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jayson18 14-12-2004 09:03

What's Your Favorite Video Game?
Hey everybody,

I recently caught a few ads on Spike TV for their upcoming Video Game Awards (it airs Dec. 14th but I'm not sure what time, check out their website if you want) and thought to start this thread to see who everyone thinks should win the award for game of the year. Maybe we could tally up the replies here and then compare them to which game actually wins that night? It might be cool too to send these results to Spike TV after we're done, especially if our favorites aren't on their list. So I'm going to dig around and try to find a way to contact them too.

Here's this year's choices from Spike's website (if you don't agree, just put down your favorite):

Burnout 3: Takedown (Electronic Arts)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Rockstar Games)
Half-Life 2 (Vivendi Universal Games)
Halo 2 (Microsoft Game Studios)
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (Konami)

Also, what's your all-time favorite? (I'm predicting Super Mario Brothers and CS will top the list here.)

Thanks everyone and I'll keep you posted on who wins in case you won't catch it.


razor 14-12-2004 12:30

Its difficult as that list is a mix of PC - Console
I only have PC games

For me i think Halflife2 was best, and World of Warcraft
Havent played either of them very long but so far they keep amuzing me

My alltime favs:
- Quake 2 (no doubt, especially the CTF and Jailbreak mod)
- Age of Empires 2 + addons (some find it stupid, it still amuses me till this day)

Worth mentioning:
- Medal of Honour AA
- RTCW:ET coz of the good fun we had on our own server

For consoles i cant really say, its been over 10 years since i last touched a console.

- Super Mario Bros
- Wonderboy
- That same kinda game of the first Sega, dunno wot it was called

Precursors 14-12-2004 20:01

Best of all times:

Pirates (Commodore64)
Karate+ (Commodore64)
California Games (Commodore 64)
Samantha Fox Poker (Commodore64)
Defender of the Crown (Amiga)
Manchester United (Amiga)
Emilyn Hughes Soccer (Amiga)
X-Com:UFO (PC)
Master of Orion (PC)
Warcraft (PC)
Gabriel Knight (PC)
Age of Empires (PC)

streaz18 14-12-2004 22:01

My exposure to PC games older than 8 years is limited.

My favorite console games of all time include:

-Super Mario World
-Zelda III: A Link to the Past
-Super Metroid
-Chrono Trigger
-Secret of Mana
-Mario Kart 64
-Super Smash Bros. (1 +2)
-Bionic Commando
-Mario Tennis
-WWF No Mercy
-Mike Tyson's Punchout! and Super Punchout!
-Soul Calibur 1 + 2
-Street Fighter II
- Haha many more, but thats enough for now. :p

Rewq 14-12-2004 22:35

C=64 and Amiga power !

Not sure if my opinion on the game of the year worth something, since I just played HL2 and WoW. 2 great game :)

For my best 5 of all time :

Dungeon Master (Amiga)
Seven Cities of Gold (Commodore)
HL and Quake3 TFC mods (PC)
Phantasie III: The Wrath of Nikademus (Amiga)
Summer Games I-II ,California and Winter (C=64)

JRL 14-12-2004 23:06

Deus Ex (pc)
Final Fantasy 7/8 (ps)
Half Life 1/2 (pc)
Dynasty Warriors 3/4 (ps2)
Clive Barker's Undying (pc)
Grim Fandango (pc)
Full throttle (pc)
Diablo (pc)
Metal gear solid (ps)
And the allmighty Gran Turismo! 8-O (ps) Cant wait for nr. 4!

Precursors 15-12-2004 00:00

omg! almost forgot!!

LittleHorror 15-12-2004 07:06

Best games of all times:

Elite (commodore 64)
International karate + (Amiga)
Bubble Bobble (Commodore 64)
Neuromancer (Amiga)
Deus Ex (pc)
Hitman (pc)
Pirates (commodore 64)
Defender of the Crown (Amiga)
Those games from Lucas arts like Money Island (Amiga + commodore 64)

Alot more from the commodore 64 and amiga time but I can't remember there names :p

razor 15-12-2004 07:20

I forgot halflife 1 :(

Ogami 15-12-2004 09:28

you guys are so old

Ive started playing when PS came, and tekken was tha bomb :D

streaz18 15-12-2004 12:16

I guess comodore and amiga were really popular in the international community. If I wasn't a dork I'd have NO clue what the hell those were here in the states as the progression was basically:

Atari Systems--->NES/Sega Master system---> SNES/Sega Genesis/Sega CD---> Sega Saturn/PSX/N64/Dreamcast ---->PS2/Gamecube/Xbox

Icewolf 15-12-2004 12:38

hmm, about my gaming history:
Atari 2600 -> C64 -> PC (started with 486)

All time favorite, hard to remember all *g*

- Elite (C64)
- Pitfall (Atari/C64)
- World games/California games (C64)
- Decathlon (C64 - joystick killer *g*)
- Test Drive (C64)
- Bards Tale 3 (C64)
- Pirates (C64)
- Ultima 4-7 (C64/PC)
- Warlords (PC)
- Warcraft (PC)
- Dune 2 (PC)
- Half-life 1+2 (PC) (expecially TFC mod)
- Doom 1/2 (PC)
- DN3D (PC)
- Quake (PC)
- Civ (PC)
- daoc

guess i really i have forgotten a couple, but those came to my mind at once :)

cu starside

Ziracrat 15-12-2004 20:29

Kinda on topicbut did anyone see the end of the spike awards? Well GTA:SA won game of the year.

Samuel L. Jackson goes to accept the award and he calls the game Grand theft Auto 2. He does this not once but 2 times seriously you would think you would know the name of a game that you did voice acting for...

Leviathan 16-12-2004 03:46

Favs... hrmm

Pirates - Wolfenstein 3D - Doom - Dune - C&C - Ultima 7/8 - Fallout - Fallout 2

Guess those pop up the moment I think of my favorites.

Icewolf 16-12-2004 08:13

ah, ffs - forgot the whole GTA Series (haven't played GTA:SA, as it isn't out on PC yet).

Watson 16-12-2004 18:42

Civilization - Amiga
Sonic - Megadrive
Mario - Nes
Dare Devil Dennis - Acorn Electron
Mario Kart - Snes

Chaosengine 04-01-2005 13:50

Defender - Amstrad 64

Final Fight - Arcade
Street Fighter (All versions) - Arcade
Midnight Resistance - Arcade

Carrier Command - Atari ST
R-Type -Atari ST
IK+ - Atari ST
Adventures of MadDog Williams - Atari ST

StarFox - SNES
Super Metroid - SNES

Tekken - Playstation

System Shock 2 - PC
HomeWorld 2 - PC
Theif (All three of them) - PC
Dungeon Keeper (1-2) - PC

System Shock 2 is the bees knees.

streaz18 04-01-2005 16:08


Originally posted by Chaosengine

System Shock 2 is the bees knees.

I was so scared when I was playing that game in the beginning. What, with pistols that can only fire 6-7 shots before dying on you and evul zombies its like OMG!

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