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Seps 29-01-2012 22:21

Application for membership - Seps
Hey guys. I'm Chris and I'm an alcohol....er wait wrong forum...

Anyway I'm Chris also known as Seps. I'm 32 years old and I'm applying for membership in Legion for SW:TOR. Anyone who knows me would know me from AO. I was a long time member of SF and long term advisor and most recently org president. I have been forced to cut down my subscriptions but got SWTor as a gift for Christmas and am loving it. I have tried SWG in the past as well as COH but AO was always where I ended up going back too. I'm a huge starwars fan sink think that's what pulled me into this game. I'm looking for a group to play with that is fun,helpful, and tolerant of my crazy life schedule.

I am a resident physician in Internal Medicine in North Carolina. I have been friends with Nethelus since we were in 6th grade and remember several legion members from my AO days...supersoly, georg/asmo (since there was the rumor they were the same person...) etc and am friends with several others who are here including Nik. My play schedule is mostly East coast evenings.

I'm currently playing a new little sith warrior (i have a counselor on shadowhand) but am thinking I might switch to a Sith Inquisitor for the ranged dps...I'm only level 4 ATM so I have a bit to decide. Either way my hope is to help with endgame eventually when I have enough time to level that much.

That's pretty much it. Any questions pm me or I'll try to catch you on the Irc server sometime.


Imsdal 29-01-2012 23:10

Hay Chris, and welcome to the forum and to the addictive crew!

Once we get someone who can confirm that you're not an alcoholic, we'll get you sorted on the forum and ingame ;)

Imsdal 29-01-2012 23:20

Got confirmation ingame from Nik, so fixed your forum access :) Poke us ingame for invite.

Niktorius 30-01-2012 08:28

Go Seps!

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