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Seraquel 12-02-2012 15:45

Application for Seraquel
Hi Folks,

Char: Seraquel
Class: Inquisitor

I'm a long time friend of member ElgenHelge (it was I who got him into SWG back in the day, where he joined you guys.)

I started in SWTOR back in beta and Early access, and have a unguilded lvl 50 Sith Marauder on the EU server Trask Ulgo, along with a few other alts.

I have come to Port Nowhere to play with Helge, and hopefully join the legion...

Outside of game I am from Norway, but live and work in England as thats where my wife is from.

Previous games I have played are Subspace (Now Continuum), Diablo I and II, Star Craft I and II, SWG, SWGEmu, LOTRO, plus lots of non online games to numerous to mention.

Imsdal 12-02-2012 15:48

Heya Seraquel, and welcome to the forums and to Legion!

Forum access fixed, guild invite is incomming :)

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