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Poweredge 01-05-2008 22:25

AoC - Legion?
Firstly, heya to all the old folks who might remember me from AO, and heya to the folks that don't. :D

So what's goin' on with Legion and AoC? I'm getting withdrawal symptoms from MMO's. Count me in if you'll have me.

Tobler 01-05-2008 22:42

HAHA hi PE :p

Yus Legion will be playing AoC and it looks like it will be an EU server.

Poweredge 01-05-2008 22:54

*lol* - heya Tob. I feel all dirty-like... I need MMO! :D

EU Server? About bloody time you came back over this side of the pond.

Niktorius 15-05-2008 15:28

If you guys are gonna startup on an EU server and go PvE, Hirokai (old legion member) and I could be intrested in joining up with you. If you take applications for that. We both have Early Access.

PS: Somehow Hirokai cant post on these boards. :p

Ripcat 15-05-2008 16:14

Will have a news post about what server we are going to be on as soon as we actually know ourselves lol

Euphalias 15-05-2008 16:27

lets hope it ZUG!

Pitlord 15-05-2008 17:46

Yeah get Hirokai in !
I took over his SWG account way back lol. Long time no see...

Hiro 15-05-2008 17:50

hey tob, pitlord :)

Me and Nik are seriously interested in rejoining anything legion/SF might be putting together in AOC :D I will even bring along my girlfriend :P

The two of us still talk about legion/sf a lot hehe, good old days :)

if you guys didn't see it yet:

European English Servers (Early Access 17th of May)

PvE Servers
• Crom
• Dagon
• Ymir
• Bori
• Astoreth

PvP Servers
• Fury
• Wildsoul

RP-PvP Server
• Aquilonia

(from http://forums.ageofconan.com/showthread.php?t=96915)

Tobler 15-05-2008 18:08

Hi Hiro its been bloody ages :o

Hiro 15-05-2008 18:13

nik tells me some people from SF also interested in AoC together with Legion, maybe you can take it up with them? Would be nice to at least start on the same server right :)

Tobler 15-05-2008 18:28

I think some one tried to contact SF but I have no idea if they was successfull, I think it was imsdal that tried so if nik has contacts try to get them to talk to ims if u can.

Horus 15-05-2008 18:40

the name "hiro" rings a bell in my old rusty head!!!

rehi, long time no see!

Niktorius 15-05-2008 18:41

Hi Tobler,
Most of SF are gonna roll on a US server, so there isnt alot of them thats gonna roll on EU.
Some are joining up with some norwegian AIL folks, so Atm there is only one other that I know of that wanted to hook up with a Legion/SF guild (Slugem) on a eu server.
I really think it would be fun to join up with you guys, cause even though I was clan I remember the good old legion/sf days. Think we even formed the Neut AO guild Legion Factor or Synergy Legion or so.
After AO, Ive been hanging out with Hiro in CoH, GW, WoW and so on and hopeing to do so in AoC as well.

Anyway. I posted on the SF boards that they should look up this thread. Lets see how it turns out :)


Hiro 15-05-2008 18:44

Horus! weren't you my beastmaster/bountyhunter guru in SWG? :P name does ring a bell

any numbers of how many legion going to play AoC?

Tobler 15-05-2008 18:47

Cheers Nik

Horus 15-05-2008 18:54

yeah, i used to be varus in swg....
the most friendly bounty hunter on eclipse..... i was loved by almost everybody!

Ripcat 15-05-2008 19:04

probably about 50 or so from realease

Hiro 15-05-2008 19:47

sweet! Since Niktorius, my girlfriend and me will be in the headstart it would be nice to know what server we should start on to join up with you guys :D

So keep us informed as I don't have much access around here any more and neither does nik :)

]x[ 15-05-2008 19:57

Blegh some new nice MMO arives on the horizon and all of a sudden all those idle bastards turn up again. Next time when you stop playing a game keep present on the forums/irc instead of deserting Legio....

My 2 cents cause we seem like a dog kennel with a whole load of sad puppies returning to home cause they wouldn't survive it on their own in this new big MMO world.. >:)

Hiro 15-05-2008 20:02

we are just asking ya know, if Legion doesn't want us then I'm sure tob/ims/rip will just say no.

No need to get all offended because old members/SF friends are interested in rejoining, I think.

__Thor__ 15-05-2008 20:17

I can only speak for myself, but I like old people returning. most of them anyway. Ofc its always nice to see people hang around between games too.

]x[ 15-05-2008 20:25


Originally Posted by Hiro (Post 291610)
we are just asking ya know, if Legion doesn't want us then I'm sure tob/ims/rip will just say no.

No need to get all offended because old members are interested in rejoining, I think.

I'm not offended and i don't mind old players joining again but my point is the following.

Are you all gonna idle out again when the rush of AoC burns out ? SWG was a blast for me, not only the game but the community feeling as well. But all that died when people quit playing and never showed their face anymore.

Imho being a Legionnaire and part of the Legion community is more then just playing a game together. Thats what made us so different from other alliances/guilds/clans and I know more people share this feeling. So this is not personal at all Hiro and I apologize if it felt like that to you.

/me hugs Hiro

Just don't want to see Legion all blossom up and die out again after AoC gets boring. Cause in my eyes Legion doesn't deserve such a fate..

Hiro 15-05-2008 20:29

no worries ]x[! See my sig, I can be a grumpy old bastard so don't always take the fact that I get offended fast too serious.

I could go explain why I haven't been in touch much but if you really are that interested we will take it to PM's :)

Imsdal 15-05-2008 20:32

Well, this is just my point of view on the matter.

But I would like to see alot of the old timers back. As long no members who left has burned any bridges, I'm fine with them comming back home. We just want to play together, have fun and enjoy the game as a guild :)

]x[ 15-05-2008 20:40


Originally Posted by Hiro (Post 291617)
no worries ]x[! See my sig, I can be a grumpy old bastard so don't always take the fact that I get offended fast too serious.

I could go explain why I haven't been in touch much but if you really are that interested we will take it to PM's :)

There are plenty of reasons and i myself have had my inactive times aswel just showing yer face around now and then isn't a real big efford and would have been nice to have seen alot more faces after swg on this forum if you understand my thoughts a bit :)

Niktorius 16-05-2008 06:35

I know what x and the water are talking about.
Its the same in SF, we have kept contact on the sf boards even thogh we split up on different servers when wow got live.
It was actually when Vorcha posted on the SF boards I asked Hiro if he had talked with any of you guys.

It would really be a blast for me if there was a way to hook up with you guys, becuase I know you are a mature and well organised guild. There isnt alot of em out there anymore.
Hiro and I constantly talk about the old days of AO, and it seams like Legion and SF has pretty much the same views.

Im really looking forward to this game, I havent had sucha blast in a beta ever!

sLak 16-05-2008 07:02


Originally Posted by Horus (Post 291579)
yeah, i used to be varus in swg....
the most friendly bounty hunter on eclipse..... i was loved by almost everybody!

that's what they call a whore

Hiro 16-05-2008 08:19

After having a chat with ramp on irc he said it would be no problem for Niktorius, my girlfriend and me to join legion in AoC :wink:

So see you there! or on irc :biggrin:

Molotov 16-05-2008 08:55

gogo Legion Factor!

Niktorius 16-05-2008 09:10

wee. this will be so fun!
you guys decided what server you gonna play on. It would be great to know before EA goes live :)

Btw, Im gonna roll a Dark Templar.

Molotov 16-05-2008 09:14

Hi Nik frend!

discussions are still going on for server, am sure a decision will be made soon enough though.

PoM for me and lol at your dirty saybel sig, such a hoe!

Hiro 16-05-2008 09:17

I'm going ToS for Hiro for sure.

Niktorius 16-05-2008 09:25


Originally Posted by Molotov (Post 291655)
Hi Nik frend!

discussions are still going on for server, am sure a decision will be made soon enough though.

PoM for me and lol at your dirty saybel sig, such a hoe!

Sounds great Molo,
Theres at least 20 hours until the early access starts hehe

That quote from saybel was from some insane day at irc. I had it as quote in my sig here since I registerd this account and I still laugh when I read it...good times :)

Stijn 16-05-2008 12:08


Originally Posted by Horus (Post 291579)
yeah, i used to be varus in swg....
the most friendly bounty hunter on eclipse..... i was loved by almost everybody!

Ofcourse you were! Free FRS was always nice! hehe.

Stijn 16-05-2008 12:10


Originally Posted by Niktorius (Post 291658)
That quote from saybel was from some insane day at irc. I had it as quote in my sig here since I registerd this account and I still laugh when I read it...good times :)

It is indeed brilliant :p

Necra 16-05-2008 13:28

Hey guys, just popping in to say hi and hoping to join the same server as you guys soon.

Nobody will know me except "the razor"
My mental coach and chat buddy for 10 years now *plz save me ! :wink:*

Hope to meet more off you soon ingame, seem like a very nice bunch off peeps :biggrin:

razor 16-05-2008 14:18


Originally Posted by Necra (Post 291691)
Hey guys, just popping in to say hi and hoping to join the same server as you guys soon.

Nobody will know me except "the razor"
My mental coach and chat buddy for 10 years now *plz save me ! :wink:*

Hope to meet more off you soon ingame, seem like a very nice bunch off peeps :biggrin:


]x[ 16-05-2008 21:52

OMG razor is getting his sex slaves to play aswel. Cover your eyes quickly !!

Necra 17-05-2008 12:10

Cover blown already !

Is it printed on my forehead or what :eek:

Beti 17-05-2008 23:25

thought I'd pop in and say "boo"

I have been watching the progress of AoC with interest and am still in touch with Hawk, so makes sense to join the right server :smile:

I won't be levelling quickly though, even more of a casual than I ever was.

Hope to see some familiar names though :smile:

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