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Xenius 26-09-2003 13:06

Siggy Gallery
U should make a siggy Gallery with all the Siggies on this Forum.. alot of them i guess.. could be a great Gallery.. Vote on who`s got the best Siggy

TeHaR 26-09-2003 13:49

good idea heh :rolleyes:

Xenius 26-09-2003 16:44

ofc it is :rolleyes: Will be very big though

HobbieRogue4 26-09-2003 17:56


AirDrawn 26-09-2003 19:34

just make meh a siggeh =) *Im Desperate* ;)

Xenius 26-09-2003 22:06

guess your siggy will be a d2 Lod one.. if im not wrong

Seduzer 26-09-2003 23:11

Dirtball made me this siggy ages ago, thx DB. :p

Sexiness 26-09-2003 23:11

I wanna make me a new siggy, got any idea's for me?

I was thinking a Starwars theme, since im playing SWG atm
or maybe what ever.. as a matter of fact im gonna start playing with paint shop from windows... wewt!!1!!

razor 27-09-2003 15:36

i still have to make some siggies :(

im so lazy

montie 27-09-2003 15:39

tis actually quite kewl sed.. you idling !!!1

so.. where is my invite to come to norway fs??? :p

(not holding my breath for you replying to this) ;)

p.s hobbie "loved" mine was the best on the board in his opinion.. but now its a year old so i doubt id win..

/me thanks patsz again.. and begs for a new one

Xenius 28-09-2003 01:42

]x[ made my siggy.. im to lazy to make my own..

]x[ 28-09-2003 17:06

Re: ..

Originally posted by Sc0rpi0
]x[ made my siggy.. im to lazy to make my own..
If you make a gallery it should store the old ones aswel for the heavy sig changing peeps. I save all my sigs so i would say its a good idea :D

Then again all my siggies rule ;)

Xenius 28-09-2003 21:55

Can someone with leeet skillz make a gallery.. ]x[ you got some skillz.. make one..

]x[ 28-09-2003 22:08

No make it yourself you lazy three lettered word :)

Its not that hard, just make a php file or html which
puts the next info as an img thingie below eachother :p
in several pages that is.



(assuming we have 10000 forum members

Xenius 28-09-2003 22:37

thats a hard way of collecting!

patsz 28-09-2003 22:54

that would be a lot of siggys indeed, even more if we could upload more then 1 per person :)

montie: i dont have time soz...

Xenius 29-09-2003 13:39

Who got the skillz.. and the lack of RL to perform such a thing.. like creating this Gallery...

[M7] 29-09-2003 14:50


..... I was bored and had the 5 minutes.... :D

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