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Capella 12-05-2011 05:29

EST/ 27 y.o
Been playing since beta. Haven't raided since BC. Missed all of WoTLK, barely played then. Used to raid consistently kara, gruul, mag's lair. Everything but Nax back in the day.
Work a midnight job, i get home at 9am and Just looking for a good guild that could include me in raids in the mornings. Sometimes my job does require me to work unscheduled overtime, but not too often. I have no guild affiliations anymore, just need a good cummunity thats active when I am.
My main is a Mage on a different server, Capella on Burning Blade server, working up my gear and willing to transfer.

Lelou 12-05-2011 20:35

Hey Capella!

Please make a toon on Mannoroth and give Minimeat or Rocksolid a whisper (it'll be more likely that he is on the same time that you are).

MeatPopsikle 13-05-2011 14:36

added his lvl 1..killrobots

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