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Hiro 24-04-2004 21:12

Who plays City of Heroes?
Ok just a small poll, for those who arent on irc #sfcoh.

I am interested to know if enough people from Legion are playing to warrant us starting our own Legion guild, instead of us buddying in with SF.

I know zak will play retail, and I will too. I know a few others are interested but I doubt its worth starting our own Supergroup if 5 people from legion play, and we'll be better off moving in with SF then (who by the way are great sports in letting us merge in like this).

You see, why I'm asking is the following..there is a 75 member limit on Supergroups (no they arent exactly like guilds..or so I have been told, there are going to be uses for them further down the line). There will be alliances and allienace chat systems between SuperGroups eventually.

However..if 5 people from legion play, I say lets move in with SF..if 10+ people are interested I think it might be worth considering making a Legion Division in the game.

Because of the 75limit and the amount of people from SF playing it would seriously suck if we couldn't invite everyone (because quite a few SF members are playing)

Filthgrinder 24-04-2004 21:20

Well, i pre-order it so im in till WoW comes out, count me in :)

Wetnurse 24-04-2004 22:26

im going to be playing, i pre-ordered also, hope to c ya in game soon ;)

MeatPopsikle 24-04-2004 22:50

I am..I dont mind hooking up with SF, we can always form our own later if we want too...the more the merrier at the start is going to be best im sure....gl

Sandsnake 25-04-2004 03:39

I played beta. I'm not overly impressed so far..just a kill-fest with no housing, no inventory/items, and no pvp.

Basically, you just run around and kill street thugs non-stop :|

That said, I haven't made up my mind yet. Don't have the cash to blow on it at this point.

Sandsnake 25-04-2004 03:39

I played beta. I'm not overly impressed so far..just a kill-fest with no housing, no inventory/items, and no pvp.

Basically, you just run around and kill street thugs non-stop :|

That said, I haven't made up my mind yet. Don't have the cash to blow on it at this point.

Leviathan 25-04-2004 11:18

I heard you the first time SS ! :p

Tanis 25-04-2004 11:44


Leviathan 25-04-2004 11:49

Say it isnt so Tanis ;( - Super Kinghorn? :=)

razor 25-04-2004 12:11


Originally posted by Sandsnake
I played beta. I'm not overly impressed so far..just a kill-fest with no housing, no inventory/items, and no pvp.

Basically, you just run around and kill street thugs non-stop :|

That said, I haven't made up my mind yet. Don't have the cash to blow on it at this point.

wot he said...

my thoughts and experiences with CoH are kinda the same

Dook 25-04-2004 16:41


Originally posted by Sandsnake
I played beta. I'm not overly impressed so far..just a kill-fest with no housing, no inventory/items, and no pvp.

Basically, you just run around and kill street thugs non-stop :|

That said, I haven't made up my mind yet. Don't have the cash to blow on it at this point.

I had the same impression after playing the beta after about 3 days... but it came to my attention later on that they just were not showing the beta players all they were going to offer. They did however give us a taste of what we were going to look forward to because they are adding a story line, guild housing, and other neat things, and for those who werent online for it, there was an invasion at the end of beta... lotsa aliens trying to take over paragon city, and it was up to the heroes to save ths city... neat stuff

On another note, i do plan on playing the game, but i think it would just be best off to join SF as it is now. We are allies with them, and being that there are no factions in CoH, the only thing we have to lose is our Legion name.

trasey 27-04-2004 00:11

I"ll be playing it too.. i'm already on the justice server.. so let me know when and where. SF or legion..

in game name

Red Vixen

Hiro 28-04-2004 09:43

come on irc to #sfcoh or ask for an invite on www.sfcoh.com boards.

Leviathan 28-04-2004 16:58

Soooooo many MMO's to choose from ;( ;(

Mofto 28-04-2004 21:56

well i just bought a key online so i will be on tonight

devildawg 04-05-2004 07:56

Downloading the game client right now off the site. I'll be playing it for a little while to try it out.

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