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astorma 27-05-2004 17:42


I live in Istanbul, Turkey, 24 years old, student of Visual Communication Design, playing games since 1987 (Multiplayer games since 1995 Doom and Doom2, used Commodore64, Amiga and finally PC).
I'm old Ultima Online player (played for 2 years on OSI and 3 years on other servers) and retired Warcraft/Starcraft, Battle.net ladder player. I was a member of the Inner Council of largest guild on Shadowbane European server. I gave up it too because of SWG.

I'm currently playing SWG for PVP and questing. My character name is "Astorma Asurel". Playing SWG since January 2004. I'm member of HRS guild since this time. I'm currently Rifleman/Fencer and working on Pistoleer for a second time. I think i'm a skilled PvP'er and i can help VtS in raids and defense. I was helped for some bounty missions for my friends in HRS.

My current timezone is Central European Timezone - 1. (CET - 1 hours).

As a member of HRS, me and my friends can help the VtS Guild for raiding, defending, crafting. I got some Resource Extractors on the server to crafters of my guild. I have mastered some crafting professions but i'm not a serious crafter. I like hunting and PvP most of the time (especially against rebels).

Maybe Sojiro/Sabre knows me. We have tracked him with Ivanhorn several times.

Kindest Regards,
Astorma Asurel of Eclipse.

Empress 29-05-2004 10:26

Hey Astorma

Please contact me in game (Kasis or E'ma) and we will have a chat about your application.


aka Kasis / E'ma

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