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sigrid 15-05-2008 22:27

In search of Darkjedi:p
Dj, you nerd, my comp finally broke down on me and i lost the Floyd song!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any chance you have it somewhere...
(if you are alive still even:P)

love ya!


ps. hi all.
long time no see
No, im still not nice.

Pitlord 16-05-2008 05:57

What Floyd song is it ? I have most as I am a Floyd fan....

sigrid 16-05-2008 09:48

its Wish you were here, but he sang it himself, so limited edition:P

razor 16-05-2008 14:47

hey sigrid :)

sigrid 16-05-2008 17:57

hey Razor, hows life?

razor 17-05-2008 12:06

life's fine here, thnx

all ok there too ?

Imsdal 17-05-2008 12:54


not a fan of him, so not going to check it out if it's just him :p

sigrid 17-05-2008 18:04

excellent here aswell.

Guess now Pompey won the FA cup DJ will be hungover for a week at least....ah well:P

Delinquent 18-05-2008 08:28

Hey Sigrid - long time no see *hugs*

sigrid 18-05-2008 19:15

Though i still browse this forum every now and then to see where my old love (read Legion) is hanging out now:P
Its fun to see all the old names come by every now and then but i rarely post anything. Good to see the community is still alive and kicking after such a long time tho. My compliments. Nottin ever felt more home to me then Legion once did.

razor 19-05-2008 12:05

a bunch of us started playing AoC last weekend...

sigrid 19-05-2008 13:43

Yeah i saw the topic of another thread about it. I did have a look at the game ages ago but i think it was prosponed a few times? Its not available here i believe untill may 23rd.

How it it so far? Anything like WoW or SWG?
Pretty bored with WoW now but didnot see another game that would be my kinda game so far really:)

razor 19-05-2008 13:59


Originally Posted by sigrid (Post 292141)
Yeah i saw the topic of another thread about it. I did have a look at the game ages ago but i think it was prosponed a few times? Its not available here i believe untill may 23rd.

How it it so far? Anything like WoW or SWG?
Pretty bored with WoW now but didnot see another game that would be my kinda game so far really:)

So far it looks cool. I ordered it at play.com and received an early access code.
I quit wow well over a year and half ago so any game is interesting to me atm. It's a bit different than wow and I'm liking it but in general all these games are kinda the same I guess. Questing, ... but imo they improved a few things like locating quest targets. I don't have to look as much as I remember in wow

sigrid 19-05-2008 19:06

I might give it a go:)

Delinquent 21-05-2008 16:12

Cmon Sigrid get a copy and join us, will be good to catch up and chat :D

Radium 23-05-2008 00:02

Hi Sigrid :)

sigrid 30-05-2008 18:06

Hey Rads. Good to see you alive:P
Thought you gave up nerding?

Ordering the game this week i guess, last time i checked it was not available yet.

MonstaH 08-08-2008 18:06

some familiar names here, apparently my last login was 2006... the pa days i guess! appologies for my absesne!

B|2bb3r 08-08-2008 19:17


Originally Posted by MonstaH (Post 295526)
some familiar names here, apparently my last login was 2006... the pa days i guess! appologies for my absesne!

There are plenty of those who neve log in again. So do not be sorry for logging in again, it is however good you do :)

Woppert 13-08-2008 21:12

Funny, I reinstalled my comp today, and was going over some old files. One of them was a copy of a post , one of my fondest memories of VtS.

Galactic Quest
sigrid is online now

Joined: Sep 2002
Games: PA fs

Please take yout time to read this and help us out. Us = the legion members playing GALACTIC QUEST.
Short history:
We started playing GQ last round. Its 1 minute tick PA, a bit more simple and a round takes 4 weeks. Sign up random is free, private galaxys have to pay. We payed for 2 private galaxys, were noobs and completely owned the game last round, by playing dedicated and as a good team.

This round we signed up again. we BOUGHT 2 private galaxys. We didnot tag from the start cause the alliances owning the game before we came along were not to pleased with us. Game started 4 days ago.
Yesterday our galaxys were ranked 1 and 2 again, and we more or less won....within 4 days....so we tagged up.

Now the fun started.....
2 hours after we tagged up the database was hacked (so they claim). All the members of the enmie alliance TE were given an insane amount of resources. According to spys we had in their channels some knew about it and some didnot, but they all spend it. Some members there knew they only would get it and not VtS even so its pretty clear the hacker was on their side. (we have loads of logs of this btw)
Of course we complained and the game was stopped to sort things out. This was yesterday evening. This morning the creators of the game decided to do nottin, leave it like it was and let everybody play on with the resources they had been given by the hacker (cough). VtS didnot get any. All threads about this subject were deleted from the forums of GQ as the moderator is also a member of the mentioned alliance.
Further more VtS members trying to talk about this on the GQ server were banned from it.
Please note this is a game we PAYED FOR

we have lots of logs with talks with ppl and channel logs but nottin i done. The 40 VTS ppl who played this game spend time and effort on it we played fair and were active. We feel they boycot VtS cause we are better, and the game creators dont do anything.

Now, here is where we need your help. W want everybody who is legion to sign up for free (you are bored anyway so why not) at this game.


And then please come to #signifer on legionnet so we can help you and give you the tag key.
Our aim is to have so many members there we cannot be beaten even tho they cheated like hell. Atm we have incoming from the cheating planets a lot. New planets will be to small to be attacked by them but because the game only has ONE fleet, they cannot defend when they attack.
Please help us get even with this game so we can leave it behind us as winners

PM Icewolf, Coldfusion, Steam , Woppert or me on legionnet for more info. Thanks!!!


We wrecked them btw, thanks to overwhelming support of the entire VtS community.

It's been an enormously long time since I've been here, and pure nostalgia made me google the site and enter my name an pw. Not only did it register, I also see familiar names still, among them sigrid, the poster of the above message.

I can't describe how that feels, I guess when we signed for the Legion, we signed up for life ;-) Keep on rocking, and while I still play WoW unlike aparently allot of people, who knows, I may check out conan if I have the time/money.

Icewolf 14-08-2008 11:54

Forget AoC, get ready to play Warhammer Online with us instead :)

And nice old memories from that message, hehe

patsz 15-08-2008 23:01

that message rocks :-)

and yes i guess you do sign up for legion for life or summin, the other day i saw some sticker and it made me think of legion (on closer inspection it didnt actually look like our logo that much at all, but hey.. that would make this lil story less fun aswell ;-))

keep on rockin it peeps!

sigrid 04-10-2008 07:02

hehe, i remember how angry i was at that time about that game yes. And as ar as Legion goes...yes, no matter what happened, its always a part of my life i look back at with mainly very good feelings. Sometimes wish i could turn back time to my very early legiondays..miss the fun but life changed so much:P

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