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__Thor__ 04-04-2010 20:35

is warband any good?

Icewolf 05-04-2010 16:55

I like it a lot. If you enjoyed the normal mount&blade you should get it. It adds a lot of nice options to the single player (become King yourself, find a nice lady to marry, new faction, etc.) and multiplayer is really fun too.

__Thor__ 05-04-2010 19:46

multiplayer is like the single with more people, or more battle based?

Icewolf 06-04-2010 00:18

Multiplayer is completely battle based, with multiple modes like siege, battle (team last man standing), team/deathmatch, etc.
Usually you have 1000 Gold to buy some equipment and for kills you earn more money (only for that session) and you can buy better stuff for your next respawn - if you loose too much money by dying, you'll have to get the basic stuff again.

I would love to see some overall progression on your char, but sieges are still a lot of fun.

__Thor__ 06-04-2010 09:04

do I need to conquer a nation to become king myself? didnt see any option to start as it

Icewolf 06-04-2010 14:18

You need to conquer a castle or a city to start it, so it's more a late game thing - and if you start with this too early, you'll make a lot of enemies :-)
But it's a big step forward, as in the original m&b you could only create a rogue empire, without assigning fiefs to your companions.

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