Legion Forums

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-   SWG Legion Enlistment (http://www.legionhq.org/forumdisplay.php?f=50)
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stojke 29-01-2004 15:07

- Which tells abit about yourself and/or your character

My name is Dejan; I’m 31 old and living in Serbia. I’m working as a
Product Manager in one IT company. In past I played PA a lot. Also,
I played EVE-Online.

My char name in SWG is stojke four-s, will be Master marksman in next
few days.
I’m planning to train him to be a carabineer.
(ofc I can train him for something else if necessary).

I’m member of imperial faction and atm I have Corporal rank

- Which explains why you want to join Legion

I know for Legion from PA days and I think that Legion is the best organized
community, with high skilled members. I’m sure that playing with Legion guarantee
lots of fun and success!

- Which lists the persons who told you about Legion, and who would most likely vouch for you?

I hope that Empress, Maddix and Shev should vouch for me.

- What you could do for Legion

At first I can offer my loyalty and activity. I will participate in any action that should
be required (raids/hunts/hauling/…etc.)

-What timezone you are in

GMT +1

Shev 29-01-2004 15:18

I've known stojke now for a long period of time, having been in RaH with him throughout the last four rounds of planetarion - I've also shared around 4 galaxies with him.
I also spend time with him in SWG, in fact he was the one who first showed me the ropes when I started.

I have no doubt at all that he would be a valuable asset to Legion - a good person to have around, always loyal and willing to help out however he can.


{eZZa} 29-01-2004 21:36

I know Stojke from when I played PA in RaH ( my last 2 - 3 rounds ), during that time he has always proven himself to be a loyal and dedicated member.

He is a great person and I am sure he will fit right in and fight for the cause.


Empress 30-01-2004 12:15

I have known stojke for quite some time now. He was in my galaxy in Pa and he's been an alliance mate in rah for a few rounds of pa. He's been a friend of mine now for over a year now and i hope many years to come.

He is a hard working team player. ALWAYS put Rah and gal mates above himself and shows a dedication that puts most ppl to shame.

He's also very good at gaming. He has been playing swg on his own basically for the last 2 weeks as he didnt want to apply for legion with a completely n00b character. I've helped him some but he's learned it all on his own and i must say he's done a fantastic job of it.

I think Sto would make a great addition to our guild and to our"family" so yes.. i


Maddix 31-01-2004 16:23

Very dedicated and loyal gamer, who constantly and consistantly over the last 2 years or so that I have known him has put aiding and helping other people ahead of himself.

As long as he promises to stop wearing his pink frilly vest (we can't encourage Jatr anymore than we already are fs :p) I can't recommend a better player to join our ranks.


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