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AllFather 05-12-2003 18:38

whats the "hip" place in swg?
I just bought swg package (with some poster etc ,limited edition), so i could bring gay valīs fantasy into life : beeing bummed by a big ewook.

Where to go and get that bigboned guy?

DeEvil 05-12-2003 18:41

Neo Rome is located on Eclipse server, planet Naboo.
Thats defently the hipest place on the entire universe

AllFather 05-12-2003 19:21

"goes into ewook planning mode"
"buys vaseline for valhalla..."

Tiddy 06-12-2003 07:29

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet AllFather. You can be a noob with meh!!!

Welcome to SWG mate and please put Tiddy on your friends list! I'm new, but lemme know if I can do anything for ya bro.

And .... can i go to Endor and watch you two with the Ewoks?

Jatr 06-12-2003 07:53

uh oh....

DeEvil 06-12-2003 10:46

i couldnīt agree more, with Jatr

eeh...ok... ?!?:rolleyes:

patsz 06-12-2003 12:59

is it just me or are there more and more ex-pa ppl in SWG :D

Xerxes 06-12-2003 22:14


Originally posted by patsz
is it just me or are there more and more ex-pa ppl in SWG :D
I think there is more PA people in SWG then in PaX.:)

AllFather 07-12-2003 11:39

played it some friday before i went off for a weekend of holiday fun with the firm (in norway its called "julebord"), free alcohol & all expences paied by them on the hotell we lived :D

Now im somewhat back to spank some fresh butt.
(though i must admit i got bored as hell after 15 minutes, walking around doing nothing). :)

AllFather 07-12-2003 11:41

And why the hell is "allfather" an illegal name in swg ?
thats utter wank!

My round4 legion board name (antesignanus) was not prohibited :(

Damn them yankees!

DeEvil 07-12-2003 12:12

next friday im off to one of those events.. i just love "julbord"..
8-O FREE DRINKS AND FOOD AND FREE GIRLS.. erhm.. maybe not that last part..but...erhm..anyway..

AllFather... hmm.. doesnīt sound so bad.. gotta ask SOE why perhaps..


AllFather 07-12-2003 12:17

I blame Zhil :(

icarus 07-12-2003 12:23

Maybe to reject people with names like: "IamYour Father" ?

AllFather 07-12-2003 12:29

Well, still annoying. Used allfather since 90-91, and now thease cheaparse bastards wont let me use it anymore :no: :no:

Valhalla 07-12-2003 15:19

Somehow they didnt allow Valhalla either as it was "related" to the game hehe..

maybe there's some dork in SOE that's into norse mythology.

Allfather is also from the myth heh

AllFather 07-12-2003 15:47

im going to take a shuttle into a "starsomething" then im comming to naboo or wtf you donkies are at :)

Prepear to hand over all ur money vally :D

AllFather 07-12-2003 15:59

I must say, there isnt mutch to pillage in zakīs house.
So I settled with the second best thing : i urinated in his plants 8-O

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