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-   -   Looking for all the stupid/funny ASCII stuff (http://www.legionhq.org/showthread.php?t=26502)

Leviathan 07-12-2009 06:43

Looking for all the stupid/funny ASCII stuff
For the life of me I can't find a thread or site with all the stupid/funny/silly ASCII piccy's - things like the Governator doing "STFU" and so forth. Mainly after em to throw childish insults at friends on facebook and the like but having trouble sourcing them. If anybody can paste a few in or lead me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated :)

Precursors 07-12-2009 08:47


Leviathan 07-12-2009 08:50


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Found that one.

Icewolf 07-12-2009 11:10

Let me remove you from my facebook list first, before we give you any ascii art links ;-)

Leviathan 07-12-2009 11:33

Your not on it Ice! :P - your on my msn, thats it haha.

Icewolf 08-12-2009 09:38

Damn :-)

Leviathan 10-12-2009 07:44

hahah - pm me yer facebook details - I look at FB more than I do forums these days mate :)

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