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Arcanum 12-01-2004 20:34

Just found out about the mmorp, sounds very promising to me.
What do you guys think?

Leviathan 13-01-2004 07:41

Never heard of it - maybe you should have linked the url to your post :p

Xenius 13-01-2004 07:49

is it browser tick based? or is it a real game like SWG? and pliz put in the url 8)

Arcanum 13-01-2004 11:35

umm oops i meant darkfall - not darkside.

heres a link to the faq

Tanis 13-01-2004 11:48

Looks pretty much standard fare. I think alot of the MMORPGS offering such standard fare or more specifically the ones who cross over in theme and features with WoW are going to have a hard time gaining a good playerbase.

Anything similar to WoW which is kinda looming just over the horizon now will be subject to the "I'l just wait for WoW" syndrome.

Myself I think I'l just wait for warcraft ;).

Def2K 13-01-2004 16:04


Originally posted by Tanis

Myself I think I'l just wait for warcraft ;).


I'll wait for the GAME of GAMES to be released. The UBER of UBERNESS. etc.

WoW all the way :p

Xenius 13-01-2004 18:17

Do you really think WoW will be better then SWG.. more fun, etc?

Tanis 13-01-2004 19:17

I think SWG is gonna evolve even more over the next year to become an amazing game (it could have gone either way at the start) the main thing is though the setting.

They are so radically different in setting each will appeal to diff ppl. And yes WoW will be as if not more amazing than SWG...


with ease..

Def2K 13-01-2004 20:36

As SWG sucks



and monkey cocks.

Besides that, the whole StarWars saga story sounds about as much like fun like sticking glowing spikes of bamboo under your toenails.

The endless grinding and the option to finish a char (get the highest) lvl in 2-3 days if you have the right stuff available isnt much to be proud of either.

The only reason people keep playing is doing DUMB SHITTY REPETETIVE CHEAT SHIT ACTIONS to get a jedi char.

so, yes, WoW will rock hard.

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