig left u 2? what was the name or coords of ur planet again?
i have some scrolls with incoming i can find u on maybe? or the time u attacked me?
hehe 13 4 2001 dayish

Carpeia 13-01-2006 23:18


i think

Kyrealean 14-01-2006 01:26

Guarddog was in 13.20 as i recall. Egor was in 13.15 and i was the gc of 13.12 AE > R3 heh

dirty Top 10 bastards attacking me and Pneumonic every 2 hours every fkin night for 4 months :(

But anyway.....

LO DINO!! give the kiddies hugz from Kyreal

Rids 14-01-2006 05:02

32:16 forever!

Icewolf 14-01-2006 10:54

Quite a few members from WoW are playing a browser MMO RPG atm, and I just got the information that Clan Wars are enabled now :)
If anyone wants to join:

We will prolly make a Clan next week, need 10.000 gold for it :/

cu starside

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