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Study 11-04-2005 21:44

I may be at the wrong place, but if somebody can fill me in. Does VTS have a forums for me to post on? either that or can somebody give me their ventrillo information, im sure thats a bit too much to ask for from a stranger, but i do wish to make contact with VtS

Tobler 11-04-2005 21:51

Vent info is out of the question.

Now depends what u need to talk to us about. If its recruitment u found the right forum.

If its just general WoW stuff then no we don;t have a forum dedicated to it. But we do have a public forum but its not WoW related.

If u need to talk to VtS command about something then u can ask any VtS members ingame to pass u onto an officer thats online.

Or u can PM me via these forums if u can't do it ingame.

Study 11-04-2005 22:03

ah im glad i got a reply so fast. as much as i would like to talk to you in game faction prevents it. yes i am on the horde side. Sometimes i think its good if we can have verbal contact during game play, just to get the other side's opinion etc. im sure you have msn please add me Mr_m321@hotmail.com for further discussion.

-thank you.

Icewolf 11-04-2005 22:21

Or just use IRC: jedi.legionhq.org - #vts is on autojoin, but not everyone is monitoring it that closely, so don't always expect fast answers there ;)

AS for boards - as tob said, just use the Collosseum, it's our public board for all stuff except Enlistment.

cu starside

ramp 11-04-2005 22:27

We don't run vent :p (Do run teamspeak tho)

Mofto 11-04-2005 23:29


Originally posted by Rampage
We don't run vent :p (Do run teamspeak tho)
heh G always beating me to the reply button :=)

medoctor 12-04-2005 00:39

G dont tell them about our teamspeak channel cuz thats the only place I can get good cyb0r and I dont want all the hordies in there distracting me while WW and I are doing our thing!!

streaz18 12-04-2005 17:28

*cries that his nick was deleted from even the #aobot IRC server*

Elysa 14-04-2005 15:55

Sorry to thread hijack... I'm unable to make a new general banter thread. :(

Anyways, Elysa here just wanted to thank the VTS that showed for the downing of the Dragon yesterday in Azshara!

Could anyone clue me into who the Mannaroth Forum Troll blasting the "euro" players may be?

Icewolf 14-04-2005 16:12

a player known as sunday8pm/evergreen, member of exitus atm afaik - he has a long history with legion :) (was an idiot in Planetarion/SWG before)

cu starside

Maddix 14-04-2005 16:24


Originally posted by Icewolf
a player known as sunday8pm/evergreen, member of exitus atm afaik - he has a long history with legion :) (was an idiot in Planetarion/SWG before)

cu starside

He has an even longer history of being a complete dumb-ass twat as well, stretches back to roughly the day he was born :p

patsz 14-04-2005 18:24


Originally posted by Icewolf
a player known as sunday8pm/evergreen, member of exitus atm afaik - he has a long history with legion :) (was an idiot in Planetarion/SWG before)

cu starside

i played both pa (since r3, active since r4) and swg, yet ive never run across him :(

someone enlighten me about him pls :D (i did read the entire thread on the forums though...)

Elysa 14-04-2005 18:37

Heh, Figures he'd be in Exitus...

Wal 14-04-2005 19:57

hes not in exitus i don't think


some random no-name shitguild

Study 14-04-2005 21:13

no, he is in extius.
honestly exitus has too many stupid people giving the overall guild a bad name. sadly im in exitus myself, im only here becuz reformation, rivals, and 12p arnt any better.

Sandsnake 14-04-2005 22:17

He's just got a huge chip on his shoulders for god knows what reason..he's got a shitload of personal issues and trolling the forums is his way of feeling better about his fairly huge waste of a life so far. I took great, great pleasure in enforcing his perma-ban on the PA forums for well over a year.

Anyway, never give him any personal information that he can publicly use as ammunition, as he will. He's a person best avoided as he has no compunction about what he says or who he has to hurt, and he has no loyalty to anyone he doesn't want something from.

Wal 14-04-2005 23:30

guess he just got hit with the recruitment stick lately, wasn't in it the other day when we killed him in WPL i don't think, oh well

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