Legion Forums

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ramp 09-11-2011 21:09

A message from the Legion
Friends. Family. Legionnaires!

Much has happened since PA, SWG, AO, WoW, WAR, EVE and others. We've gotten older, wiser, perhaps married and divorced a couple of times, plenty of kids and all that which follows. Some haven't played games for years, while others have found a new guild and other friends to play with. But no matter what, we will always have a spot waiting here for you.

- STAR WARS: THE OLD REPUBLIC goes live 20/12/2011 - and Legion is going to hit it hard. We hope that YOU will be there to join us. Now you got a good excuse to bail on the family xmas dinners and boring coffee parties; log on and play with your friends!

Be sure to check out the SW:ToR section on the forum. There you got all the info you need to start playing! Unsure what kind of class will fit you best? Ask on the forum, or chat with our members on IRC (yes, it's old school, but we like it!).

Did we mention that you get companions in SW:ToR? They will help you while you're doing quests (heal/tank/dmg), trade skills, pretty much anything. Some might also try to be your new boy/girlfriend!

We could go on for hours to describe how good the game really is in this mail. But that would be just a wall of text, and no one would read it. To sum up the beta test, I think that this line from IRC says it all:

[17:19] &sike it's pretty awesome, so much so in fact that both ims and I have dreamt of swtor :D

Hope to see you in game!

May the Force be with you.

Forums: http://www.legionhq.org
IRC: irc.legionhq.org
IRC(web): http://chat.legionhq.org

If you don't have access to view the SW:ToR forums, post a note in the public section, pm ramp, or drop by on irc!

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