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Mr_Blonde 07-01-2003 16:58

StarSphere players must read!!!!
hi ive noticed a few VtS tags apearing on top ranks and we should realy be some sort of force if we r going to tag so ive set up #ss on legionhq.org plz join when your online:yes:

Tenaglia 08-01-2003 09:20

ph33r da CpV :D :)

DrK-Assassin 12-01-2003 11:56

Are legion in SS?

Mr_Blonde 12-01-2003 15:06

not official

DrK-Assassin 12-01-2003 15:08

I wish i wud of known that, i wud of applied if you were taking players.

Link 12-01-2003 18:10

Re: StarSphere players must read!!!!

Originally posted by Mr_Blonde
hi ive noticed a few VtS tags apearing on top ranks and we should realy be some sort of force if we r going to tag so ive set up #ss on legionhq.org plz join when your online:yes:
last round there was a rip-off of you guys; VtS. they suck and were killed and later appeared as dna. I am not sure, but I think people use your tag because you are so good...

Keiju 20-01-2003 23:43

We did try to play ss in beta round with fury and we did use tag [Furgion].

Tho we didnt get that much activity from fury nor from vts...so we did join other alliances in that game :)

Waku 26-01-2003 15:57

SS is boring

Link 26-01-2003 16:55

I second that

patsz 26-01-2003 22:10

Re: Re: StarSphere players must read!!!!

Originally posted by Link
last round there was a rip-off of you guys; VtS. they suck and were killed and later appeared as dna. I am not sure, but I think people use your tag because you are so good...
although i dont play, and wont play (i played, well tried..., the beta round and i thought it sucked really bad :dead: ), they should be thoroughly punished for this plagiarism! :=)

Mr_Blonde 28-01-2003 14:24

waku you r boring but i put up with you and you give me somit to play with;)

Link 28-01-2003 21:07

Re: Re: Re: StarSphere players must read!!!!

Originally posted by patsz
they should be thoroughly punished for this plagiarism! :=)

Ninja 30-01-2003 11:27

i still got my SS account :D

]x[ 30-01-2003 15:48

SS -->> Sucks Somuch

Link 30-01-2003 16:59


Originally posted by ]x[
SS -->> Sucks Somuch
I hear next round is gonna be much better. They had so much work to do that they started up one just like the round 1 SS, cos people didn't want to wait

Ninja 30-01-2003 23:33

Well they always say that just like PA :D

dr.doug 31-01-2003 16:41

I have an account in it and got so bored i stopped playing.Clearly it sucks way to much for me :P

Link 31-01-2003 17:58

how long does a round of PA last?
cos I think rnd2 of SS lasted for 4 months or so...

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