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-   -   another application :) (http://www.legionhq.org/showthread.php?t=6336)

Zool 13-12-2003 19:14

another application :)
- Which tells abit about yourself and/or your character
I'm Daniel, a 23 year old student from Munich, Germany (you know, oktoberfest).
Secondary i work as a ticket master at a IT-Company (sorting support tickets... quite boring but well payed) to pay my expensive life in this expensive city.

My char calls herself Bairfhionn Aavnagh and is a human artisan (on her way to master artisan... just getting the apprenticeship experience is boring :O).
Artisan 4-4-4-4, marksman 0-1-1-0 (didn't hunt often yet), scout & medic 0-0-0-1.
The name Bairfhionn seems to be weird but got a personal history. In my DaoC Europe days (loooong ago) my char lived in Hibernia. At the capital in a cantina worked a NPC-Girl named Bairfhionn, sad about her ill father. She was my chars true love and will it ever be :)
I'm trying to become a master droid engineer and i will not surrender my skills because of getting a holocron in my hands. My goal is just to have fun in this game (no, crafting is not boring *g*). I'm not that powergrinder but sometimes it is useful :)
That's about me and my little girlie. If you got questions just ask here or ingame.

- Which explains why you want to join Legion
I want to be a part of this huge family. You seem to be well organized and having fun. That's what i want: fun. I don't want to be a wanderer... i want a place called home, having fun with the crowed, participating in hunts... just having fun (error... repeating...)
That is what (i think) i would get at legion.

- Which lists the persons who told you about Legion, and who would mostlikely vouch for you
Told... many. First i should name Icewolf (ingame Barco) and Bruno (Broonowe) and (of course) hoellsen/hellkeber (dunno his name here, ingame A'lex).
vouch... most likely Broonowe. I'm sitting right now (near Rome) somewhere on Naboo and waiting that he's back at his keyboard :)

- What you could do for Legion
In my eyes the most dificult question.
I could provide you the one thing that matters: fun.
Fun is essential for a mmorpg without 'real' goals like SWG and i think i can give you loads of it (damn... i really need a umbrella at this rainy planet)

- What timezone you are in

hummhumm... much to read... sorry :)

edit: ahh... forgot. i was in the beta but didn't have the time to play for month. now i got plenty of it.

^sFw^ 14-12-2003 08:52

plz hang out in our public irc channel on irc.legionhq.org when u r online/playing:) and join in some hunts and get to know ppl ofc:)

Zool 14-12-2003 17:20

i joined the meat hunt yesterday. was great fun :)

(at irc i'm Koalabaerchen or Zool)

Bruno 15-12-2003 16:55


I was having lots of fun with him in the older DAoC days and I want to explore the galaxy with him now.

He's mature, reliable, patient, trustworthy...
You'll like him.

...now you can put away that gun. I've typed it... yeah, sure... I have pressed on the 'submit' button... look, there's the text... please take away that gun and release my arm... it hurts...

Hoellsen 15-12-2003 17:27

omg, he made his threat come true and applied. ;)

Anyways, he is a reliable bloke and knows the ways and things to do to contribute to a organization like a PA.
He also knows how to act in a team, either in organizing one or just being a teamplayer.

So a strong vouch from me.

Icewolf 16-12-2003 00:10


i know him for several years now, played DAoC and SWG beta with him and he is a good teamplayer who also knows what he is doing. Except the fact that he lives in bavaria i can only say good things about him *g*

cu starside

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