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Pays007 18-08-2003 04:14

Hugzor From Pays !
yO to all friend i had into NAL , TBH , TRINITY *
Just putting a hello for all my old friends with who i have put time and had fun in old time when AO was still fun *_*
AO is now just a camping mobs simulation
i'm might not be alot online with SL coming due to the "camping mob fun" , i think most know what i mean .........
Maybe we will meet in other's game , will keep u inform also
by the way check www.dragonempires.com , i might go for that game as soon as it's realease *
see u all in-game yet maybe and have fun if possble :dead: ....

Payssssss .....

PS : BIG HUGE TO GEORG , NEXUSS , REWQ , SPYDEY , MOOO , KCKO and all i forgot *

razor 18-08-2003 12:26

[whisper] get SWG [/whisper]

Skyteur 18-08-2003 15:40

haha selu Pays :D

Pays007 20-08-2003 00:23

coucou skyteur *


Leviathan 20-08-2003 09:30

Im Gonna take a look at Dragon Empires too, maybe they will prevail where Shadowbane Failed.

Dunno about Swg though, heard it should be renamed "Trade Skill Galaxies", then again I hear alot of things, things other people dont, then those guys in white coats .... ok ok back on topic. What are peoples thoughts on Swg VS Ao + its Shadowlands x-pac almost released. I know Ive been bored to hell and back bein lvl 200 on Ao for ages now, thinking about Trade Skill Galaxies very hard even with Shaowlands looming over head.

Havnt renewed my subscription to Ao Yet. Feed me with thoguhts before I lose meh mind 8-O . Ty :p

ramp 31-08-2003 17:31

renew renew renew!

Hya Pyas :))

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