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sigrid 03-11-2014 07:52

Sigs plays Pa. A little diary.
Part 1.

It must have been faith or so, on a boring evening i ended up talking to Alf on Facebook after not speaking to him for years maybe and we were both wondering if IRC still excists. And if so, is there still PA? Or #legion? So that evening we stepped into the jungle of chitchat only to find out it indeed does. Entering the legionchannel was a step back in time and there we see this topic:

*** sigrid joined #legion
Welcome to Legion home of the old VtS || If you recieved an email from Willzzz please drop me a pm (Assman)
Topic set by Assassin on Mon Sep 29 2014 00:18:30 GMT+0200 (CEST)

Obviously, spammer and utterly curious as i am, I spam the guy with the scary nick:P Turns out on excatly THAT evening sign up began for round 59 (!) of PA. How is that for 'ment to be'?
Whatever happened after that is a bit of a black spot in my memory but before i realised it i had a planet. Now thats shock 1.
You have a planet but NO clue anymore. Some things seem to ring a bell but wow...so many buttons to click! So in preferences i looked for 'change skin' and took the oldest there was (round 23). Not even close to the ones i remember but at least it started to look vaguely familiair. I randomly started constructions I never heard of, did some research for things i never heard of, and build a light factory just in case ... and spend all the money i had before looking at the manual. When i finally did I ran into a nice quickstart page wich told me I did everything wrong and also how to do it correctly.
THANK GOD and HALLELUJA...there is a reset button!! So i started up my tiny little planet the right way. and I then joined Assassins alliance P3nguins.
Yeah I know...after Fury and Legion t doesnot sound all that scary...but they did win last round:P More about that later.

Let the game begin!!!
Tick 1!!
And this is where the changes come in Ladies and Gents. This PA is NOT our PA anymore. Its a LOT better. Obviously they realised that the old PA players now have families and an actuall life..... And thus they created a game where one still can play PA without looking like a zombie half way the round.

The first change is the start bonus. You make a planet, you get a bonus. simple. It brings you halfway all those long long researches and constructions and gives you enough resources to build a proper raiding fleet. I will discuss that fleet later...trust me, i have AMAZING news for you.

So basically, im set up. Time to spam my 20 player gal...only to find out it all gets shuffled into 10 payer gals. The set up is simple. you can sign up in a buddypack of 3 or 4. After tick somewhere-in300 the 4 man pack gets a 5th late starter, the 3 man BP 2 late starters. This can be an advantage later as you can end up with 12 instead of 11 in gal...but i may be doing a too-much-info thing now.

Anyways, after the shuffle..you land. I play random, so i land random. So shuffle has been done, you log in and look into your world for the next 1100 ticks...Hello PA!

to be continued

quote of the day:
07:31 montie I swear legion is raiding my gal lol...
07:38 montie you know things are up when grendel is incoming in your galaxy status
07:48 sigrid oh
07:49 sigrid thats me...

sigrid 03-11-2014 15:52

Meeting the rest

Now obviously there is no PA without social shit. So i was very curious wich galaxy i would land. Signing up random means you know basically you have a group of friends in your galaxy who are also in one of the alliances ruling the rond. So you can spam and troll a bit but they run the galaxy in the end. If you dont like it, exile. Or sit back, get popcorn and stay. I choose to stay in mine altho my fingers did hoover over the exil button a few times. Also i am convinced some of my galmates have me on ignore by now and I probabely am not making friends for life. But that may be my fault`;0

Anyways, the galaxy. Paranoid as we were way back then, i didnot know if i should fake nick or anything. The alliance told me to chill a bit, this is PA 2014, its all different. I decide to just stay out of the galchannel untill my mind hs adjusted to PA again. But within a day i got several mails from my GC questioning my activity, ordering me what to build, and the rules of defending in gal.
Oh god spam. Bossy spam. From little boys! As if im gonna listen. Say right and I go left:P Its my planet and nobody tells me what to build. If anything I would build for alliance.
After some nasty mails from both sides i decided to join the iRC and ran into another galmember from yet another alliance (not the bp) who convinced me to stay as he said there were good players in the gal. So i stayed. (/me waves at Deras). Turns out youngest galmember is around 27?. Clearly this is not the snotty-teenager game like it used to be anymore. Did I make the right descision to stay ? No clue. I will let you know when the round is finished.
I am quite sure they find me somewhat annoying. I talk to much. Playing 2014 means whatsapp groups and TG on the phone. I guess you get the idea…they are irresistable to me.

I was surprised how open my galaxymembers talked about things…..wich alliances we have, can we keep our alliances away from the rest of the galaxy, how are politics and what is our stategy. Not too much joking going on and i go with the flow. Building my bossy GC his fking pirates and all. Taking a non-allied galaxymember in my alliance as we have 2 members and stand strong. I was surprised about the open way of playing. Within days the whole universe is mapped.

In my memory playing PA means hours and hours of bullshit on IRC, saying many things you later regret and find back in quotebots. Well, not much changed there if you like that. But you don’t have to. Some players don’t go IRC at all. Rounds can be played on mobile phones i guess.
Altho the good old IRC is still filled and fun and some tools are not available in the game.

Ok, IRC set up, Planet set up. I met the f*ckers…. Ready to attack……right?

to be continued

quote of the day:
[15:07:52] <dybi> well, I need to be 100% certain before giving the wondering child of my galaxy an answer

androme 05-11-2014 18:30

Good diary. Lol. PA is good these days...just way too easy and it's all about politics. Not much effort needed anymore tbh.

Xenius 06-11-2014 07:03

more please :)

sigrid 06-11-2014 13:17

Oh the changes!

This is probabely not the most exciting post to read. But its definately worth having a look at some major differences beween stone-age-PA and PA-2014.

Before „take off’ a lot has to be done. Obviously you need roids.
Now there is NO need for scanning for roids anymore…you just initiate as many as you want. (first big change!!). Make sure you have a good look at the race you picked and what you need most before initiating too many of the wrong resource! (COUGH)
Then you start building a fleet. (I am Zik) I was building myself some co class and then I wondered……where on earth did the Astropods go??.
Well, they are no longer. You now have ships in certain classes (corvette or frigate or like me even BS) that target roids instead of other ships. I am playing a single target round. Wich means every ship only targets one other class. Like with everything in this game there are players who love it and players who hate it and want MT rounds. When it comes to complaining about stats and things, notting really changed!!

Before launching my first attack I ran into so many things that have improved the game. Its playable for everybody. You can sleep and have a life and still have fun. First of all, you can queue your research and constructions. So no getting up at 3 am to start Hypergate . It will all be done for you.

Also you can pre-launch. The attacks are not arranged by launchtimes anymore but by LANDINGtime. (its still LT…meaning LandingTick) You land in a certain tick (they are numbered) and you calculate wich tick you should launch. If I launch at 3 am and want to sleep at 11 pm, I prelaunch 8(eta)+4. Landing tick in 8 hours (traveltime) and 4 extra pre-launch. And then I go sleep.

Yes. Sleep.

On the other hand the disadvantage is that one can see a prelaunch on a JGP scan. But that also means you can Prelaunch def. It doesn’t work as simple as it sounds but it is a fun tactics.

Also you can fake-attack and fake-defend (fleet will pull just before landing) and……you can HIDE your ships at base. So if they hit you before you wake up…fleet is safe. (you dont have to btw, you can also let your basefleet fight) Hide or fight…they still do take your roids…unfortunately:).

Now the best news (oh Radium if you only had this in round 3..) Ships do NOT need E to launch!!!!. After I miscalced the LT of my first attack a few times because i couldn’t figure out the pre-launch immediately I was worried about not being able to send fleet anymore due to lack of E. Hence I was looking how much it would cost…….and I was like…


Nope. Solarpanels apperantly. You just fly off into space as many times as you like….no worries….

Probabely the biggest change, and the best one also, is the Alliance page ingame. You name it and its there. You see all incoming in alliance, with scans added, def added, Battlecalcs added. You are able to see all you allies and their fleets, you can see WHAT they have home and IF they have a free slot. Its all there.
Also the scanning is done in-game. You can search for scans done by your alliance so no need to do the same scan twice. You can request scans ingame also. If you look at the universe you will see in every galaxy wich planets are in your alliance, but also you can see wich planets your alliance is napped to or hostile. A small green or red line appears around the planets. Those things are all ingame options for alliances. I am still browsing and finding new stuff, and a bit unsure still how to use it all but it makes a huge difference, all this information stored. No need for arbiter.

I am sure this post will be edited a few times because i forgot to mention another handy feature. I have not told you about the covert operations you can do (blow up shit, steal ships etc, wich doesnot work in gal, trust me i have tried….sigh)) and the use of different gouvernments with different benefits or the way you can set your population to work harder in certain fields so you can speed up the production of your ships . Its all not too difficult but very new to me. So keep an eye out for more details, whilst i start writing about the art-of-attacking.

to be continued!

todays quote:

15:37 Seraphim` I'm actually in anarchy
15:37 ReaperSix your always in anarchy it just happens your planet currently matches your life

ramp 08-11-2014 17:08

I stole my first roids, and killed boats.
I must admit that was fun again, amazed at the amount of alliance integration in the game now though. Might be also the reason why there are more top contenders.

sigrid 09-11-2014 15:14

a stroll along Memory Lane
Like almost all old Legion Members I have a LOT of memories in PA. Underneath the pages full of numbers-in-database lies a big social network, both addicting and devastating. Without going into details I can honestly say my life would not be the same if had not once played PA and joined Legion.

Coming back to the game I left to play with Legion elsewhere was a weird experience. First of all getting back on IRC was a mission, since I am on a Mac. We found #legion and woke up Assassin. Joining his alliance I bumped into quite a few players who seem to have been there all these rounds and joining an alliance channel almost felt like coming home after all these years. Before i knew it I was calling ppl nerds and fluffled [fury]Kafka. As if I had never left.

As you start the round slow and in protection, there is a lot of chitchat and little action. Plenty of time to talk with players who have been around a while, and whilst doing so, the memories come back and the stories get better and better. Carpeia joined in, eventually even Rampage gets a planet, I see masterjw, Vegeta, Sebace in my alliance and in the legion channel all of a sudden also old legionnaires who play in other alliances idle along or spam. Stojke, Fiery, Sad, Ska8z, Montie, ]x[ and some more showed up, even tho some play for 'the enemy'.

So we slap each other around, spam and try to get each others roids. Its actually a lot of fun. Rampage digs up his stone-age files and what a treasure-chest that is. Banners, overviews, battle-reports and hilarious irc-logs. Every file I opened made me grin or smile , apart from the dancing Rumad in thong, that actually just still scared me:P alf provided the battlereports of the Battles at Jeh and Isch, Kafka somewhere found the old Fury rules round 3.
On my computer I found an old folder with PA related items and pictures. I once actually photoshopped a legion-tattoo on my arm! Oh the young and vain:) If only we could go there again.
I think a small group of old-school players drove the rest crazy that first week with stories from way-back-when. We remembered rounds where there would be 1 tick in 4 hours, and then 4 ticks in one hour. With legionplayers complaining and a 24 hr rollback as a result. We remembered all those names, looking at the rankings of old rounds. Singularity, Kejome, Game, Nodrog, Videer...they have all been discussed. Closing down Killmark for multying (?) was a thing many remembered vividly.. Also some current players were once fighting 'us' in the old days days and do not seem to share the same beautifull glorious memories. Unbelievable!
I hope the p3nguins didn't think we felt it was all better then. It’s better now, game wise, but talking about the old rounds makes you melancholic and I believe memories get sweeter over time. Which reminds me I would like to apologize to at least half of legion for being such a terrible bitch at times. And to forgive me for the sorrow I caused some of you. Think back with a smile. I do aswell.

Talking about flashbacks...
A few days in the game, i’m idling in my gal-channel and Forest pops in. Now I was basically Idling in that channel to recover from the shock to find out Assassin is in fact Willzzz and has been fooling everybody for a long long time. But thats another story for next episode.
So when a person called forest starts to talk to me it made me laugh. Yet another multiple personality of Willzzz? Then he starts talking in PM stating:.. ITS REALLY ME…. Yeah sure forest , hahaha. So i ask him a few questions and he gives me information really only [RB]forest would know. And he could describe into detail every embarrassing picture ever taken of him at several meets. Wich all involved alcohol and penisses if i recall correctly. I had no choice but to believe him. However, before i could say, Hi forest long time, how are you... he starts lecturing me about how I am yet again in the wrong alliance with legion ppl who always want to destroy the enemy from the start and how utterly unfair the game is when we do that and make a block against his alliance, and how we should all feel sorry for him etc. etc. Now THATS when i knew it was really him. Some things just never change!

Basically these last two weeks have been a walk back in time. I feared it a bit, not knowing what to expect of this game that meant so much to me once. But what a nice walk it has been so far. Apart from Idler trying to roid me several times (without success I’d like to add, one crashed attack fleet and 0 roids muhahahaha) I must say all the encounters with the past turned out to be nice, friendly and respectful. We all grew up to be somewhat behaving adults, and it seems many of us have kids walking around or a job consuming most of our time.

I am gonna wander off a bit more into the game and mingle among the nerds and geeks. Hell, I may even make new friends. Im planning to end top 10 this round. Top 10 of having most fun that is.

/me fluffles the universe

todays quote:
18:53 sigrid join #legion
18:54 sigrid fs
19:01 sigrid that was not an invitation
19:01 sigrid i forgot to do the /
19:01 sigrid gide

to be continued

__Thor__ 09-11-2014 16:19

does that mean willzzz has been multiing all these years?

Willzzz 11-11-2014 19:28


Originally Posted by __Thor__ (Post 328437)
does that mean willzzz has been multiing all these years?

Not all these years no.

Athena 12-11-2014 16:57

Heya all you oldtimers!

Nice to see yah all!
Do i really dare to get into this game again.......hrm late nights.....irc damn its a long time

sigrid 12-11-2014 19:15

A beautiful day in a Galaxy far far Away.
Something tragic happened this morning.
I live in a very small village
Received a TG request from my alliance
I left my almost full shopping cart in the middle of the local supermarket
oh...staff gazing at me in awe
I ran out the door at 10.54
to have decent 3G outside
to launch an attack fleet before the tick.
In the middle of the street.
People looked at me.
When asked I told them “I am having an affair”
I think that sounded much more plausible
then “sending co-class spaceships to a galaxy far far away”.

Talking about my galaxy, you deserve an update. After quite a weird start with some minor clashes with my GC (dybi) we sort of settled. A BP with 4 BlackFlags , Dybi, gallzilla, Garm and Greytonic. Deras from the Rainbows, Gide (the drunk fin) from CT, me said the fool and an unallied guy. And at some point an exile came in, called Due from HueHue :P After tick 300-something the 5th BP member came in with an unpronounceable nick. Wich doesn't matter, he never speaks. Apparently he just erm...does stuff. Oh and since this morning there is a Newdawn exile present.
So thats my Galaxy, thats my Whatsapp-group for now.

In the beginning Dybi bossed everybody around. But he learned from previous clashes, he really did his best to ask nicely instead of telling me. Then usually after explaining the whole tactics behind me only building pirates and cutlass Deras would come and tell another long and slightly different story. It felt a bit like two captains on a ship. Altho Deras did end every conversation saying…”but you better ask Dybi, he is the boss”.

So i followed up the orders and build a BS fleet to defend in gal, and an insane amount of cutlass. This did weaken my FR attack fleet as its value is lower than my Cathaar team up so I get less roids attacking. (dilemma) At some point somebody in my Alliance tells me to build Cutters. Now I didn't have any so while discussing our fleets I said to my galaxy...I’ve been told to build 25k cutters. Everybody laughed, told me that was the most stupid thing they ever heard and surely my alliance was made out of idiots. Within a day BF HC told he heard from BF galaxy we are building anti DE fleets and was wondering why. Wich made Munkee angry and resulted in a rather unfriendly mail to alliance to shut the fuck up.

HELLO “do-not-trust-anyone”!

As if i am responsible for conclusions drawn by other Alliances HC just because I build cutters……..now who is the idiot in this story…(waves @ Clouds)

This fleet story is a good example however of how i feel this constant dilemma of dividing loyalty between alliance and galaxy. Obviously I joined them both this round only. So i have played equally long with them. I realise the galaxy is very important. I need their defence, and they need mine. If I defend in galaxy instead of in alliance, then they defend me wich saves the alliance sending me defence…..thats how it works. But my galaxy won't exist anymore after december 5th. They will forget about me on december 6th and probably roid me without feeling sorry next round. But I will still be in my alliance. Its a major difference from most rounds I played before. This balancing within a galaxy to stay away from each others alliances, be sort of enemies but still friends… In quite early rounds already one could choose a galaxy. And if somebody in your galaxy did not do exactly what you wanted they simply got roided a few days untill they did. Oh old school again:P

Anyways. My galaxy. Sunday Morning 6 am. I wake up and can't sleep anymore, I check my phone and see whatsapp filled with messages. Inferno hitting our galaxy, most of us have 2-3 waves on them. I get myself a coffee. Since sign up i am drinking my coffee from the official Planetarion coffee mug (“talk fast, my galaxy needs me”). I sit down and hell breaks loose. We try to get alliance defence and make fleets to do some sort of magical crossdef within the galaxy and it all made sense. Simply perfect fleets to cover each other, i must have send at least 5 times to different galmates, at some point pulled and resent a minute before the tick. Almost everybody online and my GC trying to sort it all. Around midday we realised we had everything covered and half of the fleets already pulled. Somewhere in the afternoon the last red fleet disappeared from the galaxy overview. 0 roids lost. If we would have all been in the same room I am sure we would have high5-ed each other. It was a remarkable morning and I suddenly realised again how great this game can be, this mix of a simple browsergame with such a great social network around it.

After the adrenaline slipped away we refreshed the galaxyscreen and saw 2 more incoming popping up. That turned out to be a retal on HueHue-Due from BF for 3 fleeting them while we were trying to hold on to our roids. We didn't defend it and therefore still lost some that day.

I have to compliment the guys I play with. Not only do they bear with me for a few weeks already, but they help me getting the grip on this game again as well. And my GC….he was right. He said, stick around, it will be worth it, and it is. He told me to build my fleet the way it is, fitting in the galaxy machine. Im actually proud of him. Especially because the next day our huehuedue 3-fleeter was on the targetlist of BF again and he claimed all 3 waves on his galaxymember. He must have some credit in his alliance i guess. And yes, my alliance is what I play for. Things will change during this round and next round we are no longer "your" galaxy Dybs. But so far...well done.

/me applaudes Dybi.
Don’t roid me next round fs!


Quote of the day:
00:06 Carpeia oi fuck
00:06 Carpeia i forgot i sent a fleet on montie for a joke before i left work
00:07 Carpeia hahaha
00:07 sigrid lol
00:07 sigrid did you land?
00:07 Carpeia yeah
00:07 sigrid awwww
00:07 sigrid oh come on
00:07 Carpeia totally forgot i launched it

ramp 12-11-2014 19:59

Nice posts :)

I'm keeping a low profile, carefully stealing some roids while doing so :P

__Thor__ 12-11-2014 21:17

alliance < all.
you need to plan an epic backstab of the gal a week before finish

sigrid 12-11-2014 22:07


Originally Posted by __Thor__ (Post 328447)
alliance < all.
you need to plan an epic backstab of the gal a week before finish

they are reading this also. We have to make a cunning plan

sigrid 12-11-2014 23:34


Originally Posted by Athena (Post 328443)
Heya all you oldtimers!

Nice to see yah all!
Do i really dare to get into this game again.......hrm late nights.....irc damn its a long time

Athena! Give it a try. Its really nice. And no late nights needed really.:)

Fedaykin 12-11-2014 23:38

Ugh, this is bad - Legion going back to PA?

I don't even have an IRC client on this machine.

You know you're old school when you try and log on to IRC and end up on quakenet...

sigrid 13-11-2014 05:44


Originally Posted by Fedaykin (Post 328450)
Ugh, this is bad - Legion going back to PA?

I don't even have an IRC client on this machine.

You know you're old school when you try and log on to IRC and end up on quakenet...

hey Feda.
Na, i dont think Legion is going back to PA as in being an alliance.
But a small but growing group of old schools is trying it out and liking it. Notthing bad about that I think:)
Hope you are well:)

androme 13-11-2014 19:32

lol I love this diary sigrid, keep it up :D

you have touched the surface on alliance vs. galaxy - unfortunately, you must remain loyal to the alliance - at the same time, your galaxy can often save you when ur ally can't :|

Carpeia 13-11-2014 20:02

Bad quotes :P

Willzzz 13-11-2014 22:13


Originally Posted by Fedaykin (Post 328450)
Ugh, this is bad - Legion going back to PA?

I don't even have an IRC client on this machine.

You know you're old school when you try and log on to IRC and end up on quakenet...

Never say never.

sigrid 14-11-2014 19:29

a small update of the psat 24 hrs.

#I have defended Deras but pulled 2 mins before the tick as I would lose 2100 pirates and 70k value while he would still lose roids. He totally emo'd out shouting

“when the fuck i would finally learn how to play PA and how stupid are you ffs ”

He in fact ment…

”when the fuck do you finally play it the way I demand you to and in MY benefit”

As most of you know me you all know he ran into the wrong person for that shit. The Bitch in me is bigger than your ego Deras. CLASH!

# I had to launch a frigate fleet at LT 640 and a Fake Fr at tick LT 641. I mixed them up wich resulted in a pull because i was piggying the wave before me and my team-up landing the co (fake frigates) alone. Major mess-up ...I felt so incredibly stupid.

# Dogg asks me to prelaunch def. Im In bed already on my phone. Supposed to launch at 8.6.6. but mistype (sigh) ending up deffing 8.6.7 (Dogg himself). I must have this subconscious desire to defend him..i hope he feels flattered. Shit .

# Dybi needs defence eta 6 anti de. He tells me that at 06.55. By the time this command reaches my still sleeping brain its 07.02. I launch eta 6. We find out the mistake when the attacker is eta 4 and i don’t pop up on galscreen. He lost loads of roids. I am so sorry.

# 3 waves of inferno incoming on me. Galaxy covers them all. THANK YOU GUYS! Wave 2 decides to land anyways and crashes into 14k of my galmates Wraith. He got some roids but lost complete BS fleet and almost 400k value. OUCH. Mailed him saying "I hope it was as good for you as it was for me".

Top 100 of most launches that is. Ranking 39. I know im active but i do think they count all those misscalced prelaunches also….

#[13:46] * Idler hugs sigrid with flowers and cookiedough

# I am a n00b. I am .

to be continued

sigrid 14-11-2014 19:31

a small update of the past 24 hrs.
I have defended Deras but pulled 2 mins before the tick as I would loose 2100 pirates and 70k value while he would still lose roids. He totally emo'd out shouting “when the fuck i would finally learn how to play PA.” He in fact ment…”when the fuck do you finally play it the way I demand you to and in MY benefit” As you all know he ran into the wrong person for that shit. Nobody's Bitch i am. This bitch is bigger than your ego Deras. CLASH!

# I had to launch a frigate fleet at LT 640 and a Fake Fr at tick LT 641. I mixed them up wich resulted in a pull because i was piggying the wave before me and my team-up landing the co (fake frigates) alone. Major mess-up ...I felt so incredibly stupid.

# Dogg asks me to prelaunch def. Im In bed already on my phone. Supposed to launch at 8.6.6. but mistype (sigh) ending up deffing 8.6.7 (Dogg himself). I must have this subconscious desire to defend him..i hope he feels flattered. Shit .

# Dybi needs defence eta 6 anti de. He tells me that at 06.55. By the time this command reaches my still sleeping drain its 08.02. I launch eta 6. We find out the mistake when the attacker is eta 4 and i don’t pop up on galscreen. He lost loads of roids. I am so sorry.

Top 100 of most launches that is. Ranking 39. I know im active but i do think they count all those misscalced prelaunches also….

# I am a n00b. I am .

androme 14-11-2014 20:37

Deras is an idiot. I have successfully enjoyed SK'ing him round after round :D

sigrid 14-11-2014 22:09


And now for the most important part of my PA diary. The Alliance.
Where to start...so much to tell and there is new stuff daily I could write about.
As I said, I joined P3nguins. Thats because Assassin (who later turned out to be Willzzz) idles in #legion and took me in after a thorough interrogation:

Assassin: planning to be active?
sigrid: yeah guess so
Assassin: ok then

Well, that was easy. I am in. Alliances are totally integrated in the game now. Which first of all means they have a membercap of 60. No more then 60 ppl in an alliance. It does make the alliance ranking fair. If you win Alliance ranking, you are truly the best...and not the biggest. The game has amazing ingame tools now, up to the degree where you can see of every member of your alliance which ships he or she has home and how many free fleetslots they have. You specify what you need (anti-frigate) and what eta it should make (7) and you get a list of all available ships and players. The hardest part is getting hold of the player and make them actually send them. But there is TG (telegram) and SMS. There is an overview of all incoming hostiles and friendlies in the whole alliance...and you can add and adjust the bcalc on the battle so everybody can see if its needed to send more def or if its covered, and how. Really good system. There is many more features to oh-and-ah about. You better check it out yourself.

An alliance is a must, when playing PA. I can't imagine not being in one.
P3nguins was founded by Willzzz , M0rph3us, mPulse and Munkee. I don't know if it always has been the way it is now but P3nguins is quite a democracy. Almost every decision is made by ‘props’ which every member can vote on. Not all have equal vote, you collect points to vote from other players, usually for doing something nice. Its a very open alliance also.
Members have acces to all tools and are more or less expected to sort their own defence. Which should be a lot easier these days but I find it very hard. I know I spam a lot and chat easily but I truly hate asking or shouting for defence. Looking at how defence is arranged its clear to me I better stay away from that.

It took me ages to find out how the Bcalc worked as I kept trying to paste fleets in there. It turned out i just could use the ‘add my stuff’ button but since i was not actually logged in the game I never had that option. I am sure ppl thought I was a complete idiot for asking so much in the beginning also. At some point I didn't dare ask more stuff. All the things that are so obvious for all the people were totally new to me. The worst thing was somebody asking me to BC some incoming. And not even in PM but in public. Not really giving me an option to say no. Oh the horror. After struggling for half an hour I came to the conclusion that even if all available fleets would be send to def it still would not be covered. I don’t know if he enjoyed making me look like a fool or he actually wanted me to learn. It must have been a lot of fun watching it tho. And i can undertand they want all members to be capable to DC. But the result is I never tried again and have not asked for any def since. Thank god im not the only one screwing up tho.

07:29 p3negram @sms carpeia cerberus to 7 3 1 eta 9 please - (baasb) via tg
07:29 munkee .intel 7:3:1
07:29 munkee .tg baasb 7:3:1 aint even our ally...
07:29 munkee idiots
07:30 p3negram baasb - Ow shit
07:30 *** Filth joined #p3nguins
07:30 p3negram baasb - 3 7 1?
07:30 munkee fucking tits
07:30 munkee w/e im off

I am however not in the alliance for defence, but mainly for attacks and the social aspect. The social aspect is quite ok and the attacks are good!
They are organised daily and in an excellent way. Always decent targets, when full we just add a wave, and everybody seems to launch and land. When last wave is eta 5 or less JGP scans are uploaded on the website, you check and land or pull…….soooo simple.

Team up.
After asking a week for a team up (ziks needs cathaar) in the main channel I was hooked up with Loynis, from Romania. Incredible patient guy who helped me big time. He is a member of Bazza’s Battlegroup and after a while I was invited. So I am now attacking with the oldies Bazza and Uthor and M0, loynis, Flyflax, chimpie, winY and Howzat. Its quite fun, a relaxed group of people who dont worry if something doesn't go as planned. Its also handy somebody picks you a target if you are not there and v.v.. I think apart from the screw up in above post Loynis and I team very well and land most attacks.

The alliance does incredibly well. Altho there is a decent amount of nagging going on (what’s new, guilty also, I admit, I’m female after all) it's really a good alliance. Some players may not see that anymore. If you are in there a long time you take it all for granted maybe. But we are ranked #1 now, halfway, with several players in top 10 and good galaxies and a lot of active players. What more can you wish for….?

I am amazed by the amount of time some members spend in this game for the good of the alliance. All those attacks, Dogg and Bazza arrange, the endless politics munkee has to deal with, sharing it openly with us all btw...no such thing as "Kim-Il-Sid" here. The effort it took munkee to make TG work so well in in combination with IRC, the adding of intel. Its just a lot of hard work and I can barely believe some actually have a life still....my respect for that.

A small group of players chose to play the beginning of the round out-of-tag. They attacked with 3 fleets and grew bigger than average. After a while they were added to tag. And the score went up. I sense a bit of friction since they returned.

There is usually 2 groups of players: the social kind of player, chatty, willing to give up an attack to send defence and always last with targetpicking because they were discussing the latest episode of “Strictly come dancing”.
Then on the other side, the EGO’s. Ruthlessly roiding enemy planets in P3nguingalaxys who play for galaxy-win and constantly comparing penis size….errrrr, planet size, sorry, while claiming to be the one and only reason we are ranking #1 now.

yes, i am exaggerating!!

Well, obviously without them we would not be #1 but then again, they wouldn’t be ranking at all without an alliance and the rest of the alliance is still responsible for 80% of the score. So the possible future win is a mutual win. One can never win without the other. Ever. And they are all good guys, on both sides. I can even understand why they play like that in this round. I am very tempted to also just 3 fleet attack. It causes very interesting discussions in the channel with some emo but in a good way and with respect still. I LIKE IT. So stay tuned. More to come!

Looking at it as a n00b I am having a very good time still. Its really a very nice group of people and I do feel I fit in, despite the fact I spam WAAAAYYYY too much for some. I’m however quite upset Rampage overtook me in roids in no time...

to be continued...

quote of the day:
13:53 d|na I only call people stupid when they don't listen to what I say, as I'm practically always right

sigrid 14-11-2014 22:15


Originally Posted by androme (Post 328461)
deras is an idiot. I have successfully enjoyed sk'ing him round after round :d

i have his coords!

__Thor__ 14-11-2014 22:29

thats horrible. why dont you discuss dr who?

sigrid 14-11-2014 23:15


Originally Posted by __Thor__ (Post 328464)
thats horrible. why dont you discuss dr who?

hmmm, i miss something here i guess?

Willzzz 15-11-2014 11:18


Originally Posted by __Thor__ (Post 328464)
thats horrible. why dont you discuss dr who?

I tried.. no one else seems to know the show.

Oh btw:


sigrid 20-11-2014 11:28


Ok….soooooo, with about 2 weeks to go P3nguins ranking #1. Quite a lot of old Legion and Fury in there. Willzzz being HC obviously made quite some of us join there.. Inferno seems to be the other ‘old-school’ alliance. Sk8az, Storebo, Idler, Zhil, elviz ...and quite a few more have their home there. And somehow we don’t get along. Alliance wise. We do have a lot of fun and some jokes in #legion, so if you ever want to say hi..we are there.

I am attacking and defending and attacking and defending… Getting the hang of playing Zik again, with an awesome steal . Had to rebuild the Thiefs but man, what a co fleet I have!!!


We were slowly building up to a war with runner up Inferno. Personally I think munkee is the king of politics. P3nguins napped so strategical I barely have to suffer when my galaxy is ripped apart. And my galaxy sure suffers...Sunday NewDawn hit and I had zero incoming, mondaynight it was Conspiracy Theory doing a lousy job trying to get some roids. Seen a few crash and burn…..clearly not the best alliances around when it comes to attacks. Our one and only CT member Gide (usually drunk or otherwise intoxicated) however went nuts in his alliance channel because they never asked or told him, wich resulted in him being banned several times (story of his life) while screaming they should not attack us as we are way too active anyways. THAT then resulted in his HC saying they better “sing another warsong” then. I guess thats why I am looking at a total overkill of CT fleets on my galaxy this morning, and this time also 4 fleets on me... Yo Gide! And as far as bad landings concerned, my GC did rename our Galaxy into “Kings of Crash”. I think so far I am the only one with my fleet intact.

Monday the war started. And somehow I am not really in it. After this build up to insane fleetmovements I was sort of excited, got that special feeling you get when your alliance is king of the Universe. We all remember that dont we:)
But on that very day my launches failed due to inet problems so I had fleets home, and while entering PA that morning I had the feeling I was in the middle of something really big, and everything and everybody was swirling around me but I came to a full stop myself..An Eye of the storm thingie. ....and all I did this day was 3-fleet defending my galaxy and everything was relaxed and at peace there. In the afternoon some Fleetcatching made it exciting after all. Yesterday I was 3-fleet attacking and my BS fleet unintentionally landed on Storebo. (sorry , grin)
I had to find myself a third target afterwards as my co-fleet one went in Vacation mode.

23:30 munkee sigrid for ure post on legionhq
23:30 munkee this is a real low day for pa
23:30 munkee when ppl go in vac to hide from inc
23:30 sigrid writing as we speak
23:31 sigrid my "two tribes go to war" episode
23:31 munkee its like realising the girl u fancied is ure cousin.. and u can no
longer go there

Ended up landing 2 out of 3 attacks wich is quite ok against Inferno targets.

We are in the middle of this ‘struggle for power’ (hello round 2) and things change. We have spies which results in just about all info leaking and nobody trusting each other anymore, access being removed and the openness praised before is closing down rapidly. Its amazing how a wargame brings out the worst in people! But this also means we are either very good or our enemies are extremely bad as despite some spies leaking info we still are better then them.

At this moment I am landing a bs attack, just pulled the frigates due to heavy resistance on inferno side and unfortunately my Co halfway the uni because I had to defend a fake attack just before sleeping……just another day in PA... Still having a LOT of fun.

I am not sure how this war with Inferno will end. Looking at Ultprime with a massive amount of roids and their resources stockpiled and BF doing quite well….how much ahead do you have to be to last unill the end?

In Dutch we have a saying which translates a bit like this:

When two dogs are fighting over a bone a third one will come by and run off with it.

Lets hope that's not the case here!

to be continued.

Pic of the day:

For 1 tick I have over 1k roids!!! Lost 25% a tick later... oh well:P


androme 20-11-2014 13:37

I'm going to blow up 4 of your roids, just for fun :D

sigrid 20-11-2014 14:41

i'm immune


Originally Posted by androme (Post 328482)
I'm going to blow up 4 of your roids, just for fun :D

__Thor__ 20-11-2014 15:10

guess its not much secrets nowadays since you show your galaxys alliances?

sigrid 20-11-2014 15:57

I dont think I am showing any intel that was not available yet... its all a bit more open now.
It;s the screen how I see it, they may have different intel and not see it all so green:)
I asked my galaxy and they had no objections.


Originally Posted by __Thor__ (Post 328484)
guess its not much secrets nowadays since you show your galaxys alliances?

sigrid 22-11-2014 12:56

To crash or not to crash, thats the question.

The war is about 5 days old and I think we won it. We are sort of solid ranking #1 and inferno dropped to #4 with people leaving and going in vacation mode. Its safe to say we played it well.

This seems to be the time when people get lazy or bored….. and we lose value due to fleets crashing. Now i never crashed a fleet ever before, and could not understand why on earth people crash. Even the most experienced players seem to crash 400k value and i never know why.
Well, this morning was hectic. Take a look at my galaxy overview:


And thats just a few planets, it doesn't quite fit on the screenie. Terrible day for incoming and I have been moving fleets around. BF apparently has pissed of half the universe and we have incoming from CT, Hu3hu3 and Newdawn. Total overkill on the galaxy and thank you Napoleon for saving a wave for me.

However, while sorting a fleet to defend against a fleetcatch and trying to ask if its not needed in galaxy maybe my kids start to fight over the xbox. I walk of. I sort them, make sure its peace again, walk around and suddenly realise i have an attack landing…...only to find my co fleet crashed terribly.
So...lesson learned. I always claim i never crash. Well, I do!
I find it especially annoying for the alliance. I see people trying to cover a wave of incoming on me and save value and score, and then they see me crash stupidly afterwards. Thats not how you win a round. Sorry Munkee, my bad here. And i wont just judge any crashed anymore...I considered myself quite carefull with fleets and it happened still....



I am a N00B I am.

to be continued

quote of the day comes from the p3nguinpage. there are several quotes there. I find them nice .

i dont understand ppl crashing
We DC incs, not one person.
Everyone here has a brain, so use it

sigrid 29-11-2014 19:56

One week to go......we fought some amazing battles and are doing our very best to stay #1 untill round's end. I have no clue how its gonna work out but.....



12:01 munkee waits for tick
12:02 m0rph3us Asteroids Captured Metal : 54 Crystal : 55 Eonium : 52
12:02 munkee come onnnnnn
12:02 sigrid bonnie and clyde do well on bs..
12:02 munkee OMG
12:02 munkee OMG
12:02 m0rph3us my bs lands every day
12:02 munkee WHAT A TICK
12:02 munkee 3.4k roids
12:02 munkee 3mill score
12:02 m0rph3us we should have went BS
12:02 m0rph3us
12:02 sigrid yes!!!
12:02 sigrid damn
12:02 sigrid proud
12:02 munkee why do i ever doubt my self ;p
12:02 munkee m0rph3us we just had our biggest tick since r43 ;p
12:02 Darling up 43 places
12:02 p3negram Tick: 1024 Rank: 1 Members: 60 Roid Change: 3,406 Value Change: 921,003 Counted Score Change: 2,933,825
12:03 sigrid do you need tissues munkee ?
12:03 munkee yes
12:03 munkee r43 or whatever it was we went all xan
12:03 sigrid hands kleenex
12:03 munkee they lost round cos of us
12:03 munkee and we made a 3.4mill tick
12:03 munkee this was closest we been to that

__Thor__ 29-11-2014 20:55

that is some ingame raiding system?

sigrid 01-12-2014 10:57

I just love Battleships

Jumpgate Probe on 7:8:11 in tick 1071
Origin Mission Fleet ETA Fleetsize
6:7:1 (Zik) Attack Bonny 1 10600
1:7:6 (Zik) Attack Clyde 1 11329

There is a lot to tell but then again I should not tell so much.
Last week of the game and its all or notthing. !

sigrid 01-12-2014 15:02


Rainbows claims to be an alliance who does not form blocks and does not p-target. They raid galaxys.
Amazingly one day I woke up to find 3 waves of rainbows on me...just me..nobody else in the galaxy had rainbows inc.
Our only Rainbow member Deras claimed it was because they raided 2 galaxys but because of the many friendlies in there they needed one more target and picked me. So far for no p-targetting then. This happened a few times to P3n members .So P3n decided to hit Rainbows. It took one night. I believe one Rainbos HC stepped down and Rainbows round was over.

Carpeia 06-12-2014 00:34

And we won! :)

sigrid 06-12-2014 16:22


So round 59 has ended. P3nguins won the alliance rankings. In a very convincing way I may add.It has been exciting untill the last week. We knew Ultprime had a lot of resources stockpiled and we scanned them all and calculated how much score it could be. We also realised there were some players with high scores not tagged (i.e counting towards any alliance score). If an alliance would kick a low score planet (inactive or scanner last day or so) and add the top 10 guy without alliance it would add a considerable amount of score. I think Munkee calculated we had to be ahead of the competition about 20m before entering the final week. We expected massive incoming but we also attacked as heroes, and we eventually won with very clear numbers!


The aims for this round before starting was top get top 3 planets and possibly a galaxy win. Already quite early in the round it was clear galaxy 2.2 would win. They not only had some HC of various alliances in there, but also the bp of elviz and pommeh and some other freaks. Considering the politics I suspect at some point it was an unwritten agreement going on….2.2 gets galwin, we get allie win. Lets not hurt each other too much. However this agreement was damaged at some point because there is always players who think the universe is all about them and the 59 other people in the alliance are only there to serve and protect him. (HELLO VEGETA)
I think P3nguins played an excellent round. We adjusted our goals while playing and i have to say Munkee did an excellent job in politics. You may be an arrogant *&^% but damn Munkee, you are good.

What was very amusing was all the whining and nagging on PA forums last week. Indeed, notthing changed there either. If you loose, you whine and make up a million excuses and reasons why its not your fault you lost, but our fault. We NAPped too much, the XP round sucks, too many xan...nobody can be trusted, we have too many friends, and the best one...'we didnot play this round"....But you can blame stats, XP or NAPs all you want..in the end we all play by the same rules and with the same shippies and..


Take a look at the attacking and defending numbers and the incoming and then again dare say we napped half the universe and had it easy! BULLSHIT !!
Dear HC off every other fking alliance....... We rock.
We were better. And we will win next round also!


I felt sorry for the xan-guys for not getting more alliance support in the last week. I am not sure if we could have given what was needed and still hold the alliance ranking, but i did have the feeling the alliance was devided about that. I tried to step up a few times and cut down the totally stupid defence on very average planets with lousy roidcount to make the fleets do more useful work for the alliance and help where it actually would matter. But somehow there is always other players who disagree on that , maybe for their own benefit, or maybe because they are unable to see a bigger picture. And maybe i was wrong in thinking the way I did.
I think that was the only disappointing thing this round, not being able to motivate 59 others to set aside their own urge to end #23 instead of #26 in the benefit of Plaguuu, who came second last round and again this round. Also Spor, Animaru and Reapersix ended top 10. I feel there was more to gain. Plaguuu should have had an alliance backing him up after it was clear we won as alliance.

19:35 p3negram plaguuu@attack - Fc im hoping
19:36 p3negram joopster@attack - Problem is we need many more fleets on 2:2 first
19:41 p3negram plaguuu@attack - We should have a entire alliance
19:41 p3negram joopster@attack - I know, but many people want to land aswell
19:41 p3negram joopster@attack -
19:43 p3negram sebace@attack - Not everyone is interested in your win plaguuu
19:43 p3negram sebace@attack - Some people want to finish as high as they can

19:56 p3negram sigrid@attack - ok so joopster, you arrange the fc?
19:57 p3negram sigrid@attack - since you are a magician with getting fleets
19:57 p3negram joopster@attack - Im not
19:57 p3negram sigrid@attack - i dont want to know tomorrow at 20.oo he could have won but we were unloyal
19:57 p3negram joopster@attack - This is the wrong group for me
19:57 p3negram sigrid@attack - its a 60 ppl alliance.

P3nguins tries to be self-regulating. That is a beautiful thing. You can set up your ideas in .prop and have ppl vote on it. But on things that need to be discussed or on things that need immediate action its not working. Even if a player steps up you will find others player who think its not in their personal benefit or who have hidden agendas or another reason to try stop it. If ppl are too divided they still wait for a HC to step in and speak.....
But don't get me wrong.....it is a great alliance and i have a really really good time here. It feels like home to me and again the open way of running it is quite nice. Excellent job Wilzzz, Munkee, M0, Sera and Tolky

Now this is all my opinion and the way i have experienced it. It may not be the right way to look at things at all. In all honesty, I have a wonderfull time and I Would not change a thing if we played the round again (apart from crashing my co-fleet).

I am definately going to play round 60. Its an anniversary, and i hope to play it better then this round. Took quite a bit to get the hang of it again. I hope to have a nice BP so I wont go random anymore. I have learned how to play PA again and damn, its nice. I can only recommend you come and have a look, maybe sign up for the free winterround ...and play round 60 with us. For old time sake!!!

11:46 sigrid ramp: ...did you fuck up LT?
11:47 sigrid yeah yu did you terrible n00b
11:47 ramp looks like it
11:47 sigrid so gonna spam this on legion forums
11:47 ramp
11:47 sigrid hahahahahahahaha
11:47 sigrid ahh land with me
11:47 sigrid i dont care
11:47 ramp its due to this stupid stupid launc h interface

to be continued

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