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Leonen 28-10-2003 22:07

Leonen Application

My name is Darek and I’m 23, my characters name is Unumsed Leonen. Only a month ago I told Paul (Anunnak) that I’ll never play any role playing games since they didn’t interest me that much. But since I’m a starwars fan and Anunnak’s jedi’s mind tricks have convinced me otherwise. So for the past month I have been grinding my way up the xp board, getting to know the game and how to play effectively.

It’s my first time playing an online role playing game, but I’m no stranger to online games. I play Il-2 Sturmovik flight sim, and Bf1942. These games have taught me the value of good teamwork, and that’s why I want to join Legion.

Yesterday I have finally made Novice Commando and that’s why I’m applying today, I also poses exploration II and hunting IV witch comes handy in getting resources. I feel that I now have something I could contribute to Legion along with my devotion to the Emperor. I know I have a long way to go to become an uber soldier but I’m getting there. My goal is to become a Master Commando and a Master Tera Kasi Expert.

And finally let me say that I’m in the Easter time zone GMT – 5.00

Hope to see you guys soon.

Anunnak 28-10-2003 22:16

Well took a week or so to get him to apply... He finally did.

Ive known Darek IRL for over 6 years and well, he knows me more than Id like him to. Great guy overall good sense of humor and well the fact that the 2 of us were yelled at in RTCW for properly defending the Beach Bunker( Flamer/ panzer combo) proves we work well together. In conclusion Id like to say:



Leviathan 29-10-2003 14:04

Teamed with a fair few times on Dathomir if I remember rightly - great team player and would like to see him become apart of the growing Legion in Swg.


DiabZ 05-11-2003 01:19

Hunted with him several times and he turned out to be a great guy, and he's an ace commando aswell :) Vouched hard.

^sFw^ 05-11-2003 02:24

yeah have to agree, seems like a cool guy(even thought he is Anu's "friend":P)


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