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Sho'dan 10-03-2012 23:26

Application for Sho'dan
My character name is Sho'dan, a level 50 powertech currently spec'd as tank (although the role doesn't matter that much, I've switched a couple of times already.) Out-of-game, I'm in my early 20s and currently going to university in Canada where I'm focusing on finishing up a BBA and considering going into a Master's program.

Before TOR, I've been playing on WoW since its inception, mostly as a druid healer or warlock DPS in various guilds ranging from super-casual to hardcore raiding, and in various roles ranging from grunt to raid leader. Because of that, I have a pretty good understanding of how a raid functions (hierarchy, roles, planning, policies, etc.) as well as the mechanics involved in getting things organized (forums, VoIP programs, schedules, etc.) I've also casually dabbled in other MMOs, such as CoH/V, Tion, SWG, Silkroad and that DnD MMO.

Within TOR, I've been playing off-and-on while waiting for friends to join the game. After it became abundantly clear that they were not, I found myself several months behind the times and in a completely empty guild. So now I'm basically gearing myself up through the use of pug HMs and getting ready for normal raiding. Of course, through experience with other MMOs, I understand that pugged raids aren't usually the best quality, so I'm applying for a position in a guild that requires my role. I'm not against switching to DPS either, I just enjoy the experience and the rewards.

I welcome any questions you might have.


Niktorius 11-03-2012 09:18

Great app and 'After it became abundantly clear that they were not' made me chuckle :p

Imsdal 11-03-2012 22:49

Haya Sho'dan, and welcome to the forums, and to us :)

Give me a poke ingame, and I'll sort out your invite + forum invite :)

Imsdal 11-03-2012 22:50

And like Nik says, nice application!

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