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Yamada 27-11-2011 21:56

Yamada's application for SWTOR.
Hello everyone.

My name is Martinus, and I'm a 26 year old service technician/nerd from Norway.


My first MMO experience came with World of Warcraft back in 2004, as it probably did with most people. I was sucked in after 30 minutes of playing, and WoW had me by the balls until July this year, when I finally managed to escape it's evil clutch.

During my time in World of Warcraft, I managed to experience most of the raiding content, (somewhat) enjoy some PvP, and spend weeks, if not months, grinding pointless but satisfying achievements and weird/useless items. It was fun for a while, but after the release of Cataclysm, the game just lost it's last bit of entertainment value for me. It didn't take long before I stopped raiding, and without raiding there was nothing keeping me anymore.

It kind of feels weird not playing a MMO on a regular basis anymore, and I decided to give the SW: TOR beta a try. Since I'm not a fan of any previous BioWare games, I was naturally a bit sceptical. Turns out that the game is awesome though, and it's something I'll be spending some time with. Anyway, I digress, time to get to the point.

The point.

Playing a MMO just isn't as fun without a guild to play it with, hence my application to Legion. I'm a IRL friend of Xenius, who mentioned that he was going to play SW: TOR with you guys, and he recommended that I applied.

I'm not exactly sure what my plan is with SW: TOR just yet, and I haven't decided if I will be going at it full-time with raiding and so forth, but I suspect that's where it'll end up. Even though my normal workshifts are 0800 - 1600 mon-fri, the work schedule can be a bit hectic at times, which made it hard to time with my previous guilds' raiding schedule. Raiding or not, I would still very much like to join Legion, and enjoy SW: TOR with friends and new faces alike.

Best regards,

Xenius 27-11-2011 21:57

I vouch for this fellow! :)

Imsdal 27-11-2011 21:59

Heya Yamada, and welcome to us and the forums :)

Forum access fixed.

Oh, and nice application!

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