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atolla 25-02-2003 09:10

Best assault rifle in the world
Just though about a small change of topic here in Colosseum =) .
Best assault rifle in the wolrd ... wich is it ? You have a big ammount to choose from BUT , elements like price , rate of fire , penetration capability and cost should be considered . You don't have to use the exact data if you don't bother to .
Please enlighten me with your thoughts !

Link 25-02-2003 09:19

[edit] didn't find info anyways :( [/edit]

razor 25-02-2003 10:23

u wanna kill someone Atolla ?

going after Sadam yerself ?

atolla 25-02-2003 11:18


Originally posted by razor
u wanna kill someone Atolla ?

going after Sadam yerself ?

Kill ? Nah make love not war ! hehe . Just want o see how well other people are enlightened about this =)
I do want to kill some people in my office though hehe

steam 25-02-2003 11:30


Originally posted by Atolla
I do want to kill some people in my office though hehe
Alert !

Do NOT hand out any price information about any weapons to this guy , post was recently reported to FBI central office for further investigation , maybe hes a sleeper .

You are now tagged as KNOWN TERRORIST at the CIA and FBI

Congrats Atolla.

All hail to the mighty US investigation department

</end sarcasm>

atolla 25-02-2003 11:55


Originally posted by steam
Alert !

Do NOT hand out any price information about any weapons to this guy , post was recently reported to FBI central office for further investigation , maybe hes a sleeper .

You are now tagged as KNOWN TERRORIST at the CIA and FBI

Congrats Atolla.

All hail to the mighty US investigation department

</end sarcasm>

Muhahaha , luckely for me i live in Norway so FBI won't get me here hehe :D , i can flee to Russia and buy weapons there :yes:
AK-101(Assault Rifle) a close combat version of it wich is used by FSB ( Federal Security Bureau/Department ) and Alpha team wich is Russian anti terrorist squad . Firing 600 rounds per minute and with adition of teflon bullets , it can penetrate any body armor out there . Range of effective sighted fire is 1000 meters :D . If you add laser sighting to it ehehe It becomes one of the most lethal assault rifles out there . It is also very very very cheap :D
I am a madman !

Quinn 25-02-2003 11:55

I'd say the HK OICW. If for nothing else then at least for the quasi-futuristic value of it...


razor 25-02-2003 12:01


Originally posted by Atolla
I am a madman !
u certainly are ;)

[M7] 25-02-2003 12:29

I got the right thing for you....

12 shot magazine, effective range about 8 meters...

looky here

atolla 25-02-2003 12:30

OOO !!! 8-O I want this peace of machinery !!!

Quinn 25-02-2003 12:36


Originally posted by [M7]
I got the right thing for you....

12 shot magazine, effective range about 8 meters...

looky here

That's the one Spetznaz use :)

atolla 25-02-2003 12:46


Originally posted by Quinn
That's the one Spetznaz use :)
as a side arm hehe

steam 25-02-2003 12:55

if you really want some kickass gun ,

check out thisone :


Comes with :

Tunigbarrel, Frontbottleconnector with Antiliquidsystem, Bottomline, Vertikalfeed, Volumizer, Doublefingertrigger , Antidoublefeed,Rearcocking System, Dropforward with Regulator and Manometer

Effective range is about 50 metres at 300 bpi

Shot frequency around 60/minute

Great gun , i use it aswell and killed literally hundreds of persons with it :)

atolla 25-02-2003 13:03

ei , paintball ! always wanted to try it hehe

Quinn 25-02-2003 13:04


Originally posted by steam
Great gun , i use it aswell and killed literally hundreds of persons with it :)
Sounds like you are pretty sick :)

Hardly an assault rifle, though

Def2K 25-02-2003 14:44

According to the numbers, the AK-47 is the most used combat weapon ever.

It's a simple mechanic, and it works evidentially ;)

atolla 25-02-2003 16:02

correct , and it's cheaper then AK-101 though it's capabilities are also largerly reduced

Def2K 25-02-2003 16:33

IF I recall correctly, the build order the russians gave to the engineer is something along the lines of:

"We need a weapon we can burry for 10 years, dig up, assemble and use. Also every idiot must be capable of using/maintaining it".

The rifle is quite simple, has no "extra's" and is amazingly accurate for a weapon of its size and usage.

If its the best gun, I don't know. But it surely is a good gun for a lot of purposes.

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