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-   -   Application for Jayde (in-game char: 'Micaila') (http://www.legionhq.org/showthread.php?t=27565)

Jayde 19-12-2011 21:34

Application for Jayde (in-game char: 'Micaila')
Was referred to apply by Ixion already but was instructued to post here as soon as possible. (Was away during the weekend.)

For those of you who played Anarchy Online many years ago, I went by 'Jayde' during those years and ran the site Anarchy Mainframe. Since stopping playing AO, I played about 6-7 years of high-end hardcore raiding in WoW since launch as well as dabbling in most other MMOs since then.

I currently live in London and am interested in playing semi-hardcore. My work hours are likely to be quite difficult and unpredictable for the next 2-3 months (as I work in game development) so will not claim to be super-reliable during that period--however, I always take my character development seriously when playing and have a large array of MMO experience.

Thanks for reading.



Imsdal 20-12-2011 14:41

Heya Jayde, and welcome to the forums and to us :)

Fixed your access, so feel free to enjoy it!

Sirque 22-12-2011 08:33

Evan! Welcome! Merry x-mas to you and your family. Hope you have a good one. :)

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