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Inquitus 14-12-2011 21:03

Legion App for SWTOR
My name is Paul, I am 35, married, 3 kids aged 7,5 and 1.5. I live in Swords just to the north of Dublin, Ireland. I work for a US Multinational close to where I live as an accounting team lead, yes it's almost as boring as it sounds.

I tend to play between 9pm and 1am GMT weekdays once I get the kids to bed in the main, and more during the day at weekends. As you might expect having 3 young kids the amount of time I can dedicate to the game does have limits! There's no going back to the dark days of Vanilla WoW when I was clocking up 40 hours a week.......at least not without getting divorced lol.

I played alot of WoW, raiding with one of the better guilds on my server in Vanilla WoW taking in AQ40 and Naxx before quitting early TBC when I could no longer meet the arduous demands of raiding. I also have since dabbled in Aion, Rift and returned briefly to WoW after each of the expansions to level to cap before the flame died again.

I enjoy MMORPGs, and after the Beta weekends am looking forward to continuing to play with 2 of my friends from Legion - Enyeez and Motjida. On the guild front I am looking to be part of a friendly, mature community where I can have fun and contribute actively, and Legion sounds like a good place for that.

I play a webgame called cybernations, for my sins, and that requires me to be idling on irc most evenings even when not ingame, Vent also is not a problem. Hoping to get my early start tomorrow given the feedback so far.

Feel free to ask me any questions.


Enyeez 14-12-2011 21:05

Hi Paul, we have an IRC server running, which you no doubt can idle in, Im sure one of the guys can hook you up.

-I vouch for this one, I know him and have known him for way too long, proper sense of humor and a good personality, I would very much like to have him with us.

Motjida 14-12-2011 21:10

Hey Paul, glad to see you applied.

He's a coworker of mine, however much that pains me :)
Great guy overall, lots of humor and would be a perfect fit for Legion.


Imsdal 14-12-2011 21:44

Hey Paul, and welcome to the forum and to Legion.

I'll get your forum access sorted in a few min, so feel free to enjoy it ;)

Inquitus 14-12-2011 22:15

Thanks a mil, Imsdal. Looking forward to getting to know ye.

Quindillar 15-12-2011 07:51

Well written app on the first attempt. Impressive ;)
I think your little sticky rant worked Ims :P


Imsdal 15-12-2011 09:47

yeah, got in a few well written applications since then ;) if they keep it up, I dont have to bitch about that anymore

^sFw^ 15-12-2011 11:49


Ripcat 16-12-2011 17:49

God, another paddy! I'm assuming that by "mature" you mean "old" rather than sensible and responsible, if so you've come to the right place!

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