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-   -   The Website is Too Dark! (http://www.legionhq.org/showthread.php?t=21940)

vegettotex 28-10-2006 18:18

The Website is Too Dark!
For the benefit of those of us who have a hard time seeing very faint typeset colors against a black screen, could you reinstate the white background version of the forums? I actually preferred those... even if the pictures were all missing.

I don't really know if I'm the only one having this porblem, but I would appreciate it if someone could do something about this... it's incredibly frustrating when I have to highlight the entire page just to allow myself to read posts by contrasted colors.


__Thor__ 28-10-2006 19:21

Sounds like a job for grendel!

xeni 29-10-2006 08:34

Life is dark! :eek:


get a infrared implant


check your monitors gamma curves


kick your monitor


eat more pancakes witht blueberry jam (blueberry has some compund good for eyes I heard)

montie 29-10-2006 10:53

i hear carrots could aid your problem friend

Savahl 29-10-2006 11:05

i like the blueberry and pancake option myself!

Ramp would approve imo!

xeni 29-10-2006 11:47

Yeah, what I was trying to say, was carrots and blueberry got that stuff that improve your night vision.
Any of the doctors here know what its called? :-p

Chirnovnik 29-10-2006 12:57


vegettotex 30-10-2006 06:45

I would've appreciated more serious responses. Not that I doubt your sincerity and humor. But, I was being quite frank with the request.

It's simply too dark. Even with all the lights off in my room, I can barely read this text (at night). And I have no problems reading other forums or websites. It's only this one.

In the meantime, I encourage you to continue your witty banter about blueberry pancakes and carrots. It seems a good deal more productive than making this website more visually functional.


RobbyLuv 30-10-2006 07:05

the majority of us have no control over the website =p

need to talk to Rampage probably! maybe you can create a different skin that people can set as a alternate. I personally like it the way it is.

Chirnovnik 30-10-2006 10:11

It does work fine for me...however... there used to be an option to change the
forum skin back when I was with AO Legion... or I think there was, anyhow.

One thing you CAN do is go into your IE settings (if you use IE) and
have it override the default colors of this particular website...you
could make the background chartreuse and the text a nice hot pink.
This should be visable at all times of the day, and may actually make
the forums considerably more festive.

While I wasn't able to find that option specifically, under general
options, at the bottom there is an accessability button, and you
may set it to override colors there, which will make the forums
black on white. It will make everything, black on white, actually...
but that's not entirely bad. Penguins are black and white.

Although personally, I' m prefer the milder colors because they don't
hurt my eyes as much when I wander out of my bed room all
bleary eyed to argue with Ledonev.

Fist 30-10-2006 14:35

Probably someone could make a skin with a different colors?
But this is just me saying so with no real experience in matters like this.
Poking a hc on irc or sending a msg on the boards would be a good idea for getting this done.

vegettotex 30-10-2006 15:50

Thanks. I was simply pointing out that there used to be an alternative skin option (such as Borys alluded to). But it was phased out when they went to the fixed/floating version of this skin.

Perhaps my eyes are simply in dire need of a carotene wash, or perhaps I should stop posting at late hours of the night when my fuse is quite short and my eyes are tired.

I was hoping that by posting in the Public Forum I might catch the attention of one of the site admins and thus get my point across. Otherwise, I would've just posted in a subsection of the SWG forums where it seems few people (other than Borys) post regularly... Sometimes, when we're lucky, a Maddix will pop up to post until he sees his shadow, and then he quits all games for 3 weeks.

And to my witty chum Chirnovnik (aka Borys), your drivel is intermittently helpful, yet mostly sarcastic and self-serving. But, I'm sure that I'm not telling you anything new. :biggrin: Keep up the good work!

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