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Xcalibur 15-07-2004 10:31

Disabled membership ?
im just wondering why i cant get onto any of our private forums like SWG and stuf ?

My account is canceled because of some other stuff going on kinda was unexpected, but when the revamp comes along i should be able to restart np.

Def2K 18-07-2004 18:42

Bug tehar/ ramp on irc :)

Xcalibur 19-07-2004 01:00

Hey def :)) long time no seee !!

Look at the flowers.. there pretty

Xcalibur 19-07-2004 01:01

oh yeah and under my name GOing down hill ??

i actually live on a hill fs !! not my fault !!!!!!!!!!!! x5

JRL 19-07-2004 07:34


Originally posted by Xcalibur
C. U say im selfish but all you dont give a shit why hes quit or if im allright all you say is "ohh nevermind where he has gone hes got a couple of my million items"[/B]
well last time I (we?) saw you it was on the forum talking about legion starting on a new server since you found the game boaring! So i guess we all knew why you quit. And for us not giving a shit? its not like you whent to war, you quit a game you playd for what? 3 weeks?
And yes, if ppl lend you stuff to make your grind easyer, its not nice to just suddenly quit and never return the stuff to them!
So just calm down, get your account back and start playing :yes:

razor 19-07-2004 07:34

Hi m8

So wot did happen to ya ?

If you talk to grendel or somethin with a good explanation i think u can get yer membership back np.
Its normal i think (at least for legion heh) when u dissapear when owing stuff to others that they get a little edgy, its not the first time that stuff disappeared when others were in control of it. (no offense to those either)

The 'going downhill' title has already been used before when ppl lost their membership.

Zak 19-07-2004 08:11

Howdy heh - don't take any offence at the following, but there are a few things you should really think about

Originally posted by Xcalibur
A. it was unexpected duh thats why you wernt told.

Thats cool, un-expected things happen, but at the same time, most people would find a minute or two to post a quick message saying "hey guys, had to cancel my account, i will be back in xxx amount of time, and will repay the loans i got from folks - thanx"

Whether it's by using your own computer, borrowing a friends, nipping down to a internet cafe, or even going to the library :p people have had terrible personal problems and family grievances - and they've managed to pop on for a quick message to tell people whats up. However, I don't know your circumstances - so it's difficult to comment, as you haven't stated them


Originally posted by Xcalibur

B. The things i have will get back to them im sorry for the delay

You need to start seeing things from other people's point of view - it's not the return of the items thats the major problem here, it's the point that no-one knew whether they'd get them back or not. Imagine if it was you that loaned something important to someone - only to have them disappear with no contact.....despite what you might think, i'd be willing to bet that you'd be a little bit angry with them.


Originally posted by Xcalibur

C. U say im selfish but all you dont give a shit why hes quit or if im allright all you say is "ohh nevermind where he has gone hes got a couple of my million items"

Selfish may have been a bit harsh, but it "appeared" to be the case when they heard nothing from you.... but it's back to the original point, you haven't told us where you are, or where you've gone, you haven't said whats wrong or if you're ok - you disappear, then re-appear asking why you don't have access anymore - if you don't feel the need to mention where you've been....then why do you expect others to ask you?


Originally posted by Xcalibur

D. I dont give a shit whos annoyed, because clearly in legion someones always bloody angry at someone, so shuv it

While it's true that there's always drama and someone angry :p this isn't the kind of attitude thats going to get you back in
"i don't care who i upset, you can all shove it.......oh yeah, can i have access back?"


Originally posted by Xcalibur

E. HOw the fuk is it funny i come on AFTER u disable it ? what the hell is tha supposed to mean ? I just come on to check for the first time in a while and find ive been disabled. well FU..

It's called a coincidence - look at this from an outside perspective for a second.
1) You borrow things from people in-game
2) you disappear with no word as to where you are
3) people are upset that you didn't let them know you were leaving and haven't been in contact since
4) after a while your access is removed
5) the day after it's removed you return asking where your access is

If you think about it calmly and without biase for a minute, without shouting "fuk you all and shove it" - then im sure you can see why people might be a bit miffed and even suspicious


Originally posted by Xcalibur

but whatever, winge all you want, you will anyways

Ahh of course, there's no fault to be placed at your door at all? None of the responsibility for it is on you? It's just other people being whingers? heh, insulting one of the games command members isn't going to get you access back either.

If you actually care about legion, I'd suggest you post again, a bit more calmly, explaining where you've been, how you are, if you're doing ok, Apologising for not getting in touch before and asking if it's possible to come back.

If you don't care at all about us, feel free to tell me to shove it heh.

darmok 19-07-2004 10:52

You couldn't tell us why you disappeared for some reasons, however you were able to post about a shooter one month after your sudden disappearing :p.

Wierd, don't you agree :)?

razor 19-07-2004 10:58


Originally posted by darmok
You couldn't tell us why you disappeared for some reasons, however you were able to post about a shooter one month after your sudden disappearing :p.

Wierd, don't you agree :)?

you got a point there...

icarus 19-07-2004 11:35

Uhm, that house next to mine, was that yours ? ( Forum Romanum somethnig something, behind the cantina ) If so, hope you didn't stash anything in it, haven't seen the house for weeks, heh

Maddix 19-07-2004 12:34

Nice to see you are managing to maintained the same level of maturity as you did in your reply to my private message by bringing your grievance to a public forum instead of messaging a HC to discuss the situation.

Just so we are clear by the way, no I am not HC, no I did not change your access as I can't - I was simply the one that bothered to reply to your message stating what I perceived to be the general opinion of the SWG community of you and your actions.

Anyway as for your 'points' they have all been covered already by Zak, JRL and Darmok so I won't waste my time any further with you until you decide you want to discuss things normally instead of swearing and being insulting every few words.

Xcalibur 19-07-2004 12:54

lol did i post that :)

Sorry guys, when i read it now i think i must have been ina really bad mood yesterday :( editing the post now !

Yes an i am sorry for not comming back and saying i will be back in a couple months and i do understand.

Also all those things i said were just anger as u all might expect.

And the shooter thing darmok, i had actually forgotten that i had stuff from legion at that time, and are u sure it was after my account was canceled ?

But anyways i was mainly waiting for the revamp and as me being married and stuff other personal things where involved that prevented me being on as much.

i dunno why my house was deleted ? i have the Gun on my char is it deleted aswell ? i thought they stayed for a good few months before deletion ? As soon as i can actually afford to get back into swg in a month or 2 should be NP then i will either give u back your items or pay u the creds for anything that i had.

The things that come to mind are.
the 1 mil cred gun to Sabre.
and the 8? harvesters i used to get Jornx power.
i cant recall anything else atm but if there is just let me know.

And again sorry for my childish response, just was kinda disapointed at the time.

JRL 19-07-2004 13:16


Ninja 19-07-2004 23:07

hey Xcalibur

nice to see u again, hope u get ur problem sort it out soon :)

Def2K 20-07-2004 10:36

I think zak gets a stiffy from typing.. Man, he writes complete novels as responses heh :)

Other then that, nice to see ya back Xcal.

No comment on SWG issues from me btw :p

Xcalibur 20-07-2004 12:26

thx bros :)

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